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reward system
ok sooo i was sitting down yesterday, watching some videos from a few games: combat arms, counterstrike, mw, mw2, mw:bo. anyway, i noticed something similar in all of them that made them "shine" to me.

And that is the reward system, or wtvr they call it. like when u get more than one kill, a message pops up on your screen with a cool looking icon or text saying one of these:

[Image: allesh.jpg]

or a special medal like when u get a specific kill and it says something like: [Image: blackops.jpg]

is it possible to achieve this
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I like in combat arms when you shot a guy in the balls you get "Nutshot" and they die holding there nuts.

But in AC i don't want a reward system
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they could have a system like this, but with an option to toggle it on and off.
default off though. good idea.
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Ac is good how it is, simple.
But i like the idea :P
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read roadmap.
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dooo eeet
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Isn't that kind of what the "headshot" voice is, gently in the background? How much of an ego-stroking do you want? Flashing banners all over the screen might get tiresome.

How about an end-of-game summary:
"Most Valuable Player" (whatever that means)
"Best Nutshot"
"Best Headshot"
"Most gibs"
"Most snipes"
"Most splatters" etc etc.
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Medals are already in misc , but dev don't use this (why?).
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well, we got combo, combo x2, multicombo and multicombo x2. /hudextras 1 or 2
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but the positsion of combo , combo x2 etc... could be another .
like near to radar , and text should be bigger (of combos and stuff)
and killing messages should be like this :
[Image: Untitled_2.jpg]
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(18 Nov 10, 07:26AM)Vermi Wrote: I like in combat arms when you shot a guy in the balls you get "Nutshot" and they die holding there nuts.

But in AC i don't want a reward system

haha i love the nutshot xD
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(18 Nov 10, 06:23PM)Robtics Wrote: well, we got combo, combo x2, multicombo and multicombo x2...
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AC is better simple.
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is it possible to make a script that makes a message pop up when u get a headshot. But like not just normal font, u can choose ur own icon?
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Good! I like those in the first post!

I'd like something like 'Psycho!' or similar instead of Shot of God!
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I hate these messages :P

especially the new in AC

"Awaiting permission to spawn"


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MONSTER COMBO!!! is reward enough.
[Image: monstercombo.png]
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(19 Nov 10, 07:23PM)Atrimos Wrote: I hate these messages :P

especially the new in AC

"Awaiting permission to spawn"



i get that everytime i try to play on ac_toxic. anybody else have that problem?
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JGAN, your ac_toxic is the incorrect version. This link will give you all the official map versions, tarred and gzipped. Just unpack it into packages/maps/official.
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The only thing I hate about these message is that the DONT PANIC! isnt in the center of "Awaiting permission to spawn"
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(19 Nov 10, 11:24PM)jamz Wrote: JGAN, your ac_toxic is the incorrect version. This link will give you all the official map versions, tarred and gzipped. Just unpack it into packages/maps/official.

ok thanks :]
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its possible to script something to display those msg in the console using cubescript, thats the best you can get without touching the source.
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where do i find the cubescript?
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(24 Nov 10, 08:15PM)macm Wrote: @jakedisaster
its possible to script something to display those msg in the console using cubescript, thats the best you can get without touching the source.

Is someone willing?

BTW jake, I doubt you will be able to simply learn cubescript in a day and carry on with the script, it would be far better for you to find an experienced scripter.
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cubescript isn't that hard, give it a try ;) visit #cubescript @ gamesurge.

i've already made a script like that for snipersh0t, but i lost it, i will make something soon if i have the time.
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Ask Bukz, he and I are working on a script that does that and more. You can put in your own kill-streak messages, too. :D
Those are going to be mine. XD
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I guess we could cubescript an easily hackable client side reward system that goes more in-depth than the kill streak feature. :P

Here is a current round stats dump of a recent test of mine. :)

It was TDM ac_toxic btw, I wouldn't camp that hard... \:D

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Someone should make a little flash game with different levels where you have to make scripts so you can learn :D
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No, let's make a Cubescript text game.
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