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29 Oct 10, 02:29PM
(This post was last modified: 29 Oct 10, 02:54PM by makkE.)
Assaultcube is an open source game, developed and supported by the members of this community. We do not receive any money for this, and sometimes we need to put our personal lives a bit aside to keep the game living. Personally I love this game, and I expect to continue to work for it forever.
Sometimes it is an awful task, because we face people with childish behavior (in the game and in the forums), unhappy supporters cursing us for trying to evolve the game, resentful obsessive crazy guys willing to DoS attack us, and sometimes waves of cheaters disrupting the overall game play.
Sometimes we (the developers) do not have time, nor skill, nor strength, nor patience to handle these issues. So it is crucial to promote honest responsible people in this community to help. I believe the strength of this game lays in its community and the passion of its players.
I am posting this thread because we are facing a big issue, and we need your help.
As you must know we are being impersonated by
They made a nice webpage with youtube videos "promoting" the game, and they have a big blinking "Download The Game" button to some unverified/suspect client (hosted by
We do not know who are behind this shit, but we are sure their intentions are not good.
I would not care if they were simply renaming the game, and releasing it with their modifications. Or if they were just promoting, but linking the download to the official site (in sourceforge).
But they don't.
It pisses me to know they are using our name to spread suspect media.
We must put this site down.
We (the developers) do not have the skill nor knowledge to remove them from internet... we don't know about legal stuff... we need a lawyer to help/guide/lead us here.
Also, I am sure if our community start to report this site to it's ISP and to the search engines, soon they will be out of the internet.
whois over their ip returns "Liquid Web, Inc"
So please, send an e-mail to: [email protected] reporting as illegal copyrighted content and phishing.
Also, report this on mediafire, google, youtube, yahoo, facebook and all medias they are using to spread their unverified/suspect client.
[email protected]
Help us to enhance this game, and make it better to us all.
Thank you for your effort. It will be greatly appreciated.
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29 Oct 10, 02:48PM
(This post was last modified: 29 Oct 10, 03:05PM by OpenSource.)
Quote:If your copyrighted or trademarked works are on the MediaFire website without your permission, please contact [email protected] describing the work that has been infringed, where it is located on the website, and provide your contact information and a statement, made under penalty of perjury, that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the owner, or authorized by the owner, of the copyrighted or trademarked work. Illegal files will be removed immediately after notice with sufficient information.
Posts: 297
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After reading that term of service, I would like you to copy paste what you sent to mediafire here in this forum. Then we the public can use it as sort of a form letter and each of us can send same letter to media fire, google, youtube etc.
Quote:“The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.”
Hunter S. Thompson
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29 Oct 10, 04:03PM
(This post was last modified: 29 Oct 10, 04:10PM by Brahma.)
This one I sent to [email protected]
Quote:Topic: Illegal content (copyright infringement and phishing) at
The work that has been infringed:
AssaultCube game
Where it is located on mediafire:
http: // /z5stfpo0dbjg/ 577qklsil68bqtf/ AssaultCube_v1.1.0.3.exe
Contact information:
Rafael C Barreto (a.k.a. Brahma, a.k.a. baarreth)
AssaultCube Developer
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29 Oct 10, 04:09PM
(This post was last modified: 29 Oct 10, 04:10PM by Brahma.)
This other message I sent to [email protected]
Quote:Please, remove this site as soon as possible.
http: //
This site impersonates a project, violates copyrights, and provides suspect/unreliable executables.
The work that has been infringed:
AssaultCube game
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29 Oct 10, 04:24PM
(This post was last modified: 29 Oct 10, 04:37PM by OpenSource.)
In good faith that you are the copyright holder or authorized representative thereof or that the file/files you submitted violated our Acceptable Use Policies or Terms of Service, has removed this file/these files.
Edit: Hmm, but if i use the «download now» link on the site i still can get the file.
Maybe it will take a little time, but lets hope that MediaFire really took it down.
Edit2: the download link on page says download866 but if you press it it says download870.
Maybe thats the problem.
Posts: 1
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Hello... I made an account specifically to post this.
I saw the ad for the malware site on Facebook, and I reported linking to the two threads on here about it. I wasn't able to provide a screenshot of the ad, but I was able to grab the tracking URL from my browser history.
Here's the report URL if any of you see the ad on Facebook.
And besides that....
"Facebook does not accept ads for toolbar or game downloads through the self-service channel.
At this time, Facebook does not accept ads for toolbars, games, or other downloadable products that may affect a user’s computer or browser performance in unexpected or undesirable ways.
In order to maintain the legitimacy of products and services promoted onsite, ads for downloadable products are only permitted through a direct sales relationship. "
So their ad rules wouldn't allow their ad anyway, even if it was legitamate.
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29 Oct 10, 07:14PM
(This post was last modified: 29 Oct 10, 07:17PM by eynstyne.)
Yep. More discoveries on why this site should be taken down immediately:
Indisputable evidence that proves malware content.
It indeed will attempt to configure and install Hotbar as coded in the gpl_lp.js
obfuscated file on their home site.
If the download button is clicked it will attempt to contact and write a log
MALWARE does host malware. It will download AssaultCube.exe from (200 kb)
I will compile a report on that file very shortly
Here is the code: (thanks javascript beautifier)
var Err = (function () {
return {
log: function (e) {
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isIE: isIE,
isFF: isFF,
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error: "We're sorry, our content is not compatible with your computer configuration. To
access content, your computer must use Microsoft Windows XP or higher, with Microsoft Internet
Explorer 6 or higher, or Mozilla Firefox 3 or higher."
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timeout: 10000,
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if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (elt) {
var len = this.length;
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_2e = (_2e < 0) ? Math.ceil(_2e) : Math.floor(_2e);
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if (_2e in this && this[_2e] === elt) {
return _2e
return -1
var Logger = (function () {
function log(_1, _2, _3) {
var i = new Image();
_1 = _getLoggingUrl(_1, _2);
if (_3 || typeof _3 == "undefined") {
i.onerror = function () {
this.onerror = null;
this.src = _1
i.src = _1;
return true
function _getLoggingUrl(_5, _6) {
var _7 = "?";
if (_5.indexOf(_7) != -1) {
_7 = "&"
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if (typeof _6[_8] != "function" && _6[_8]) {
_5 += _7 + _8 + "=" + escape(_6[_8]);
_7 = "&"
return _5
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log: log
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var _3 = document.cookie.toString();
var _4 = _3.match(_2);
if (_4) {
return unescape(_4[1])
return ""
function write(_5, _6, _7) {
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_7 = _7 * 1000;
var _8 = new Date();
_8.setTime(_8.getTime() + _7);
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read: read,
write: write,
remove: remove
var QueryString = (function () {
function QueryString(qs) {
this.params = {};
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qs =,
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QueryString.prototype.get = function (_7, _8) {
var _9 = this.params[_7];
return (_9 != null) ? _9 : _8
return {
get: function (_a, _b, qs) {
return (new QueryString(qs)).get(_a, _b)
var ZCGPL = (function () {
function onDownloadClick() {
if (ENV.isWindows()) {
var _1 = "http://install." + ENV.DOMAIN_NAME + "/installer/zcdownload/" +
var _2 = (typeof opcrid != "undefined" ? opcrid :"opcrid"));
var _3 = (typeof opwaveid != "undefined" ? opwaveid :"opwaveid"));
_1 += "?ld=1";
if (_2 && _3) {
_1 += "&v.op1=" + _2 + "&v.op2=" + _3
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if (typeof _4 != "undefined" && _4 != "undefined" && _4 != "") {
_1 += "&ref=" + _4
window.location = _1;
return false
} else {
return true
function log(_5, _6) {
Logger.log("http://install." + ENV.DOMAIN_NAME + "/log/zcsoftware/" + _6 + "/" + _5, {
"nc": (new Date().getTime())
}, false)
log(zcFeedConfig["param"], "impression");
return {
"onDownloadClick": onDownloadClick
window["ZCGPL"] = ZCGPL;
Thankfully the jscript doesnt work if u click the download button. But this does look like they are planning something...
Posts: 3,780
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Joined: Jun 2010
29 Oct 10, 07:47PM
(This post was last modified: 29 Oct 10, 07:51PM by V-Man.)
DES|V-Man Wrote:To: [email protected]
Subject: Malware / Copyright Infringement
You seem to be providing service for a website that maliciously deceives visitors into downloading malware in the guise of an online FPS game (using elements from a few different games, which is also a violation of copyright laws).
You'll probably want to discontinue service with www and all its corollaries in order to lessen the chances that you will be dragged into a litigation.
Posts: 684
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Joined: Jun 2010
Ty for those who reported this site.
Guys... those who did not report it yet, please, help us.
Report this site following the examples above.
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Joined: Jun 2010
Quote:Invalid or Deleted File
The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on Mediafire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or Mediafire.
Its now down from Mediafire. :)
Now we need to get the site down as well.
Posts: 2,841
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Joined: Jun 2010
I already reported this to Google, Yahoo, and Liquid Web.
Posts: 1,162
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Joined: Jun 2010
Yahoo didnt help much for me.
Quote:We understand you have requested the removal of offensive website
content. After investigating, we have determined that the reported
content is on a page which is not a part of the Yahoo! Network.
Unfortunately, Yahoo! has no control over activities or content outside
its service. To resolve this issue, please contact the administrator of
the website directly. You may also wish to inform the website's domain
provider about the content you would like to have removed.
To locate the administrator of a website, please look for any contact
information provided on the site itself. To identify the domain provider
for a website, please use the domain lookup at:
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31 Oct 10, 02:04AM
(This post was last modified: 31 Oct 10, 03:46AM by eynstyne.)
Quote:To: [email protected]
Subject: Malware & Copyright infringement
This site has content which is able to install "hotbar" a known piece of malware. This site is not official and in no way represents
(the official game site)
Below is indisputable proof that this site hosts malware although is not actively coded in the website but as a separate jscript.
A 200kb UPX packed malware file (AssaultCube.exe) has been stored in:
Decrypted javascript code from
var Err = (function () {
return {
log: function (e) {
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userAgentContains("MSIE 8")
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return userAgentContains("windows nt 5.1") || userAgentContains("windows xp")
function isWinVista() {
return userAgentContains("windows nt 6.0")
function isWin7() {
return userAgentContains("windows nt 6.1")
function isWin2K3() {
return userAgentContains("windows nt 5.2")
function userAgentContains(t) {
return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(t.toLowerCase()) != -1
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isIE: isIE,
isFF: isFF,
isWindows: function () {
return (isWinXP() || isWinVista() || isWin2K3() || isWin7())
isTargetEnv: function () {
return (isWinXP() || isWinVista() || isWin2K3() || isWin7()) && (isIE() || isFF())
error: "We're sorry, our content is not compatible with your computer configuration. To
access content, your computer must use Microsoft Windows XP or higher, with Microsoft Internet
Explorer 6 or higher, or Mozilla Firefox 3 or higher."
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var Logger = (function () {
function log(_1, _2, _3) {
var i = new Image();
_1 = _getLoggingUrl(_1, _2);
if (_3 || typeof _3 == "undefined") {
i.onerror = function () {
this.onerror = null;
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i.src = _1;
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function _getLoggingUrl(_5, _6) {
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_7 = "&"
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if (typeof _6[_8] != "function" && _6[_8]) {
_5 += _7 + _8 + "=" + escape(_6[_8]);
_7 = "&"
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log: log
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if (_4) {
return unescape(_4[1])
return ""
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read: read,
write: write,
remove: remove
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qs =,
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return (_9 != null) ? _9 : _8
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get: function (_a, _b, qs) {
return (new QueryString(qs)).get(_a, _b)
var ZCGPL = (function () {
function onDownloadClick() {
if (ENV.isWindows()) {
var _1 = "http://install." + ENV.DOMAIN_NAME + "/installer/zcdownload/" +
var _2 = (typeof opcrid != "undefined" ? opcrid :"opcrid"));
var _3 = (typeof opwaveid != "undefined" ? opwaveid :"opwaveid"));
_1 += "?ld=1";
if (_2 && _3) {
_1 += "&v.op1=" + _2 + "&v.op2=" + _3
var _4 = unescape(QueryString.get("ref"));
if (typeof _4 != "undefined" && _4 != "undefined" && _4 != "") {
_1 += "&ref=" + _4
window.location = _1;
return false
} else {
return true
function log(_5, _6) {
Logger.log("http://install." + ENV.DOMAIN_NAME + "/log/zcsoftware/" + _6 + "/" + _5, {
"nc": (new Date().getTime())
}, false)
log(zcFeedConfig["param"], "impression");
return {
"onDownloadClick": onDownloadClick
window["ZCGPL"] = ZCGPL;
PS - I'll analyze the 200kb file soon
Hi there,
Thank you for this information. I will be sending this to our Security
Team for resolution.
Best regards,
Ken Murawski
Systems Administrator
Liquid Web, Inc.
[email protected]
800-580-4985 TollFree
517-322-0434 Int.
517-322-0493 Fax
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31 Oct 10, 05:39AM
(This post was last modified: 31 Oct 10, 05:40AM by RandumKiwi.)
Took me a while to write it up.
My name is Nigel and I am emailing to report copyright abuse on a website hosted by your company, under DNS hosted at IP address
Under the penalty of perjury, I declare I am one of the owners/developers of the copyrighted work AssaultCube, and am authorized by the other owners of the copyrighted work to ask for the immediate removal or disabling of this site.
The copyrighted work that has been infringed upon is data from the AssaultCube website, which can be found at:
Should you need to contact me, don't hesitate to e-mail: [email protected]
I know, in good faith, that this material is not authorized by myself or any of the other copyright owners.
Under the penalty of perjury, I declare that the information contained in this notice is accurate, and that I am one of the authorized owners of this copyrighted work, and are also authorized by the other owners of the copyrighted work to ask for the immediate removal or disabling of this site. Please remove or disable it.
Thank you
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i just reported the site to google:
Quote:this site is impersonating another site ( and contains copyright violations as well as malware. please remove as soon as possible
unfortunately since i dont have a password i cant report the site to norton so that it can be flagged as unsafe for all norton internet security users, so if anyone can please do so
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Guys... ty for the effort!
I think liquidweb is delaying too much to remove this impersonator.... please, if you did not sent a report to them, follow the previous examples, and do it.
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Guys, don't worry. I talked to liquidweb directly via live chat to get their attention, and got my email to them fast-tracked.
It's dddddoown.
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I tried to check on the fake website today, and they said that the account had been suspended. I don't know about the files on MediaFire or whatever.
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MediaFire has removed the files to.
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![[Image: 288379-63766-don-kanonji_super.JPG]](
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02 Nov 10, 10:51PM
(This post was last modified: 02 Nov 10, 10:54PM by #M|A#Wolf.)
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Ty guys! Special thanks to Randumkiwi for writing some letters to the liquidweb guys.
Lets keep watching!
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Yo dawgs don't mess with the open source community we will mess ya'll up yo!
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I sure hope they got their moneys worth ;)
* Ronald_Reagan takes that back...
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I'm coming in with the flag!! Awesome!!!!
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(02 Nov 10, 09:39PM)DES|V-Man Wrote: MISSON COMPLETE!
![[Image: 288379-63766-don-kanonji_super.JPG]](
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I'm glad someone got that. <3 Vermi
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This really, really reminds me of the time when the trapped Chile miners reached the surface :P