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Lucid Dreams
Hey guys, in my insomnia nights i was searching for some interesting stuff and found Lucid Dreams.

But what is a Lucid Dream ?
- A Lucid Dream is a dream that you are aware that you are dreaming, that means you can use that for your 'advantage', using things like "light speed", "floating", or simply relax, enjoy. This are even related with Sleep Paralysis and more.

This are even related to religion aspects, as Gnoticism and probably others.
Any of you guys heard about this or even about the history of 'Dream' itself ? It's quite interesting.

Here are some interesting links.

Lucid Dreams @ Wikipedia
Gnosticism @ Wikipedia (Portuguese)

And here are some curious stuff about dreams :

What you cant do when you are dreaming :

- See what time is it
- See your reflection in a mirror
- Read a phrase
- Know what day of the month is
- Remember where you sleeped before dreamed
- Hold your breath
- Walk by side
- Dream that you are dreaming
- Be teleported to where you wanna go
- Dream that you died and keep dreaming

* If you any of this when you are awake, your brain will 'familiarize' with this and its an easier way to have a Lucid Dream.

* For exemple , when you are awake, you are certain that you are awake. Your conscience tells you this when you are awake and when you are sleeping, that's why you feel that some dreams are real. When you look to the watch and argue if that's real or not when you are awake, when you are sleeping you 'can' conclude that the watch its not real, and enter in a Lucid Dream.

How to Lucid Dream - Explaining

The page above can explain and make you have a Lucid Dream. My suggestion is to watch the first video, then watch it again with your eyes closed, and watch the second only before you sleep.

Hard to understand ? I tried to make it very quick, and maybe there is some mistakes there. Someone who understands about this or other psychological subjects please pronunciate :)
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I have always been incredibly intrigued by dreams. It's so amazing how even after so much time, scientists still haven't been able to fully understand dreams. Thanks for this post, and I will surely take a look at the Lucid Dream info :)
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So in a nutshell, meaning of Lucid Dreams is that when you're dreaming, there's no physical or sosial limitations. The hard part is memorize these dreams. Good way is to keep diary or put an alarm clock to wake you from the REM sleep.

And by the way CoxA, that " How to Lucid Dream - Explaining " link is broken.
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I've had lucid dreams before.
@ pweaks: Probably a more accurate definition would be "dreams wherein the dreamer is aware of dreaming and is able to affect the dream at will."

I've researched them a bit as well, and have come to believe that their purpose is to allow your conscious to settle a grudge-match with your subconscious. Quite a valuable opportunity, really.

I have done a few of those things...
CoxA Wrote:- Remember where you sleeped before dreamed
- Dream that you are dreaming
- Be teleported to where you wanna go
- Dream that you died and keep dreaming
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(12 Dec 10, 11:31AM)pweaks Wrote: And by the way CoxA, that " How to Lucid Dream - Explaining " link is broken.
here is the link :
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I fixed it in the original post. ;-)
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Sorry for the broken link... And about the things you can't do, maybe you just tought you done this in dreams, but you didn't, i don't know.

@V-Man, how was your Lucid Dream ?
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i am a former lucid dreamer.

i have had 2 propper lucid dreams...i need to do more reality checks, would like to get back to lucid dreaming.
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Very interesting, watched the videos and will again before I go to bed:)
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Hah, I've had several. The most memorable one was when I was in fourth grade. My teacher always made us run laps during recess, so we never got to actually enjoy it.
In my dream, we were running laps and I suddenly realized I was dreaming, so I stopped running and went to the playground to swing or something. My teacher was getting mad at me, so I said some rude things to him and explained that it was just a dream and he wasn't real. I woke up on the verge of busting out laughing.
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(12 Dec 10, 07:26PM)DES|V-Man Wrote: I woke up on the verge of busting out laughing.

Lucid Dreams are lost the moment u wake up
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[Image: inception-wallpaper-full-movie-online-free.jpg]
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(12 Dec 10, 07:44PM)SiL3nT Wrote:
(12 Dec 10, 07:26PM)DES|V-Man Wrote: I woke up on the verge of busting out laughing.

Lucid Dreams are lost the moment u wake up

i remembered mine just fine...

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@Mael: That's also what I thought while skimming through the wikipedia article.
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I have only had a couple lucid dreams, but I have a friend who reports he has them all the time.
I think the only reason as to why you say you never remember them is because you always fall out of your REM cycle by the time you wake up. Some magik-memory-erase fluid gets in your brain somewhere and gets rid of these. However, if you wake up in REM, which is the stage of sleep closest to waking, you will remember your dreams 99% of the time.
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I've heard that the reason we forget dreams is mostly that since during the REM cycle we are so deeply asleep (we can't even move during REM; that is called Sleep Paralysis), the brain isn't focused on remembering what you are dreaming, but is more like just letting the dream wash over your brain.

When you wake up it may happen that you don't remember anything at all, even though every night you can have from 4 to 7 dreams. You don't necessarily need to wake up during REM sleep to remember your dream, though it does help to remember it with more details.

Anyways, I've also heard that once you wake up if you first before moving a muscle, think of what you dreamed and process it, it helps remembering it. This way you can move some of your dream memories into a place in your brain where it is easier to remember for some more time. Then write down all you can remember in a paper as fast as you can about your dream. Doing this after a few nights can actually help you remember your dreams easier. You even forget 90% of your dream about 5 minutes after waking up.
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(13 Dec 10, 03:51AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: You even forget 90% of your dream about 5 minutes after waking up.

That's totally true :D
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I've had a lot of these kind of dreams, to anyone reading I can tell is that one thing you have to remember when you realize you're dreaming is not to get too excited about it, excitement is a dream breaker and wakes you up.

Now why would you get excited about in a dream? because of all the possibilities of exploring a totally new world that changes on every occasion the only limitation are those imposed by the conscious mind rules that you have to learn to put aside, like gravity, wallhacking(yup honestly you can walk through walls), another rule like you can't fly but in these dreams you actually can, you can also transform objects around you in to something else.

Most of the time these dreams are extremely fun and interesting to explore, the problem is like I sad, remain calm, don't make sudden aggressive movements like looking around rapidly or try to run. Some other rare dreams can be apprehensive and scary but I don't really think by external influences other than your own mind, yet I was once taken on a car ride, my driver wouldn't let me see his face, a very strange one but that wasn't really a bad ride at all.
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had a lucid dream last night! SCORE!
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You might be an AssaultCuber when you have a dream about walking through walls and call it "wallhack."

You know for sure you are if you feel guilty for cheating in this way. :-P
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I have been trying on and off now to get more lucid dreams.

One of the keys is practicing to remember your dreams. Before you go off to sleep just tell yourself that you are awake now, you will be sleeping and dreaming, and that you will remember your dreams. When you wake up, try to remember the dream(s) from the end back to the beginning.
Writing down your dreams helps to traing remembering them too.

This works pretty fast, usually within days. You will be surprised how much you actually dream.

Then, do those reality checks during the daytime, but make sure you really conciously do this. I always use the method of holding your nose shut, then trying to breathe through it. If you dream, you will still breathe.

I happen to have some points in my dreams when I realize I dream, but mostly the excitement wakes me, or I lose it. I have had more success though lately. Once I managed to fly over a fence :) The best dream so far was dreaming of a swimming pool, and while I went in, I realized I dreamed. I went to dive, and realized I could just breathe under water - it was such an amazing feeling, because I could sense my body breathing, while diving in my dream. Bubbles came out of my mouth when I breathed out :)

I will try to get more into it in the future, but you have to work for it.
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Whenever I'm underwater in a dream, a bubble forms around my mouth as I exhale. When I breathe in, the bubble shrinks. It's a convenient way to keep from drowning. :D
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Lucid dreams for 47.76 EUR. No thanks.

The problem of dreams is connected with question what is "I". I cannot find in my brain what is "I" and it is bigger problem for me. I was thinking how defeat mortality by typing and painting, just mapping my brain to paper and hoping that in future will be somebody able to reconstruct me and i will just wake up after deathly sleep. By DNA will be possible to construct my body but that brain. I study artificial intelligence now (i realized sometimes is better don't know), so i am a bit depressive about reconstruction of my brain but i will inform you if i will discover something. :)
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(13 Dec 10, 07:33PM)Alien Wrote: Lucid dreams for 47.76 EUR. No thanks.

The problem of dreams is connected with question what is "I". I cannot find in my brain what is "I" and it is bigger problem for me. I was thinking how defeat mortality by typing and painting, just mapping my brain to paper and hoping that in future will be somebody able to reconstruct me and i will just wake up after deathly sleep. By DNA will be possible to construct my body but that brain. I study artificial intelligence now (i realized sometimes is better don't know), so i am a bit depressive about reconstruction of my brain but i will inform you if i will discover something. :)

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A russian song...soooo relevant to this topic because?
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If your entire being and identity is composed of mere organic gadgetry and random synapse firings, then your proposal may have some value.
I happen to believe there's more to being human than that, though. ;-)
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The body and brain are a vessel for the soul. I don't think remodelling both, even if it were possible to do so down to the last atom would duplicate or bring back the same being.
A similar being, eventually. If I had myself cloned, my clone could have the same ways of thinking, feeling, talents and errors - but that wouldn't be me, because I were still around. And if I were dead, that guy wouldn't be me either.

Face it, Alien: We are all gonna die. It sucks, I know.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7-60tyLQ...re=channel :P
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Oh! The little solo at the end made me cry a little. Awesome song. Am meisten trau, wirklich.
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I almost got one today, but when i realized that i was dreaming i got too excited and it didn't worked. hahaha
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