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i made small "fun map" called ac_ljump :)

[Image: map.jpg]


these numbers (13,14,15 etc) are length of cubes how long this jump is.
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You should make a 30 jump with grenades!
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oh , good idea xD , i made it for Knives :)
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[Image: 20101113215521acljumpdm.jpg]
[Image: 20101113215532acljumpdm.jpg]
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Can someone explain to me where the challenge lies? I found zero challenge.
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i dont get it
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The challenge is in thinking up new kinds of gema under the new map restrictions. XD
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Well, I have yet to see a gema (or trickjump map, really) that actually makes proper use of ac's physics. Especially since 1.1, the height boost from in-air-crouch and the edge-jumping should allow some really tricky stuff.

Try edge jumping on complex from the armour crate to the window, twist around, combine it with an AR jump... now that's what I call tricky, you know...
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No sweat! :D Can you do the second trick I did in that demo?
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Nice :) Yes, did it on my 5th try.. not too hard, but still fun. I find the first one much harder, but it might depend on sensitivity - with a high sens it's easier to turn I guess...
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Aye, that demo was my fourth try. Interesting that both successes were on the same demo! :D
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I can jump around 25 cubes just with the AR so with grenades... ;)
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but jump 20 C's with only knive :)
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only knife! :s
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I tried to create once gema map and i found it hard. it would be nice if some creator of these type of map comes here and define all tricks which he used. Finishing gema is hard for me too, i am not quite good with AR and i get nervous very easily. But i found gema for example in tutorials in quake live.

AR + derection of shooting + strafe jump + nade + and new (crouch) + timing therefore these shit maps are so popular...

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Tricks of GEMA: invisible wall (heightfield glitch), one-way wall (heightfield glitch), clips you can fall through, grenade jumps, freestanding ladders that let you walk in the air, "crouch mazes". Those are all I can think of.
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