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SA (Sniper Alliance) =SA=
Hello to everyone in the AC community.

I would like to introduce you to the =SA= clan. http://www.sa-clan.net We have been around for about 4 months and chances are you have seen one of us in a game. We are truly a community based clan that garners strength through its member's interaction. We are building a respectable clan that promotes a cheat free and troll free AssaultCube community. As of now, we are 28 members strong.

Our leader is =SA=Comet

Please stop by our IRC channel in Gamesurge at #=SA= and/or visit our forums. Our site address is http://www.sa-clan.net

If you are interested in joining =SA= please post an application in the forums. Please be aware that we only recruit friends to the clan. You must be mature and willing to invest some time in getting to know us before we test you! :D

Thanks for your time,Hope to see you soon! :D
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Hey Lat! ;)
GL with the whole SA thingy :P

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Thanks, Draul! :D
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Heya Lateralus :) Good luck with =SA=
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Hey Lat.
Hope all goes well with =SA=
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Have Fun and Good Luck. Say hi to Preetam for me.
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=SA=FLOJO is in =SA= Clan? He was hacking today.
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There's a flojo in SA according to the Member list.
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Good luck , it seems to be really cute and friendly clan.
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(27 Jun 10, 06:00PM)VallDiGna Wrote: =SA=FLOJO is in =SA= Clan? He was hacking today.

I looked at the IP of the banned Flojo, its from Brazil. And our Flojo is German. I know it doesn't say a lot but just want to make it kind of clear.
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I've edited Blacklist entry
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(28 Jun 10, 09:59AM)VallDiGna Wrote: I've edited Blacklist entry

well its good to see a person staying on top of his cheater reports! :D
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Thanks for that. I don't want to get some bad publicity.

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I wish you good luck with your clan Lateralus
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(03 Jul 10, 01:23AM)SicK^BsR Wrote: I wish you good luck with your clan Lateralus

Thanks, SicK^BsR! We appreciate that. :D
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