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Gun specific kill messages - ideas needed.
(24 Oct 10, 12:38AM)pwnage{TyD} Wrote: What I don't agree with is why the gun specific messages should be changed, especially when the current system works fine as it is.

Well, you would then be able to know what weapon a specific person was using and adjust accordingly, but would probably only be useful in a large map where there are multiple fronts of attack.

AR: shredded
SMG: spammed
SG: splattered
Sniper: sniped
Pistol: (Don't know, Max Payne'd? :D )
Carbine: (Again, I'm kinda stuck here)
Knife: sliced and diced
Nade: blown up

On a related note, another suggestion would be to colour the names of the players killed. I mean, it would be really useful if you suddenly see plenty of teammates dying, meaning that a full-on attack by the enemy was successful and would be reaching the base soon.
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(24 Oct 10, 02:01AM)LeeZH Wrote: On a related note, another suggestion would be to colour the names of the players killed. I mean, it would be really useful if you suddenly see plenty of teammates dying, meaning that a full-on attack by the enemy was successful and would be reaching the base soon.

I really like your idea Leezh...
All CLA players with red names in the console and RVSF with blue names? That would be hell nice for sure.

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Here's my idea:

AR: No ideas...
SMG: Sprayed (I keep Makke's idea)
SR: Sifted (count it as a frag. Don't change sniper gib message, it's ok)
SG: Hunted
Carbine: No ideas...
Pistol: Gun down
Knife: Sliced (I keep Makke's idea)
Grenade: Blew/Atomized/Blasted

Teamkills: Betrayed

tititPT Wrote:really, the best thing to do is keep the ones you said, makke, and allow players to change them as they please.
Yeah, you're right...If only there was a "gun specific kill message" config in the folder to edit as well as we want...

|BC|Wolf Wrote:All CLA players with red names in the console and RVSF with blue names? That would be hell nice for sure.
And what about FFA's game mode colour in the console? If someone suicided, what colour it would be...I have no ideas..
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(28 Oct 10, 09:53PM)WhiteBlade Wrote: And what about FFA's game mode colour in the console? If someone suicided, what colour it would be...I have no ideas..
Yellow, as everything is ATM.
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The way it looks, I think the best solution would be to make optional frag messages, sort of like:

/fragmessages 0

Knife, Headshot and Nadegib are "gib", everything else frag

/fragmessages 1

Knife, Headshot and Nade have distinct messages, everything else is frag

/fragmessages 2

All specific frag messages

Along with getting the messages from a .cfg, so ppl can change them.

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I would also change the kill messages. Yes, other games have colored kill messages, but this wouldn't make AC un-unique. I think it is a matter of rounding off the edges (although, AC is a rough and tumble game).
@makkE, you got the right idea :D
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(28 Oct 10, 11:02PM)makkE Wrote: The way it looks, I think the best solution would be to make optional frag messages, sort of like:

/fragmessages 0

Knife, Headshot and Nadegib are "gib", everything else frag

/fragmessages 1

Knife, Headshot and Nade have distinct messages, everything else is frag

/fragmessages 2

All specific frag messages

Along with getting the messages from a .cfg, so ppl can change them.

I'm sorry makke, but I think your idea is too sexy for this forum.

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Would the changes only be client side or both?
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I can't see any reason why there would have to be server-side changes. It'd be purely cosmetic stuff.
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(28 Oct 10, 11:02PM)makkE Wrote: The way it looks, I think the best solution would be to make optional frag messages, sort of like:

*Rest of post snipped*

I like the sound of that :)
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i prefer, fragged for all normal weapon, just use different words for special action, as headshots/gibes.... words are sometime difficult to understand for some people... i think little png image for each weapons can fix good... or maybe give the choice to the player to can choose between text/logo/sounds !!!??? I think now headshot is specific gib, we can maybe continue to use the old "headshooooot!" sound!?
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how about an array of messages?
so rather then us customising our messages, the output is random from a list of various messages, we can add to the list if we want.

that would make it more interesting, atleast on first games to see all different messages
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Blue: I think the point of the specific kill messages is to know what weapon was used, so what about we use the idea of us customizing it, and later on someone can make a script for the randomness :D
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native alias?
alias shotgunkill [splattered busted "blown apart" liquefied]
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makke this is all good and all but maybe u should have an option that just says you got fragged and gibbed by ****** instead of all that stuff cuz i kinda get annoyed of seeing that too much but thats my idea :D
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If this goes through, you'll be able to customize your messages to appear, for example, only "fragged" and "gibbed".
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My suggestions:

AR: pierced
SMG: sprayed, riddled with holes
SG: shredded/massacred(gib)
Sniper: took down/air conditioned(gib)
Carbine: filled
Knife: slashed, chopped
Nade: obliterated, erased
Pistol: got a pistol shot :D/got killed by akimbo
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For one of them, "________ was turned into swiss cheese by _______"
I heard this on another game and thought it was funny.
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sniper:BOOM Headshot!
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[Image: assaultcubefrag.jpg]

Hi guys.

If not the above than:

AR: shredded
SMG: sprayed
SG: pumped full of lead
SR: sniped
Headshot: brain mushed
Pistol: capped
Carbine: 2 shotted
Knife: swiss'd
Nade: naded
Nade gib: blown apart
Nade suicide: [NAME] was an accident waiting to happen
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AR: stunned
SMG: peppered
SG: sprayed/ splattered
Sniper: clipped/ headshot
Pistol: whipped
Carbine: dropped
Knife: slashed
Nade: gibbed

Maybe use the actual weapon name instead. Might be less confusing. ;)
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(14 Nov 10, 04:03AM)BlueGasMask Wrote: [Image: assaultcubefrag.jpg]

Best suggestion ever :D :D I like.

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Reminds me of TeamFortress2 kill display :)
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Yeah, looks cool!
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It's a nice idea, but it would ruin conline, which happens to be a new command that cubescripter's are gonna rely heavily on for making breakthrough scripts for the latest versions.

The entire console system would probably have to be tweaked, and honestly it'd be more trouble than it's worth IMHO.
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lol Bukzy, just because of the stats script.
I'm sure there'd be a special variable that would represent those icons in conline, no big deal.
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Sniper headshot = Dome rocked


Nade kill = Molly whopped xD
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Shotgun = You peppered " "
Sniper = You sniped " "
"Headshot" Should be Gibbed again I think :(
Knife = You shanked " "
Carbine = You picked off " "
Pistol = You capped " "
AR = stay fragged
SmG = stay fragged
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the knife should say "Decapitated" or wat ever that word is for cutting off someones head =P
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ruthless' idea is the best of them all
that way you don't have to quarrel about little things like headshot & headshotted you can just settle it by putting lead into the others (imaginary) brain (maybe not if you're not that good a shot) but i know i will :)
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