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Changing port that ac connects to mastersever
So my school is dumb. It blocks nearly everything during the week, (until thanksgiving) and then unblocks everything on the weekend. However, they still block every port except 80 all the time. I was looking through the docs and can't find anything saying that you can change the port that the client uses to connect to the masterserver. Is there a way?
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Whatever the server uses, the client must use. :(
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not what I have heard~
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If you use a port that's different from the server you can't connect. If you use a port different than the masterserver you can't connect. Try a proxy or something.
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Regardless of ports, don't forget that the AC client uses UDP to connect. If the UDP protocol is blocked by your school, things are a lot harder, although I don't think this is the issue with you. I know you've used a proxy to play in the past; one of the few legitimate proxy users, since the vast majority are using cheats. I'd also like to guess that something has changed recently to prevent this proxy access.
Regarding circumventing blocks on standard connections, I think the information required is beyond what this forum can provide, for obvious security reasons. The real answer, which you won't like because the young gentlemen at my school don't like it, is that it's blocked because they don't want you to do it, not because they want you to find a way around it.
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Jamz is lying

All the school's IT security is just a test. If you break through and show the sysadmin you'll be allowed into a secret elite network security course.
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(06 Nov 10, 08:56PM)LaNterN Wrote: not what I have heard~

Have you been listening to undead or bullpup?
@Jack: lol
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sigh, I know my school doesn't want me to play computer games at least until after thanksgiving. But as masterserver.cubers.net is not explicitly blocked as it usually is. In fact, everything is unblocked on the weekends. I can torrent, watch porn, DOS anything I really want to, except use other ports.

@jamz I used to use a program called h*t **o* s***d to bypass all network security, however, the IT people found out and now can monitor my use of vpn tunnels. As far as I can tell UDP is blocked~

I heard somewhere, that it was possible to edit the way that the client connects to the masterserver so that it connects through port 80, I believe it was from one of the devs in irc awhile ago.

If this isn't possible I bet there are programs which could do this right? I also see how this is not something that should be shared with the community. (perhaps a pm will appear...)
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(06 Nov 10, 11:31PM)Jack Wrote: All the school's IT security is just a test. If you break through and show the sysadmin you'll be allowed into a secret elite network security course.

I really doubt that. At all the schools that I've been at, each have had a security system. Whether it was unblocking certain sites, applications, or themes. It has happened that someone once in a while finds the way through, but when the IT Department finds out, you are just helping them upgrade their system so it never happens again and you end up in trouble.

Lantern, maybe the best and safest solution for you is to simply live by your college's rules and during the week use IRC, and forums to stay in contact and in your free time during weekends knock yourself out having 5 clan matches in one day.

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wolf I can't play at all now. that is the problem. Also, Irc is blocked... mibbit works sometimes.
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Seriously? LOL a-holes
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forward your ports?
* V-Man dodges rotten tomatoes
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Get a new college?
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Back when I was in highschool, I found out that there were actually two proxy servers used by the school to connect to the outside network. One for pupils, the other for staff.

Needless to say, it was pretty awesome that I managed to configure myself to use the staff's proxy server outwards, which was unrestricted.

See, what you need to do, is probe your schools network, probe probe probe! Probe anything and everything, until you find that one hole that'll let you go where you want.

(NOTE: I should also mention, I was put on detention for the rest of the year, because I was "hacking" the schools network (note: hacking is in quotes, I'm trying to point out how little the assistant principal understood technology). They never found out that I had found out this particular exploit though, I actually got in trouble for managing to gain access to a BF1942 demo installation).
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Yeah, it's pretty terrible, my school (instead of buying better teachers or books), bought a $7,000 firewall so I can't do anything during the week. Last year, with only a shitty router based firewall I got the router password and locked everyone else out from it. Had speedy internet all to myself for about a month and then lost internet for 2 months as punishment. I think it was pretty worth it, I had about 10mbps down and 2 up. Only 2 more weeks though and then its assault cube time all the time.
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that was your punishment?! AWESOME!

gg, LaNterN. Let me know how this episode plays out! :D
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