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Gun specific kill messages - ideas needed.
SMG = shredded
AR = Gunned down
as for sniper, i like "sniped" just case it sounds neater. the HEADSHOT noise should definitely be kept, whichever way it goes.
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(30 Jan 11, 12:41AM)tempest Wrote: You wouldn't say 'he shotted him' either, right?
Of course not! "he shooted him."

(30 Jan 11, 02:16AM)Hav0c Wrote: ''Hav0c headshotted V-Man''
''You headshot V-Man''?
''you got a headshot on V-Man'' ;D

"Hav0c gave V-Man headshot" would be the most proper way to put it.
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Idk, to some people that sounds weird and kinda disturbing lol (if you know what i mean...)
Headshotted/headgibbed/faceskinned/gibbed seem the finest to me =P
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sniper-yep, your screwed
pistol-youve been pistol whipped
shotgun-youve been noob toobed
nade-can you hear me now?
carbine-(bart simpson) Dooopppeee
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Conclusion: Put the strings in a config file with nice defaults and let people choose their own.
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(31 Jan 11, 12:05AM)Panda Wrote: Conclusion: Put the strings in a config file with nice defaults and let people choose their own.
I wholeheartedly concur. It'll just be so helpful!
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"shotgun - youve been noob toobed"

Perfect Message to N00B SH0TTY...
my votes to you Ramius
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When you get a headshot just show a sniper and have it say "V-man got owned"
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No matter who really got owned.
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knife - slashed
pistol - capped
AR - gunned
SMG - peppered
Carbine - punctured
Sniper - fragged/Sniped
Nade - Gibbed
Shotgun - fragged/splattered
lawnmower - Grinded!
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Your a funny like man ^.^
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How about:
Hav0c gave V-Man a shot to the head and it hurt him/her so much that he/she died and now he/she is dead, and won't come back to life so he/she can forget about killing him/her again, which is impossible anyway, so only after the round has finished, will he/she be able to, whole heartedly, kill him/her again.
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(01 Feb 11, 01:19PM)SnowOak Wrote: How about:
Hav0c gave V-Man a shot to the head and it hurt him/her so much that he/she died and now he/she is dead, and won't come back to life so he/she can forget about killing him/her again, which is impossible anyway, so only after the round has finished, will he/she be able to, whole heartedly, kill him/her again.

just leave
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(31 Jan 11, 12:05AM)Panda Wrote: Conclusion: Put the strings in a config file with nice defaults and let people choose their own.
Thats really how it should be. that way everyone will be happy!

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Except for noobs who don't like the defaults but CBF to learn about how to change them.
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SG: Demolished / Splattered
Sniper: instead Of shouting " Head Shot " it Should Also Say " SKILL SHOT "
Sniper: Skilled / Headshot
Knife: Tea Bagged / Slaughtered / Skilled / Scrambled
Pistol: Capped / Owned / Cleaned as in " You Got Cleaned By Etc " / Dropped as in ( You Got Dropped By Etc )
Nade: Swept / Gibbed
SMG: Blitzed / Sprayed
AR: Vanquished / Owned
And if it Gets Messy in AC it should say " BLOOD BATH "

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I would agree with the part about "skill shot," except each time I get a headshot, it has nothing to do with skill. XD
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I like Fragged, and think that the SMG, AR, Car., Sniper, and Shotty (with the exception of splatters, and headshots) stay the same, This is just IMO.
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I'd like it if the messages were kept in image files in the weapon's directory, rather than in a code or config or whatever. It would make them easy to change and it could open up the possibility for a load of cool mods.

For the sniper, I don't like punctured. Sounds like something you'd have for the knife to me. Peppered is cool. It'd add some variety to getting p0wn3d by shotgun n00bz.
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how bout just killed or headshot. simple
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Thus, after 139 comments, we go back to the roots.
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Knife = Shanked.
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but we came to the perfect answer at reply #125.

(31 Jan 11, 12:05AM)Panda Wrote: Conclusion: Put the strings in a config file with nice defaults and let people choose their own.

though i do like strato's idea of having images, but you would also have to have something that could be printed to the console, which would require a cfg also.
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Yep. killmessages.cfg ftw!
I reeeaaally don't want my kill messages to have anything other than "fragged", "headshot" and "gibbed", and an option to have these as whatever I want would be delightful.
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(29 Mar 11, 01:46PM)Frogulis Wrote: "fragged", "headshot" and "gibbed"

You left out "Slashed"
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Maybe he meant to. :-P
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I wish in AC there was Some Kind Of AchieveMent Thingy you know what i mean like .
900 Points = Bloody Warrior .
50 Points With more Deaths than kills = Useless
100 Points = Good Effort .
10 Kills = Complete Soldier
22 Kills = Complete War Machine
49 Kills = Master Of all Trades
60 Kills = The TERMINATOR

Knife: Carved , Sliced , Cubed , And If They Knife a Teammate That voice that Shouts Head Shot Should Say " TOTAL STUPIDITY "
SG : Demolished
SMG : Sprayed , Spammed
R : Dunno :/

And we Should Have Extra Guns like
MG = Machine Gun
AK47 = AK47
DE = Desert Eagle
AE = Axe
CB = Crow Bar

But there aint No santa ;(
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(09 Apr 11, 04:15PM)CoOk13MoNsT3R Wrote: I wish in AC there was Some Kind Of AchieveMent Thingy you know what i mean like .
But there aint No santa ;(

Achievements Script

(09 Apr 11, 04:15PM)CoOk13MoNsT3R Wrote: And we Should Have Extra Guns like
MG = Machine Gun
AK47 = AK47
DE = Desert Eagle
AE = Axe
CB = Crow Bar

This isn't the place for that kind of conversation.

EDIT: It's bad why BBCode gives you trouble.
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This thread has been going on, and on, and on while the solution has been said several posts back. The best solution is to make it modifiable through a config file or menu in the Settings menu in-game so everyone changes it to how they like it best.
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Yah. Grave-digging isn't cool. 'Specially when it's not helpful.
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