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What's your desktop
Ah dude! Did not need to see that again.
Hack that right now. Put some steampunk stuff as the desktop instead.
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my desktop with gta san andreas desktop picture

[Image: picture1qb.th.png]
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Hell! I think I am the oldest.. this is my desktop:
[Image: 20100910211530.th.jpg]
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Well. My laptop had to be wiped and my computer guy gave me Windows XP by special request :)

Anyway, as you all know how high my GFX standards are, I went and found this awesome visual style. check it out:

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[Image: desktoptg.png]
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(26 Sep 10, 03:57PM)MusicMan10 Wrote: [Image: desktoptg.png]
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(26 Sep 10, 09:26PM)Habluka Wrote:
(26 Sep 10, 03:57PM)MusicMan10 Wrote: [Image: desktoptg.png]
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[Image: 2qxrzoh.jpg]
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Hope those hacks one day work Bullpup :]
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(27 Sep 10, 02:08AM)Bullpup Wrote: [Image: 2qxrzoh.jpg]
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(26 Sep 10, 09:27PM)Luc@s Wrote:
(26 Sep 10, 09:26PM)Habluka Wrote:
(26 Sep 10, 03:57PM)MusicMan10 Wrote: [Image: desktoptg.png]
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[Image: 100927090021790096.jpg]
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I'd have to say that luc@s comment is the best quote comment I've seen so far. Thats not that hard.
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And btw those aren't even desktops.
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Why are the desktop icons over the web browser?
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(28 Sep 10, 12:57AM)HUNTSMAN Wrote: And btw those aren't even desktops.

that are lol
look carefully
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Oh lol...
Get it now :]
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My desktop is dedicated to my favourite single-player fps of all time. My favourite multiplayer fps is (of course) assaultcube.
[Image: phpZ7V9VxPM.jpg]
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[Image: screendu.jpg]
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how can we upload our desktops on this thread?
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Andrez, awesome desktop.

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Hello. I can't seem to find the previous thread (Best guesses it got wiped) so I created another one. Rules are the same.
Try to post as much info as you can.

Let me start it off with my latest one :)

[Image: 14ddhjd.jpg]
OS: Vista
Icons: eqclipse 2 (DeviantArt)
Theme: Project X2 (DeviantArt)
Sidebar gadgets: All CPU meter, weather and feed headlines

Feel free to show of your themes and stuff too :)

Mod edit: No, it wasn't wiped. You just failed at searching. Threads merged...

EDIT: Lol I fail. Thanks Mod.
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(09 Oct 10, 06:20PM)meher Wrote: how can we upload our desktops on this thread?

Make a screenshot of your desktop. Upload your image to http://tinypic.com/ , http://imageshack.us/ or any other image hosting service. Post the given IMG Code for Forums: [IMG]DirectLink[/IMG]
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(31 Jul 10, 06:57PM)makkE Wrote: Who needs fancy desktops anyways :P

Everyone who has posted on this thread apparently :D TWM without borders or titles:
[Image: 281a7bf5f8309b16d2fdd5ef9ad8210d2bea9b8c...67e16g.jpg]

* eftertanke is obsessed with simplicity
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[Image: workspace1003f.th.png]
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That`s my desktop

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[Image: Unbenannt.JPG]
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[Image: hzzmsw5a.png]

If you would like my wallpaper, here's the link: http://www.iforce.co.nz/View.aspx?i=55jbpiiw.jpg
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Cool desktops everyone
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