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Map Rotation
I'm looking to revamp my map rotation.

I'd like large maps for mostly CTF and TD, with preference to snipers or shotguns. My server is usually full (16).

Any suggestions?
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Also have a look at the community mappack which consist of a various of small, medium sized, and big maps. Link to maps included in the pack http://acmappack.co.cc/included.htm
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Yea, already got the pack. I'm not a huge fan of the official maps.

Currently, my maprot is awful.

TD - Headshot City
TOSOK - AC_Desert
TD - OldVillage
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(23 Jun 10, 10:00PM)sja5164 Wrote: Yea, already got the pack. I'm not a huge fan of the official maps.

Currently, my maprot is awful.

TD - Headshot City
TOSOK - AC_Desert
TD - OldVillage

The community mappack consists mostly off non-official maps. However they keep a consistent quality level suitable for a map rotation, or a future map pack release.
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how about AssaultCube Map Rotation Online Editor

it took me quite a while to find it since the old forum was no more available
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(23 Jun 10, 10:00PM)sja5164 Wrote: Yea, already got the pack. I'm not a huge fan of the official maps.

Currently, my maprot is awful.

TD - Headshot City
TOSOK - AC_Desert
TD - OldVillage

Could you possibly remove the first and third map from the maprot? Those crap is voted in way too often anyways. Thanks.
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(23 Jun 10, 11:56PM)pwned Wrote: how about AssaultCube Map Rotation Online Editor

it took me quite a while to find it since the old forum was no more available
Ah I must start a new thread, I'll do it soon ;)
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if he has a maprot with that, he won't have a server on the MS for long
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no ac_desert tosok or CTF in power, mines, shine or sunset and you're golden.

Those maps are so overplayed it's not even funny.
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(24 Jun 10, 11:31AM)RandumKiwi Wrote: if he has a maprot with that, he won't have a server on the MS for long

Wow, feel good about myself now. lol

That's why I'm looking to rebuild it.

Should have the new rotation in by today.

Thanks for all the suggestions!
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Just implemented the new rotation:

Headshotcity_reloaded2 - Team Deathmatch - 15 min
ac_industrialisies - Capture the Flag - 15 min
ac_parkour - Team Deathmatch - 15 min
ac_nightshift - TOSOK - 10 min
ac_riverside - Team Deathmatch - 15 min
ac_rubble - Hunt the Flag - 15 min
ac_casa2 - Team Deathmatch - 15 min
--DarkMedievalTimes-- - TOSOK - 10 min
ac_deltaforce - Team Deathmatch - 15 min
ac_fabrik - Team Keep the Flag - 15 min
ac_fracht - TOSOK - 10 min
oldvillage - Team Deathmatch - 15 min
ac_midnight - Capture the Flag - 15 min
ac_brick - Team Deathmatch - 15 min
ac_stoops - TOSOK - 10 min

Map votes are limited to Official maps and the community mappack
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I'm afraid you misunderstood. You cannot have these maps in the rotation:


They're allowed to get voted, but not having them in a maprotation.
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(24 Jun 10, 10:53PM)pwnage{TyD} Wrote: @sja5164
I'm afraid you misunderstood. You cannot have these maps in the rotation:


They're allowed to get voted, but not having them in a maprotation.

Yea... Had to remove those to get it registered.

Personally, I think that HeadshotCity_reloaded2 is a good map. Oh well.
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because this map needs a little lovin and it hasn't got any so far.
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I would also recommend ac_ore. Solid map.
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Can't play on a solid map

(auhauhauhauhaaheuaheuhauehau ubergeek cube engine reference)
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Hehe, actually one of the smartest jokes I've seen in here. :)
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I can't believe I actually got that joke! ^_^
* V-Man proudly wears Cube Engine Ubergeek nametag

Just ask someone from TyD for their maprot.cfg file, it's golden. Or PM me, I have plenty of opinions! :D
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i used that maprot thing, where it makes it for you.

this is what it made

ac_casa2 :5:12:1:2:16

and i put that in my maprot folder, but it doesnt play these maps, anyone know why?
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All of your maprot entries are for 2-16 players (the last two numbers shown) which means it will cry if there's only one player in the server, and keep giving you the same map over and over.
Also, you could have a 6th number on the end, which is the number of lines to skip if that map gets played, although the server doesn't seem to complain if it's left off; it just plays them all. It's useful if you have the same map listed twice, but different modes/time for different numbers of players.
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oooo ok thank you man
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