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How to record
I'm a bit new here, so can anyone by chance tell me what program I should use to record gameplay? I'm obviously looking for good quality, but I need to make sure it won't lag my games when I'm actually playing.
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The best idea is to download the demo of the game, and then record the gameplay from the demo. This will also allow you to take scenes from neat angles and stuff :D

As for the actual program: What is your OS?
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Zarj is totally right.
This is the 4th or 5th nearly identical thread on this subject in the last two weeks - Kamikaze I'd suggest you use the forum-search and also your favourite web-search .. then come back to us here with details about your system (like Zarj asked) and specific questions related to AC.
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Good point... I use Windows Vista and I don't need fancy camera angles.
So what is the demo of the game mean?
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It's similar to Theatre mode of Halo or CoD: you can fly around and view the game from any player's perspective.
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Though you don't need fancy camera angles, you get them anyway. :-P
Pressing F10 will download the demo of the previous game on a server. It will save as a .dmo file in your "demos" folder.
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(13 Dec 10, 04:31AM)DES|V-Man Wrote: Though you don't need fancy camera angles, you get them anyway. :-P
Like /maxroll 100000000 ?
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My tummy feels funny...
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You have to be connected to the server, and F10 will only download the latest game.
Typing /listdemos will display a list of demos available for download. Depending on the server, it might be any number of demos previous to the one being recorded as you sit in that server.
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I didn’t know that you could download a game through the demo of the game!! That is a cool way and as observed, helps you to see the game from any player’s perspective!! Must remember that the next time I download a game!! I must say that we get some excellent tips from the forum!!
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erm... no, you can't download a demo through a different demo. You have to be connected to the server you'll be downloading the demo from -- so you can't be watching a demo at the time.
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