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Poll: Can Pro Clan Have another Chance?
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Yes, I am giving them another chance.
16 42.11%
No, they have messed up to much in the past.
22 57.89%
Total 38 vote(s) 100%
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|PRO| Clan Offical apologies
Hi guys my name is |PRO|Torment, Now I would like to apologize for my clan leaders behavior It is true that he has been under a lot of stress lately from the assault cube community, and his Out bursts Havent helped at all. now as i am doing this, me and Anti_Shot are talking about who will be staying in Pro and who is going ect, and also about the servers. Now i wasnt in Pro when the server got banned i joined Soon after that tho. But From what i understood they had changed Ac_Desert Now the hole clan wasnt in on this little edit, it was two people from what i understand. When pro Servers got banned they left soon after. Now i know your not aloud to change anything around on official maps but it was two Very immature kids. Could you please unban The server(s) now as i said, me and anti are talking about who is going and who is staying. and one of the things are is Only a Very small hand full of people will get the Admin passwords if the Server(s) Get unbanned (these people will have Responsibility and not kick someone or banned for saying Pro sucks). now i know Pro Has screwed up alot in the past but Hopfully it will all change for the better. could you Please take. this Post Under Consideration. I am posting this here, and on the General Thread so More people will see, thanks for letting me Post this,
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well its nice that u guys are taking responsibility for your clans actions but thats my opinion and its not upto me also its not good to recruit people out of nowhere. you should make a fourm if u want and recruit people who are nice players so this doesnt happen again

my 2 cents....
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Well, you guys should get to know your recruits before "noobcruiting" random players in a TOSOK desert server. But other than that, try and be respected for some time and then maybe your server might be unbanned.
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(07 Nov 10, 07:52PM)KN!F3 Wrote: Well, you guys should get to know your recruits before "noobcruiting" random players in a TOSOK desert server. But other than that, try and be respected for some time and then maybe your server might be unbanned.

You used my word /:D
Its good to see you guys are sorry for what you have done, that shows us that you care.

For now, play on some other servers. I don't necessarily see why you need a server, all you guys play is ac_desert tosok. I say you guys shouldn't get your server back, you guys have terrible admins. And I'm sure it was more then two people editing ac_desert. I think I even saw Anti-Shot edit it, I'm not 100% sure because you guys recruit everyone you see.

Anyways, you guys have to understand that if you do the crime,you do the time.
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i don't understand the crime? i am just curious. i am not allowed to ever "remix" an original map?
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When you install the game, you are asked to agree to the terms of the game's license. Part of this license reads:
Quote:This game consists of many different packages with different licenses. The ENTIRE AssaultCube package MAY be redistributed as mentioned above. But if you wish to redistribute/use/modify it in a different way you will need to adhere to the licenses for the packages that you are using.
(my emphasis)

Here, and in the AC sublfolder /docs/, is a text file (package_copyrights.txt) which contains:
Quote:This file holds the copyright information for all packages/artwork included in AssaultCube ... Please respect the authors reserved rights and permissions.
followed by a list of official maps and their copyright holders. Copyright law, which applies in your country, stipulates that in order for you to alter or redistribute the author's work in any manner other than that indicated by the release-license, you would need the author's express permission.
What I'm saying is, if you "remix" an original map, and this "remix" is contrary to the release-license associated with that map, you are not only breaking the contract you agreed to (the license), but you are breaking copyright law.
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(08 Nov 10, 09:15AM)9/11=insideJOB Wrote: i am not allowed to ever "remix" an original map?
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If you ask nicely, sure (maybe). For ex. I'm remaking mak1 for AC and that's one of makkE's maps.
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ok, thanks guys for the feedback, its helped alot, now to be honest as i said i was talking to Anti and He Confirms that it was Only those to who were Editing everything on AC_Desert if there were more people there they wouldent of done anything. now as you said We DID have terrible Admins but IF we get the server back there will Only be 3 people who know the admin password and these people i can trust and so can Anti. and i was thinking of Switching game modes upabit like instead of AC_Desert and TOSOK 24/7 it will be like CTF on rat trap for example, ill get more into detail and thoughs on that, if we get the servers back and ill talk to anti and who ever is incharge of the servers. thanks for the reply guys keep it on coming lol id like to hear what you all have to say to help us out more. Thanks,
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I applaud you for taking responsibility for your clan's actions also, but it does not fix anything happened in the past.

I seen the post about wanting your clan's servers back and sorry to say, I think it is pretty pathetic that you guys asking once again when you already know the answer.
What's done is done.
Deal with your punishment.

Other than that, you guys really need to change your attitude.
Especially when you guys are taking heat (you know who I am talking about).
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Cross i Understand the full extent of what you are saying, now i know that if we ever had a chance of getting the servers back its not going to be like a week or two, it will be months if it ever gets taken into consideration, but the clan has seriously changed if you guy would honestly join a game you would see, and the first post well to be honest with you, your right but they clan then was angry and pissed off so they brought that apon them selfs. so all we can do really is sit and wait to see if we get the chance or not.
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Once the dust settles, if you are able to have a server, remember that it is better to have more admins than fewer admins; but it is even better to have fewer immature admins.

You seem mature, you ought to leave PRO and find a more suitable clan.
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There will only be 3 admins, the rest of the pro clan will not know the password because they get angerd too easily. and act immature.
and to be honest i promised Anti that i would help fix the clan up abit, and also i dont want to leave because as i said you just need to get to know them and you will start to like them, We would like to meet you guys in game, but to be honest half of the Severs have blocked the pro tag> |PRO| so we cant get in unless we take it off.
But thanks for telling me im mature :) anyways as i said i hope you guys can give us a chance once the dust settles to see what we are really like when we play.
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how would i go about asking for permission to remix a map? ( or get in touch with the creator to ask permission )
how would i find out the copyright policy of a map? (especially non-official maps)
if i wan't maps i have made to have a creative commons license should i specify that somehow?

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1. Contact them directly, sometimes they have contact information inside of the map's .cfg file.
2. Check the map's .cfg file for copyright information...
3. Add your license to your map's .cfg files...

That was easy. :P
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i am a noob and i don't know how to add anything to my maps .cfg file
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It's a simple text file which you can open in any text editor. Any lines which start with // are comments, ignored by the game. Take a look at packages/maps/official/ac_aqueous.cfg as an example.
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(09 Nov 10, 04:22PM)9/11=insideJOB Wrote: how would i go about asking for permission to remix a map? ( or get in touch with the creator to ask permission )
how would i find out the copyright policy of a map? (especially non-official maps)
if i wan't maps i have made to have a creative commons license should i specify that somehow?

As a matter of common sense and respect you should always keep your fingers off other's works (whatever it may be) if no explicit lisence is given.

...and by the way, there is absolutely no point in "remixing" AC maps in my upmost honest opinion. Make something original. ;)
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