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Wiki Clan List
Note: I am not ZeuZ. ZeuZ is my cousin who doesnt yet have an account. I apologise, i have changed my password. I am very sorry ;/
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(16 Oct 11, 10:54PM)|TNT|Dynamite Wrote: Full name of clan: TNT
Clan Tag: |TNT|

Please provide a screen shot of a 3 vs 3 clan match before I (or anyone) can add your clan to the wiki.
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(17 Oct 11, 01:43AM)X-Ray_Dog Wrote:
(16 Oct 11, 10:54PM)|TNT|Dynamite Wrote: Full name of clan: TNT
Clan Tag: |TNT|

Please provide a screen shot of a 3 vs 3 clan match before I (or anyone) can add your clan to the wiki.

If i may ask why is the 3v3 necessary? Just a question. :P
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(17 Oct 11, 02:08AM)OFFLINE Wrote: If i may ask why is the 3v3 necessary? Just a question. :P

To lessen the spam and to prove you actually have somewhat of an established clan.
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Fair Enough!
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(16 Oct 11, 02:42AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: Gr was already used by an old clan.
It died out, but still.
It can be listed if it wasn't on the wiki list.
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http://wiki.cubers.net/action/view/Aftershock_gamers needs updating
all info can be found at:

eg, current members, forum etc.
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ull name of clan: Destroy Your Hope

Clan Tag: -dyH|

Date your clan was made (in month/d/y format): 9/4/10

Website: http://www.dyhope.tk/

IRC: (Optional) #dyh-clan @ gamesurge.net

Contact: our website and irc

Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match:
[Image: n53p1j.jpg]

Basic clan info:

In the beginning....

-dyH| was founder by wH0pXeR. , who wanted to make a valuable and strong assault cube clan. -dyH| was at a successful start , winning their first few clan matches , hoping to become known in the ac world. -dyH|'s first members where , Snipe2Kill(leader) and bl1zz4rd(co-leader) and they were off to a fast start. Later on they recruited WarHard , MACHETE , upperechelon , Skip (who left |W$N|) , Razta , and happy. Later when 1.1 came out the struggle between staying in 1.0 , or being forced to play 1.1 is what forced the clan to dissolve. upperechelon , Warhard , bl1zz4rd, and Skip became inactive and wH0pXeR. had to shut down the clan due to inactivity.

-dyH| is Reborn!

On 10/7/11 wH0pXeR.(bbaln45) , Nova(OFFLINE) , and Warhard(Ch0s3n.) decided to restart -dyH| to its potential glory once again and -dyH| was reborn . The clan now run's as a council , meaning that all member's have the same power , and all are responsible for their action's as a individual. We accept anybody who:

(a)Shows good sportsmanship
(b)doesn't cheat
©Want's to have a good time

Current Members

upperechelon (Upper)

Founders of your clan (without clantags):
wH0pXeR. (founder)

Current leaders of your clan (without clantags):
None. We run as a council.

Current number of members: 7
Thanks given by:
-dyH| = Done

@Qontrol: For your leaders, I simply added "N/A (Democracy)". If you wish to have something else, please PM me.

@Shorty: It's faster and easier if you would post the information you would like changed or PM a wiki editor. The only reason I ask is that it takes time to go through a website looking for information that needs to be fixed compared to copy and paste :P
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If u need me to edit dyh wiki pm me
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Full name of clan: Teh Four Dimensions
Clan Tag: |4D.|
Date your clan was made (in month/d/y format): 31 Jan 2010
Website: http://4d.enjin.com/
IRC: (Optional): #4dclan @ gamesurge.net/
Contact: Forums
Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match: [Image: dxztib.jpg]
Basic clan info: Welcome to |4D.|. |4D.| Stands for Teh Four Dimensions! We are a Assault Cube clan. We were originally known as {STD} in 2009. It only consisted of Qontrol. In early 2010 it got closed down, and i joined |SK|. Later on that year I had glandula fever and had to quit Assault Cube. In Mid-Late 2011, Qontrol then started, he went through clans quickly and was a founder of -dyH|. Then he decided to make |4D.|

If you would like to join Teh Four Dimensions. Then just fill out an application in our forums. We would love for you to apply. You can also visit our IRC, #4Dclan @ gamesurge.net. You can normally find us in ladders, and pubs. We are looking for players, with experience, whom want to have a good time, and are always in for a match.


The Ladder is currently under development.

Founders of your clan (without clantags): Qontrol, Kontrol
Current leaders of your clan (without clantags): Qontrol, Kontrol
Current number of members: 4

Thanks given by:
(23 Oct 11, 01:39AM)Qontrol Wrote: Full name of clan: Teh Four Dimensions
Clan Tag: |4D.|

The pre-recs require a screenshot of a clan match, what you have is an inter with your members on one side. Get a match against another clan with at least three or more members per side.
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(23 Oct 11, 02:17AM)X-Ray_Dog Wrote:
(23 Oct 11, 01:39AM)Qontrol Wrote: Full name of clan: Teh Four Dimensions
Clan Tag: |4D.|

The pre-recs require a screenshot of a clan match, what you have is an inter with your members on one side. Get a match against another clan with at least three or more members per side.

Ok.. Ill do it asap.
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Is it me or do these new clans always seem to have the same four guys in em?
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Full name of clan: Relation of Ego-Shooter

Clan Tag: RES|

Date your clan was made (in month/d/y format): 01/11/2011

Website: http://www.res-clan.aktivforum.org/

IRC: (Optional) res-relation-clan gamesurge.net

Contact: On website ;)

Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match: http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/8382/20...ouzeto.jpg

Basic clan info: RES| is the relation of german speaking countries (germany,austria & switzerland). It was founded in 2011 (beginning of the year). We are excepting everyone in clan but u have to speak german!

Founders of your clan (without clantags): ParaZero
Current leaders of your clan (without clantags): ParaZero, iDamN, OpenVaron, RealDown, Edward

Current number of members: 19 members

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What do u mean Anderson?
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RES = Revoked
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Ok well, i can not find one at all. :(
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thank you.
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I'm the official Leader of World United Team clan, \WuT/.

(we're registered on assaultwiki => http://wiki.cubers.net/action/view/World_United_Team).
RES|Edward Wrote:Full name of clan: Relation of Ego-Shooter

Clan Tag: RES|

Date your clan was made (in month/d/y format): 01/11/2011

Website: http://www.res-clan.aktivforum.org/

IRC: (Optional) res-relation-clan gamesurge.net

Contact: On website ;)

Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match: http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/8382/20...ouzeto.jpg

Basic clan info: RES| is the relation of german speaking countries (germany,austria & switzerland). It was founded in 2011 (beginning of the year). We are excepting everyone in clan but u have to speak german!

Founders of your clan (without clantags): ParaZero
Current leaders of your clan (without clantags): ParaZero, iDamN, OpenVaron, RealDown, Edward

Current number of members: 19 members

This screenshot is a fake ! "Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match: http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/8382/20...ouzeto.jpg".

There are NO WuT members called "Freak Querzz Creaper".

Check on our website : http://wut-team.com

RES|, I don't know what's your team, but you musn't use my tag to make your team registered on assaultwiki, this is unacceptable !!

Dear X-Ray_Dog, I hope you'll be able to do something.
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Taking care of this via PM. Please, no more replies unless you want a clan added to the wiki.
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(26 Apr 11, 05:38PM)-X$-Snifer[FR] Wrote: [Image: 8897326.png]
Full name of clan: Xtrem Soldiers
Clan Tag: -X$-
Date your clan was made: Saturday, November 27th, 2010
Website: http://xtremsoldiers.com/
Contact: xtremsoldiers@hotmail.fr
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match: http://i22.servimg.com/u/f22/15/92/26/77/matchs10.jpg
Founders of your clan: -X$-Snifer[FR]
Current leaders of your clan: -X$-Snifer[FR], -X$-Tonio.fr, -X$-Kedeinydd
Current number of members: 50 Members

it would be to change my details:

Full name of clan: Mec Ak Killer
Clan Tag: [MAK]
Date your clan was made: Saturday, October 27th, 2011
Website: http://mecakkiller.frenchboard.com/
Contact: mecakkiller@hotmail.fr
Founders of your clan: xYuKe
Current leaders of your clan: xYuKe, TaKeNzZ
Current number of members: + 5 Members

Thanks You

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(28 Oct 11, 12:34PM)-X$-Snifer[FR] Wrote: hello,
it would be to change my details:

Full name of clan: Mec Ak Killer
Clan Tag: [MAK]

I myself have to say that you need to provide another screen shot of a 3v3 since this is a new clan and you are not making edits as -X$- anymore. My thoughts. Provide one and I myself can have your edits done shortly :)
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Full name of clan:Seal Team 6
Clan Tag:|ST6|
Date your clan was made (in month/d/y format):10/7/2011
IRC: (Optional) #ST6Chat
Contact:colecisawesome@gmail.com (elocsitrucs) pokey987@hotmail.com (acrippledkids)
Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match:
Founders of your clan (without clantags): acrippledkid and elocsitruc
Current leaders of your clan (without clantags): acrippledkid and elocsitruc
Current number of members: 14
info: |ST6| was created on oct. 7 2011 after |FOX| clan died. acrippledkid and elocsitruc have been playing ac for about a year now and deiced to create a clan of there own. and they named that clan |ST6| (seal team 6). acrippledkid and elocsitruc hope the clan will be know through out the assault cube community in some time. they also want to help out new players and meet new exciting people.

Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match: (coming soon)

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(29 Oct 11, 08:09AM)acrippledkid Wrote: IRC: (Optional) #ST6Chat

You should also state what server you are connected to, otherwise that title makes no sense.

Quote: Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match:
Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match: (coming soon)

I can't do anything without this.
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Provide the required data:
Full name of clan: AvitoX Gaming
Clan Tag: AvX>
Date your clan was made: 07/20/2010
Website: http://AvitoX.net/
IRC: Ventrilo: vt.avitox.net:44177
Contact: avitoxgaming@gmail.com
Basic clan info: We are a danish clan that are playing many games. We have a lot of fun, and allways happy to take new danish members in! :D
Founders of your clan: ComKat & Fragomatic
Current leaders of your clan: ComKat & Fragomatic
Current number of members: About 20
Thanks given by:
(14 Nov 11, 09:14AM)ComKat Wrote: Provide the required data:
Full name of clan: AvitoX Gaming
Clan Tag: AvX>

You also need A screen shot of a 3 vs 3 Clan match. Get members and find a match and provide the screen shot so you can get added.

Quote:Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match:
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(14 Nov 11, 09:34AM)X-Ray_Dog Wrote:
(14 Nov 11, 09:14AM)ComKat Wrote: Provide the required data:
Full name of clan: AvitoX Gaming
Clan Tag: AvX>

You also need A screen shot of a 3 vs 3 Clan match. Get members and find a match and provide the screen shot so you can get added.

Quote:Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match:

We had a for fun match 3v3 from avitox today, is taht ok to use?
Image locatation: http://avitox.net/acfight.jpg
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It's perfect.

AvX> : Done
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Full name of clan: LimoNade
Clan Tag: |LN|
Date your clan was made (in 01.11.11):
Website: http://limonade.xobor.de/
IRC: (Optional) ---
Contact: nade.limo@web.de
Basic clan info:
I made my Clan (|LN|) on 01.11.11 and would be a nice and realy good Clan in teamplaying. I made the Clan because I thoght I and my Team could show the another Clans new Tactics and Basics in teamplaying. But my biggest think was to make my Clan to made a real hard Team in AssaultCube.
I got the name (LimoNade/|LN|) if i had the name on YouTube (EureLimo/ thats in english Your Lemonade). EureLimo i got because i liked the game "Limbo", a nice game for only Xbox360. I called "Limbo" evry time Limo, and so i got him. Like my name (.EL. = EureLimo = YourLemonade)...
Founders of your clan (without clantag): .EL.
Current leaders of your clan (without clantags): .EL.
Current number of members: 3 (With the Leader they are 4...)

Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match:

[Image: 418124545.jpg]
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