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A bit Nooby But How Do You Use Scripts???
Yes, I know. I am very noob but I just never used scripts :PP
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Copy paste them in your autoexec.cfg
Config folder.
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cant get it open? just open with note pad.
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Most scripts of V-Man that are hosted on akimbo require you to extract to the config folder, then add the "exec config/configfilenamehere.cfg" to the bottom of your exec. Others you can just copy-paste. In case you are on a Mac I believe you have to right click something and select "view game files" but don't take my word on that.
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Not on a mac though.
For reference, Gibby is right. Its right-click "show package contents". You dont have to have a two button mouse to right click, you can just control click as well.
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Or you can just type the script into the command line aka the chat box. Well it works for me. aka. /bind [insertscripthere]
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lots of these scripts are multiline KN!F3
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More complicated scripts should have instructions on any additional procedures that need to be done (if the scripter is nice :-P).
Most of my scripts do not have the capability to be typed into the command prompt. (Believe me, I've tried XD)
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Because I can't indent.
Edit: I mean I don't know how to.
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(13 Oct 10, 09:37PM)Gibstick Wrote: I can't indent.
Dude, no joke, every time I make a new script now I keep that in mind and use space instead of TAB. <3

Also I remember making one of my medium-complicated scripts a one-liner. It was something like 2500 characters on a single line! XD impossible to read and edit though.
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I barely use scripts so im fine. I type em all and they all work fine because I split the long ones into sections and type them in in like 4 sections to make then work
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(15 Oct 10, 03:15AM)KN!F3 Wrote: I barely use scripts so im fine. I type em all and they all work fine because I split the long ones into sections and type them in in like 4 sections to make then work

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like the claimadmin script.
He types the part that searches for (curserver 1)
then he types the part that searches for (curserver 1) : (curserver 3)
then he types the part that searches for (curserver 2)
then he types the part that searches for (curserver 2) : (curserver 3)

As an added bonus, he has a piece of paper with his admin_pwd_list on it and figures out the findlist by hand because he's so hardk0re.
Then, when (!= (findlist $admin_pwd_list (curserver ...) -1), he moves his finger forward one space to look at the admin password.
Then he types:
/setadmin 1 ********
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