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Walkthrough to create a server
Can i get a walkthrough on how to make a server on Assault Cube version for Windows? Anybody? Thank you,

Mod edit: Split post to its own thread. Please don't post your requests in someone else's thread (which had no relevance), KidCuDi. Thanks.
Another Mod edit: warned for cross-posting, thread hijacking, and grave-digging.
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All the concepts in the 1.0.4 guide still apply http://wiki.cubers.net/images/4/43/Idiotsguide104.pdf. Make sure to read up on the updated server switches.
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If you already have your ports forward, and allowing AC pass your firewall then do these steps...

1) go to you computers "Program Files" folder (located in "OS(C:)")
2) open AssaultCube_v1.1.0.4 (I think, lawlz)
3) click the "Server_wizard" thing. Type: Windows Batch File
4) Set it up!

it will ask for the following:
Server description: (put whatever you like)
Message of the day: (again, whatever)
Maximum clients: (# of ppl u want allowed in your server)
Administrator password: (again, whatever)
Server port: (5 numbers)

Private server setting:
Public server <yes/no>: (I would type yes so others can join)
Player password: (leave blank unless you know what that is) ;)
Additional sever switches: (http://assault.cubers.net/docs/commandli...rverswitch)
(study that link above^^ for knowing what switches are)
Win service name: (again, unless you know what it is leave blank)

Then it will tell you if it succeeded or failed, mine does fail because my computer sux! But yours might work! =)

-hope I helped! ;)
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