--> -->
Amazing FPS!
Well I went from having around 100+ FPS to absolutely demolishing the FPS range.
Don't know how or why my FPS is like this but I have a screenshot and it seems to stay the same.

Anyone know why or how my FPS is like this? surely it won't be like that really but its a real turn on looking at it xD

[Image: 20101110050235acdesert3.png]
I swear on anything this is not an edit all I did was crop the page as it was to big of a file to upload, plus the rest was pointless accept for the FPS part.

*Sorry for the pointless thread*

Thanks given by:
21.47 MHz?
Thanks given by:
Something wonked up 9_9
Did those low-res commands work? :DD
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I have everything on the lowest res and i never get more than 120s :/
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It's a bug that happens sometimes if you change maxfps/vsync settings. You don't have that framerate actually. Will be fixed soon.
Thanks given by:
Yes they worked Gibstick, I gained about 50 fps.
I am running around 150 now :)
Thank you.

Thanks makkE, I realized it just fixed it self yesterday :)
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I would love to have that much fps :'(
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would be good if someone made a "ultimate fps config" which had all the commands set that can raise your fps rate, please do this!
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Better to type these in-game or else the confirmation box will pop up each time you execute the commands that need resetgl.
maxfps 0
texreduce -1
dynlight 0
dynshadow 0
lighterror 100
gibnum 0
blood 0
hudgun 0
vsync 0
Then add these options to your launcher:
-b16 -z24
Finally, turn down your resolution.
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applydialog 0
and here's your ULTIMATE FPS CONFIG, Yata! ;-)
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V-man, could you paste the code here pl000x? Akimbo is being gay as usual... -.-
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dynlight also turns of shadows I believe. http://assault.cubers.net/docs/reference...r_dynlight
Thanks given by:
Pasted here for those who struggle with akimbo:
// FPS booster menu by DES|V-Man
// WARNING: Back up your init.cfg and saved.cfg files before using this!
// I did not make an "undo" part in the check boxes; if you check a box and want to undo the change, you'll need to manually change the setting back to what you want!

newmenu "FPS Booster 1"
menuitem "Some of these will make the game look lame!" -1
menuitem "" -1
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off explosion texture] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [mtexplosion 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off gibs] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [gib 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off blood] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [blood 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off bullet holes] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [bullethole 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off scorch-marks] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [scorch 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off shotlines] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [shotline 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Maximum FPS cap] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [maxfps 200] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off anti-aliasing] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [fsaa 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off dynamic lighting] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [aadynshadow 0; dynlight 0; dynshadow 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off shadow stuff] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [shadowclip 0; shadowtile 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off skyclip] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [skyclip 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off stencil shadow] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [stencilshadow 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off crosshair effects] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [crosshairfx 0; crosshairteamsign 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Hide menu images] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [hidebigmenuimages 1] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off V-Sync] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [vsync -1] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Disable bullet-air sounds] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [bulletairsound 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Disable ricochet sounds] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [bulletbouncesound 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Disable footstep sounds] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [footsteps 0; localfootsteps 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Disable hit-sound] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [hitsound 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Minimal sounds at once (4)] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [soundchannels 4; maxsoundsatonce 4] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off physics interpolation] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [physinterp 0] []]
menuitem "" -1
menuitem [         I'm more desperate than that!!         ] [closemenu "FPS Booster 1"; showmenu "FPS Booster 2"]
menuitem [                   Apply Now!                   ] [writecfg ; resetgl]
menuinitselection 1

newmenu "FPS Booster 2"
menuitem [Some of these will make the game look lame!] -1
menuitem "" -1
menuitemcheckbox [Maximum fog] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [fog 64] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off damage indication effects] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [hidedamageindicator 1; damagescreen 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off custom skins] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [hidecustomskins 1] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Set above-head icon size to zero] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [aboveheadiconsize 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off mergestrips] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [mergestrips 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Lower minimap resolution] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [minimapres 7] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Hide HUD items] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [hidecompass 1; hidectfhud 1; hidehudequipment 1; hidehudmsgs 1; hideradar 1; hidespecthud 1; hideteam 1; hidevote 2 hudextras 0; hudgun 0; hideconsole 1; nosway 1; showstats 1; accuracy 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off sniper trails] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [maxtrail 1] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off water texturing] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [mtwater 0; reflectclip 0; reflectscissor 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off water effects] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [waterreflect 0; waterrefract 0; watersubdiv 64] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Limit console history] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [maxcon 10] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Limit command prompt history] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [maxhistory 1] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off trilinear filtering] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [trilinear 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off bilinear filtering (this is really bad)] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [bilinear 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Allow maximum light errors] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [lighterror 100] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Minimum level of detail] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [minlod 25] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Reduce textures to pixel representation] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [texreduce -1] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Disable audio] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [audio 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Half current resolution] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [scr_h (div $scr_h 2); scr_w (div $scr_w 2)] []]
menuitem [                    Go back                     ] [closemenu "FPS Booster 2"; showmenu "FPS Booster 1"]
menuitem [                   Apply Now!                   ] [writecfg ; resetgl]
menuinitselection 1

alias fpsboost [showmenu "FPS Booster 1"]
Thanks given by:
i was able to get fps to 400 :)!
Thanks given by:
(16 Nov 10, 01:30AM)DES|V-Man Wrote: Pasted here for those who struggle with akimbo:
// FPS booster menu by DES|V-Man
// WARNING: Back up your init.cfg and saved.cfg files before using this!
// I did not make an "undo" part in the check boxes; if you check a box and want to undo the change, you'll need to manually change the setting back to what you want!

newmenu "FPS Booster 1"
menuitem "Some of these will make the game look lame!" -1
menuitem "" -1
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off explosion texture] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [mtexplosion 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off gibs] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [gib 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off blood] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [blood 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off bullet holes] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [bullethole 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off scorch-marks] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [scorch 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off shotlines] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [shotline 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Maximum FPS cap] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [maxfps 200] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off anti-aliasing] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [fsaa 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off dynamic lighting] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [aadynshadow 0; dynlight 0; dynshadow 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off shadow stuff] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [shadowclip 0; shadowtile 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off skyclip] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [skyclip 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off stencil shadow] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [stencilshadow 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off crosshair effects] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [crosshairfx 0; crosshairteamsign 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Hide menu images] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [hidebigmenuimages 1] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off V-Sync] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [vsync -1] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Disable bullet-air sounds] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [bulletairsound 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Disable ricochet sounds] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [bulletbouncesound 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Disable footstep sounds] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [footsteps 0; localfootsteps 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Disable hit-sound] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [hitsound 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Minimal sounds at once (4)] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [soundchannels 4; maxsoundsatonce 4] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off physics interpolation] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [physinterp 0] []]
menuitem "" -1
menuitem [         I'm more desperate than that!!         ] [closemenu "FPS Booster 1"; showmenu "FPS Booster 2"]
menuitem [                   Apply Now!                   ] [writecfg ; resetgl]
menuinitselection 1

newmenu "FPS Booster 2"
menuitem [Some of these will make the game look lame!] -1
menuitem "" -1
menuitemcheckbox [Maximum fog] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [fog 64] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off damage indication effects] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [hidedamageindicator 1; damagescreen 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off custom skins] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [hidecustomskins 1] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Set above-head icon size to zero] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [aboveheadiconsize 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off mergestrips] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [mergestrips 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Lower minimap resolution] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [minimapres 7] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Hide HUD items] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [hidecompass 1; hidectfhud 1; hidehudequipment 1; hidehudmsgs 1; hideradar 1; hidespecthud 1; hideteam 1; hidevote 2 hudextras 0; hudgun 0; hideconsole 1; nosway 1; showstats 1; accuracy 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off sniper trails] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [maxtrail 1] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off water texturing] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [mtwater 0; reflectclip 0; reflectscissor 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off water effects] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [waterreflect 0; waterrefract 0; watersubdiv 64] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Limit console history] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [maxcon 10] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Limit command prompt history] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [maxhistory 1] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off trilinear filtering] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [trilinear 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Turn off bilinear filtering (this is really bad)] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [bilinear 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Allow maximum light errors] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [lighterror 100] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Minimum level of detail] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [minlod 25] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Reduce textures to pixel representation] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [texreduce -1] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Disable audio] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [audio 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Half current resolution] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [scr_h (div $scr_h 2); scr_w (div $scr_w 2)] []]
menuitem [                    Go back                     ] [closemenu "FPS Booster 2"; showmenu "FPS Booster 1"]
menuitem [                   Apply Now!                   ] [writecfg ; resetgl]
menuinitselection 1

alias fpsboost [showmenu "FPS Booster 1"]

Is this for 1.1 because on Akimbo it says 1.0? xD
Thanks given by:
No difference actually; works with both.
Thanks given by:
True. I put "1.0" in the "version" box indicating that the script (not the AssaultCube version it was made for) is version 1.0.
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ty, i do get lots of fps when i turn down settings and res but i want to see if i can get a little more ;)

and this will be useful for those who need it more then others
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I'm using it with my laptop that has an integrated 32MB (or was it 64?...) graphics card. Before using it, I get ~1 FPS; after applying everything, it jumps up to 9 FPS. WHOOOO!
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i should try that on my old pc with 1 fps, might get 2 if im lucky :D
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you guys are lucky. I get a low fps in Plants vs Zombies endless survival mode (flag 28)
Thanks given by:
(16 Nov 10, 12:21AM)Gibstick Wrote: Better to type these in-game or else the confirmation box will pop up each time you execute the commands that need resetgl.
maxfps 0
texreduce -1
dynlight 0
dynshadow 0
lighterror 100
gibnum 0
blood 0
hudgun 0
vsync 0
Then add these options to your launcher:
-b16 -z24
Finally, turn down your resolution.

Amazing i jumped 30-40 fps im usually 50-60

now im 80-90
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What does the -b16 -z24 mean? I tried it and now the game is too dark I can't really see. I got it back to default by doing -b0 -z0 but what exactly does it do?
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-b16 bit depth 16, -z24 puts the z-buffer depth to 24
Thanks given by:
(11 Nov 10, 08:55AM)DES|V-Man Wrote: 21.47 MHz?

AC on NASA Systems
Thanks given by:
