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Wiki Clan List
Thanks given by:
[Image: 8897326.png]
Full name of clan: Xtrem Soldiers
Clan Tag: -X$-
Date your clan was made: Saturday, November 27th, 2010
Website: http://xtremsoldiers.com/
Contact: xtremsoldiers@hotmail.fr
Founders of your clan: -X$-Snifer[FR]
Current leaders of your clan: -X$-Snifer[FR], -X$-Tonio.fr
Current number of members: 29 Members

Thanks given by:
Please supply us a link to a 3v3 clan match with your clan.
Thanks given by:
[Image: 20110213.jpg]
[Image: i10.jpg]
[Image: 20110214.jpg]
[Image: 20110216.jpg]
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None of those are a 3v3 against another clan.
So like 3 -X$- on a team against an other clan.
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# Clan Tag: [PSY]
# Date your clan was made: Dec 12, 2010
# Website: http://psyclan.webnode.com/
# IRC: (Optional): psyworld @ freenode
# Contact: http://psyclan.webnode.com/contact-us/
# Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match:
[Image: large]
# Basic clan info: Worldwide Assault Cube Clan, 2 24/7 servers,
# Founders of your clan: [PSY]Death
# Current leaders of your clan: [PSY]Death, [PSY]Regnit, [PSY]pwnmeister
# Current number of members: 11

Pls, include our clan in the wiki.


skype: psyclan
Thanks given by:
•Full name of clan: Kauhavan Ampujat
•Clan Tag: KA:
•Date your clan was made: 9.12.2009
•Website: www.netikka.net/kona26/ac
•IRC: (Optional) #ka-clan @ quakenet
•Contact: Sambu, Konstalainen (e-mails)
•Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match: http://img215.imageshack.us/i/2011031821...potct.jpg/
•Basic clan info: IRL-clan, playing for fun and love to the game, elite
•Founders of your clan: Sambu & Konstalainen
•Current leaders of your clan: Sambu & Konstalainen
•Current number of members: 8

Thanks given by:
That is one dinky image :/
Thanks given by:
[Image: 8897326.png]
Full name of clan: Best Gibbers
Clan Tag: |B-G|
Date your clan was made: Saturday, November 27th, 2010
Website: http://www.bg-ac.com/
Contact: jerempic@hotmail.fr
Founders of your clan: |B-G|Jerem[Fr]
Current leaders of your clan: |B-G|Jerem[Fr], |B-G|eli613, |B-G|Linou
Current number of members: 20 Members
[Image: 15795152846748_bg_vs_f.jpg]
Thanks given by:
AMP is inactive and should be taken off the list. (Last activity was2 Months ago) --> http://ampclanac.webs.com/
Thanks given by:
Full name of clan: Chaos Elite Warriors
Clan Tag: ~[CeW]~
Date your clan was made: 16.08.2010
Website: http://chaoselitewarriors.tk/
IRC: http://cew.cwsurf.de/index.php?page=Chat#room1-Lobby
Contact: chaoselitewarriors@ymail.com
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match:

[Image: 606317.jpg]

Basic clan info: many clan Faker
Founders of your clan: ~[CeW]~Chill and ~[CeW]~Bong
Current leaders of your clan: ~[CeW]~Chill and ~[CeW]~Bong
Current Co-leaders of your clan: ~[CeW]~MasterTT and ~[CeW]~Executor
Current number of members: about 40
Thanks given by:
The wrong thread is stickied...
Thanks given by:
What Viper?

Oh, sorry ya'll I missed these. Doing them right away.
Thanks given by:
DONE: Psychopaths Shooting You
KA, I need some confirmation that your clan is still active. Posting here would be fine.
DONE: Best Gibbers
DONE:Chaos Elite Warriors
Thanks given by:
full name of clan:Only3
Clan Tag:O3|,|OnLy3|

Date your clan was made: 22-02-2010
Website: www.only3.tk
IRC: http://only3.tk/irc.php
Contact: clan@only3.tk
Screenshots of a 3x3 clan match: http://only3.tk/wars.php
Basic clan info: Run, hide or die!!!
Founders of your clan: O3|Marreira, O3|Nocu
Current leaders of your clan: O3|Bench.
Current number of members: 4, [O3|Sick., O3|Infect, O3|Bench., O3|Spartan´]
Thanks given by:
Full name of clan: Digital Reborn
Clan Tag: |dR|
Date your clan was made: 20/04/11
Website: http://digital-reborn.vanillaforums.com/
IRC: (Optional) #digital-reborn ( Gamesurge)
Contact: gui2.ahu@hotmail.fr
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match: http://i53.tinypic.com/2akdwnr.jpg
Basic clan info: dR play for fun first but with a lot of skill
Founders of your clan: AtoMikK (Jekill) , Reedie
Current leaders of your clan: AtoMikK, Reedie
Current number of members: 6 ( Honor, Picadilly, Arnaud, Nobody)
Thanks given by:
[Image: 8897326.png]
Full name of clan: Xtrem Soldiers
Clan Tag: -X$-
Date your clan was made: Saturday, November 27th, 2010
Website: http://xtremsoldiers.com/
Contact: xtremsoldiers@hotmail.fr
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match: http://i22.servimg.com/u/f22/15/92/26/77/matchs10.jpg
Founders of your clan: -X$-Snifer[FR]
Current leaders of your clan: -X$-Snifer[FR], -X$-Tonio.fr, -X$-Kedeinydd
Current number of members: 50 Members
Thanks given by:
(26 Apr 11, 05:38PM)-X$-Snifer Wrote: Current number of members: 50 Members

For the love of god, please say that's an extra zero...

EDIT: Delete this post if you would like to, mods.
Thanks given by:
(26 Apr 11, 09:21PM)VenteX Wrote: For the love of god, please say that's an extra zero...

Please dont comment here. Just makes it a messier board.

Snifer[FR], How many clans are you going to ask me to add? This seems to be the second clan you are asking me to add.

@Someone who knows french, can you please translate my question well? (not google translate)
Thanks given by:
Regarding what VenteX said if this is applicable at all..

Thanks given by:
(27 Apr 11, 12:08AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote:
(26 Apr 11, 09:21PM)VenteX Wrote: For the love of god, please say that's an extra zero...

Please dont comment here. Just makes it a messier board.

Snifer[FR], How many clans are you going to ask me to add? This seems to be the second clan you are asking me to add.

@Someone who knows french, can you please translate my question well? (not google translate)

I'm sorry this is the last team I put ;)

[Image: 8897326.png]
Full name of clan: Xtrem Soldiers
Clan Tag: -X$-
Date your clan was made: Saturday, November 27th, 2010
Website: http://xtremsoldiers.com/
Contact: xtremsoldiers@hotmail.fr
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match: http://i22.servimg.com/u/f22/15/92/26/77/matchs10.jpg
Our Old Logo: http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/9408741.png
Founders of your clan: -X$-Snifer[FR]
Current leaders of your clan: -X$-Snifer[FR], -X$-Tonio.fr, -X$-Kedeinydd
Current number of members: 30 Members -X$-
Thanks given by:
This is differrent from Xtrem Warriors?
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yes, B-G and X$ are 2 clans, and they have nothing to do with xW

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We are alliances with |B-G| and \WUT/

It's not my team |B-G|

problem: http://i22.servimg.com/u/f22/15/92/26/77/sans_t13.jpg
Thanks given by:
you excluded entirely |B-G| and save -X$-
Thanks given by:
Full name of clan: Serial Weapons
Clan Tag:|S.w*
Date your clan was made: 02/04/2011
Website: http://serial-weapons.forum-pro.fr/
Contact: waylander6259@hotmail.fr
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match:
Founders of your clan:HeAdLo$t|S.w*
Current leaders of your clan: HeAdLo$t|S.w* Nat$u.U|S.w*
Current number of members: 10 members
Thanks given by:
DONE: Only3
DONE: Digital Reborn
DONE: Xtrem Soldiers
DONE: Serial Weapons

I am now wanting the clan member names without clantags. So the Serial weapons one would look like:

Quote:Founders of your clan:HeAdLo$t
Current leaders of your clan: HeAdLo$t, Nat$u.U

I would also like the date in a Month Day Year format. The month being spelled out.
Such like this: November 27th, 2010

Thanks given by:
it has a small problem Xtrem soldiers is in the letter W


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Ronald, why is this thread no longer stickied?
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I thought I only unstickied the other outdated one?

Sticked again.

Sorry, apparently I dont know my ABCs, even when they are right in front of me.

Both problems should be fixed.
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