Proper FOV for 16:9 screen?
I know 90 is way off. 104 seems about right for field of view settings. I was wondering if anyone knew what the exact setting would be for an accurate view.
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IMHO FOV and screen ratio have no relation at all. FOV can be assimilated to the zoom of a camera; the screen ratio is independent of this I think. I would take whatever feels natural for you. I use 120.
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If you want resolution, 1920x1080 is common, so is 1280x720, and 1366x768
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Yeah, after I looked at it awhile field of view in this game is just a zoomed in and out camera. In most games I've played it changes how far left and right you can see so the screen doesn't appear stretched. The screen appears a bit stretched to me in this game. I have correct aspect ratio. I'm guessing its just the way the game is. Thanks for the help though. :)
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/fov 120 .
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