--> -->
/surv and /tsurv
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Actually, it's /lms and /ts, but good try.
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Jamz, that's at least the second time you've had to point that out. But it wouldn't hurt to add them.
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haha, I've added the more intuitive /surv and /tsurv to my aliases.
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wait no surv and tsurv?

EDIT: Well I must have added them myself ages ago and forgotten about them. Only just realised that my 1.1 didn't have them :/
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New ideas from me:
1) CubeScript access to accuracy stats

2) CubeScript access to pstat stats mid-round (due to disconnect or other things)

3) "for" loop (some script techniques render the classic "loop" command useless, and "while" is too prone to game crash) -- or make "while" immune to game crash?
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Here's one I made in the constructive thread:
(02 Nov 10, 04:23AM)JMM Wrote: I still think the nades shouldn't actually bounce off people... if I hit someone in the head with the nade, the nade should drop pretty much at his feet, not bounce some ~25 cubes back in my face.

I should actually post this in the ideas thread.

Also, I'd like to see a longbow or some other projectile weapon, but I think longbow would be... more interesting ^^
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Dear moderators.

For this christmas I want to see my ratio in the player stats again.

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Ratio could be calculated with a pstat script.

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Coming soon to a script near you!
Among a hundred other things. :D
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several admins on one server type to an admin type / setadmin an instance the other type / 2 setadmin example
and other / 3 setadmin example 3 admins on a server = D[font=[/font]Arial]
several admins on one server type to an admin type / setadmin an instance the other type / 2 setadmin example
and other / 3 setadmin example 3 admins on a server = D
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There really isn't any reason for multiple admins. If one player has admin status and another needs it to do something, /setadmin pass claims admin status from them.
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I'd like a way to tell the difference between
1) a string in conline made by the game engine itself
2) a string in conline made by a user's name or chat
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On that idea, I would like some kind of general filtering.
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Command to output a list of all textures, mapmodels, and sounds used in the map in play to a text file.
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Output of any number of things to a text file, for that matter. :D

But as for your specific idea,
/listmapdependencies (curmap)
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Is there a way to get the old font colours back? I don't mean the fonts themselves, I mean the actual colours. IDK if the blue and green were changed, but instead of the subtle, easy-on-the eyes yellow that we had in 1.04 we have this overly bright, saturated yellow that makes all fonts look sort of plastic-y. If there's no way to get them back, I'd like this at least as an option for the next release.
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Or we could specify our own values for each color. Then the colors that exist may be tweaked, disabled, or new ones created.
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heh, that'd be cool.
echo (c 0xffb000)This color is probably a bit easier on your eyes.
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Have an option for /suicide to have your character explode, "the gib effect". I find it more appealing to see the chunks flying about when I die then just seeing my guy start floating down...
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Believe it or not, I wanted that today Thorite :)
I dont care about the option, maybe just do it automatically.
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Got another one. In the sounds menu there is no option to turn off the music that is played while you have a flag. I for one listen to music while I play and having the flag music bash with my lovely soul music while running back to base isn't very pleasant.
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/musicvol 0
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Ah ty, but do other sounds also have that option?

One thing i noticed on ac_complex is that there is a spawn right on top of a helmet spawn. Really? What if I don't want to pick up armor, it gives away ones position at a crucial point in a deathmatch type mode, being unnoticed.

Another thing, /particlesize, its was nice to have those big entity colorful balls when its at 500 but it leaves the muzzleflash, bullet impact effect, and sniper smoke too big. Maybe separate commands for all of them?
Super big muzzle flash = http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk290...1289942266
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For the other sounds, you can edit sounds.cfg, but it wouldn't be hard to script a menu for this.
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Sniper smoke trail isn't particle-based, check \packages\misc\smoke.png
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(16 Nov 10, 11:13PM)GeneralDisarray Wrote: Sniper smoke trail isn't particle-based
Excuse me?

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(17 Nov 10, 05:22PM)tempest Wrote:
(16 Nov 10, 11:13PM)GeneralDisarray Wrote: Sniper smoke trail isn't particle-based
Excuse me?
no , excuse me :)
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This is /particlesize 20 - http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk290...1290023566
and /particlesize 500 - http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk290...1290023572

Also found out about /maxtrail at 0 there's no smoke (people should really start to use this, makes the game harder and more fun).
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Didn't realise the scale of the smoke.png is controlled by /particlesize :/ "Proper" particles like wall shots and blood spurts is what I had in mind (ie many tiny blobs vs hand-crafted texture smoke).

/maxtrail controls how many "puffs" of smoke can there be, you can try low values like 20 or less for rarified trails. Would be nice to have a single longer lasting fat tracer (like other weapons) as an option.
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