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KpS Clan
Hey guys this is bballn45(one of the two clan leaders of KpS). I am here to say that |KpS| is an open clan. If you would like to join, make an application on killspersecond.tk . If you would like to hang with us, just search KpS. Thanks
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Good Luck with your clan
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hey bb ^^
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Hey Good luck with your clan brother :D
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Good luck.
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HF and GL.
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GL and HF!
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Good luck! And most importantly.. Have fun!!!!
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Lol finally the forums are back up. Another website I have to check daily :D
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hey balla21... err... bballn45
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Best of luck!
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GL and HF bb45 :)
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I know this may be the stupidest question ever lol but I know what GL stands for (good luck) what does HF stand for? I see people use it all the time.
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Good luck with KpS :)
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I think Have fun ....
GL= Good Luck
HF=Have Fun ( I am not sure )
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it means hi-five maybe..!! :P
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good luck and Have Fun!
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k thanks people cleared it up alot :)
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Felicitations and good luck!
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*Flying ninja high-five with bbaln45!
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good luck, also you might want to post some more about your clan on the first post..
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Dreamer Wrote:hey balla21... err... bballn45
heh... You thought so, too? XD

BB = bye-bye
GN = good night
GL = good luck
HF = have fun
PF = play fair (or pistol frenzy XD)
TC = take care
KB = kick butt
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(30 Jun 10, 04:54PM)DES|V-Man Wrote:
Dreamer Wrote:hey balla21... err... bballn45
heh... You thought so, too? XD

BB = bye-bye
GN = good night
GL = good luck
HF = have fun
PF = play fair (or pistol frenzy XD)
TC = take care
KB = kick butt

All these things are so stupid :D, never saw someone say KB when meaning KB so V-Man (V....na man) is being the weirdo ;d
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Oh! You're right, KB means Kick-ban.
I forgot about a few:
TK = Team-Kill
OS = Open Source (or operating system, AKA DES|OperatingSystem)
CP = Chocolate Pie
MP = Monkey Poo
MM = Ambiguous Troll
NS = Nice is Hot (you CubeScriptorians know what I mean)
FB = Frost Bite
HP = Harry Potter

And then there are these:
TLA = Three-Letter Acronym
CBF = Could Be Flippant
LOL = Leaping On Lions (pronounced "Lawl," often spelled that way too)
IRC = I Really Care (chat technology)
FTW = Fun To Wear
FPS = Fully Portable Soup
BMB = Braid My Backhair
OMB = Oh! My Banana!
RLY = Randomly Located Yankees
SVN = Sparkly Vampires Now
NVM = Never Vex Mael

I don't know if I left any out...
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Alright since this topic is destroyed from my question. :P Ima make a knew one :)
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:/ I didn't want to leave it out, but it wasn't a 2- or 3- letter acronym (TLA).
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