Posts: 10
Threads: 2
Joined: Nov 2011
// Name: @xF4/.BendeR.
// Ban date: 2011-12-07
// Ban reason: Impersonation, tag abuse And Fake.
// Server: @xF4/. ClaN Serve Xerife FaT4L
// Proof:
Posts: 622
Threads: 0
Joined: Jun 2010
08 Dec 11, 12:39PM
(This post was last modified: 08 Dec 11, 03:21PM by Medusa.)
// Name: DasJudenhunter etc.
// Reason: offensive nick
// Date: 2011-12-08 9:09 GMT
// Server: Pr!ncE Server
// Proof:
edit: oops.. forgot 'reason'
Posts: 332
Threads: 4
Joined: Jun 2010
// Name: LA
// Ban date: 2011-12-08
// Ban reason: offensive, impersonating
// Server: Billybob's server
// Proof:
Posts: 204
Threads: 9
Joined: Aug 2011
10 Dec 11, 11:54PM
(This post was last modified: 12 Dec 11, 09:15PM by YesWeCamp.)
// Name: RacistNiggerKKK, RacistN1ggerKKK
// Ban date: 2011-10-12
// Ban reason: Racism, insulting, Teamkilling
// Server: AFH|Socrates East Coast US - 33333
// Proof:
//I.P.: 96.255.10.x
-Demo Added-
-Demo is not from the server that i posted i see. But thats where i saw him first appearing.-
Posts: 740
Threads: 61
Joined: Jun 2011
11 Dec 11, 12:13AM
(This post was last modified: 11 Dec 11, 06:10PM by Jg99.)
Name: {CoE}fredriK*, unarmed
//Server: Gema Central
//Ban Reason: Admiting to cheats, Admin Abuse, impersonation, Trolling, Vote Abuse, and //much Much More!
IP: [redacted]
Edit: he impersonated RiceBoy
Jg99 edit: I have proof : Log
[] HANNABANNA logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
Map height density information for ac_desert: H = 11.23 V = 266445, A = 23719 and MA = 2005
Game start: team one shot, one kill on ac_desert, 1 players, 10 minutes, mastermode 0, (map rev 1/12018, official, 'getmap' not prepared)
Demo recording started.
[] client connected
[] Aaron_Krebs logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
[] HANNABANNA sent map jg99, rev 83, 773 + 0(0) bytes written
[] HANNABANNA says: 'haii'
[] Aaron_Krebs says: 'May I participate?'
[] HANNABANNA says: 'ofc :D'
[] HANNABANNA sent map jg999, rev 86, 1736 + 0(0) bytes written
Game status: team one shot, one kill on ac_desert, 10 minutes remaining, open, 2 clients
cn name team score frag death tk ping role host
0 HANNABANNA CLA 0 0 0 0 184 normal
1 Aaron_Krebs RVSF 0 0 0 0 116 normal
Team CLA: 1 players, 0 frags
Team RVSF: 1 players, 0 frags
Status at 13-11-2011 14:50:55: 2 remote clients, 0.2 send, 0.4 rec (K/sec); Ping: #1073|47734|2146; CSL: #6|42|18 (bytes)
[] client HANNABANNA failed to call a vote: load map 'jr999' in mode 'coopedit' (invalid vote)
[] client connected
[] '{CoE}J0kk3*' matches nickname blacklist line 56, AC: 1104|840
[] disconnecting client {CoE}J0kk3* (inappropriate nickname) cn 2, 0 seconds played
[] client connected
[] =SA=ChO logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
[] client HANNABANNA called a vote: load map 'jg999' in mode 'coopedit'
[] =SA=ChO changed name to .
[] (me) . says: ' ____ _ _ ___'
[] (me) . says: ' /"___| |'| |'| \/"_ \/'
[] (me) . says: ' | | | |_| | | | | |'
[] (me) . says: ' | |____ | _ | | |_| |'
[] (me) . says: ' \____| |_| |_| \___/'
[] . changed name to =SA=ChO
[] HANNABANNA changed name to .
[] (me) . says: '|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| ,,'
[] (me) . says: '| CoE TRUCK! | '|""";.||.___.'
[] (me) . says: '|_..._...______==== _|__|..., |'
[] (me) . says: '"(@)'(@)""""*|(@)(@)*****(@)'
[] . changed name to HANNABANNA
[] client connected
[] '{CoE}J0kk3*' matches nickname blacklist line 56, AC: 1104|840
[] disconnecting client {CoE}J0kk3* (inappropriate nickname) cn 3, 0 seconds played
Game status: team one shot, one kill on ac_desert, game finished, open, 3 clients
cn name team score frag death tk ping role host
0 HANNABANNA CLA 0 0 0 0 180 normal
1 Aaron_Krebs RVSF 0 0 0 0 116 normal
2 =SA=ChO SPEC 0 0 0 0 70 normal
Team CLA: 1 players, 0 frags
Team RVSF: 1 players, 0 frags
Demo "Sun Nov 13 14:51:22 2011: team one shot, one kill, ac_desert, 13.10kB, 10 mr" recorded.
demo written to file "serverdemo/SODA_TOSOK_ac_desert_2011.11.13_1451_10mr.dmo" (13412 bytes)
loaded map packages/maps/servermaps/incoming/jg999.cgz, 1736 + 0(0) bytes.
Map height density information for jg999: H = 15.57 V = 216196, A = 13882 and MA = 201
Game start: coopedit on jg999, 3 players, 10 minutes, mastermode 0, (map rev 86/1736, temporary, 'getmap' prepared)
[] =SA=ChO is on the wrong map: revision 1/-1
[] Aaron_Krebs is on the wrong map: revision 1/-1
[] Aaron_Krebs is now on the right map: revision 86/1736
[] client connected
[] '{CoE}J0kk3*' matches nickname blacklist line 56, AC: 1104|840
[] disconnecting client {CoE}J0kk3* (inappropriate nickname) cn 3, 0 seconds played
[] =SA=ChO is now on the right map: revision 86/1736
[] Aaron_Krebs is now on the right map: revision 86/1736
[] client connected
[] SirVyrewatch logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
[] SirVyrewatch is on the wrong map: revision 30/-1
[] client connected
[] J0kk3 logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
[] =SA=ChO says: 'Hey J0kk3'
[] J0kk3 is on the wrong map: revision 86/-1
[] SirVyrewatch is now on the right map: revision 86/1736
[] =SA=ChO says: 'Hey SirVyrewatch'
[] J0kk3 says: 'mhm lol'
Game status: coopedit on jg999, 10 minutes remaining, open, 5 clients
cn name score frag death ping role host
0 HANNABANNA 0 0 0 188 normal
1 Aaron_Krebs 0 0 0 116 normal
2 =SA=ChO 0 0 0 72 normal
3 SirVyrewatch 0 0 0 180 normal
4 J0kk3 0 0 0 155 normal
Status at 13-11-2011 14:51:55: 5 remote clients, 2.5 send, 1.4 rec (K/sec); Ping: #224|11336|448; CSL: #1|87|3 (bytes)
[] SirVyrewatch headshot Aaron_Krebs
[] HANNABANNA says: 'lol no tag?'
[] Aaron_Krebs says: 'ChO, it is I, Qonquer.'
[] J0kk3 says: 'mmh'
[] =SA=ChO changed name to ChO
[] ChO says: 'Hey i remember you :P'
[] J0kk3 says: 'icant connect with ma previous name'
[] HANNABANNA says: 'ahh'
[] HANNABANNA says: 'thats weird'
[] J0kk3 says: 'yeh'
[] client connected
[] SirVyrewatch logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
[] disconnecting client SirVyrewatch (duplicate connection) cn 3, 41 seconds played, score saved
[] ChO says: 'Hey SirVyrewatch'
[] J0kk3 is now on the right map: revision 86/1736
[] HANNABANNA says: 'lol well'
[] HANNABANNA says: 'we can make the video now'
[] client HANNABANNA called a vote: change mastermode to 'private'
map "jg999" does not support "ctf": player spawns and flag bases missing
[] client HANNABANNA failed to call a vote: load map 'jg999' in mode 'ctf' (no permission)
[] J0kk3 changed name to {CoE}J0kk3
[] '{CoE}J0kk3' matches nickname blacklist line 56
[] disconnecting client {CoE}J0kk3 (inappropriate nickname) cn 4, 59 seconds played, score saved
map "jg999" does not support "deathmatch": player spawns missing
[] client HANNABANNA failed to call a vote: load map 'jg999' in mode 'deathmatch' (no permission)
Game status: coopedit on jg999, 10 minutes remaining, private, 4 clients
cn name score frag death ping role host
0 HANNABANNA 0 0 0 181 normal
1 Aaron_Krebs -4 0 1 119 normal
2 ChO 0 0 0 72 normal
5 SirVyrewatch 15 2 0 180 normal
Status at 13-11-2011 14:52:55: 4 remote clients, 5.8 send, 2.3 rec (K/sec); Ping: #182|9003|364; CSL: #1|210|3 (bytes)
[] client HANNABANNA called a vote: change mastermode to 'match'
[] client connected
[] J0kk3 logged in (reconnect to match), AC: 1104|840
map "jg999" does not support "team deathmatch": player spawns missing
[] client HANNABANNA failed to call a vote: load map 'jg999' in mode 'team deathmatch' (no permission)
[] J0kk3 says: 'mhm see'
[] ChO says: 'Hey J0kk3'
map "jg999" does not support "ctf": player spawns and flag bases missing
[] client HANNABANNA failed to call a vote: load map 'jg999' in mode 'ctf' (no permission)
[] ChO slashed Aaron_Krebs
[] ChO slashed J0kk3
[] J0kk3 says: 'fred did ya see it?'
[] ChO slashed HANNABANNA
[] HANNABANNA says: '??'
[] ChO slashed Aaron_Krebs
[] HANNABANNA sent map jg99, rev 87, 1752 + 0(0) bytes written
[] ChO says: 'thats not fred'
[] ChO says: 'O.O'
map "jg99" does not support "deathmatch": player spawns missing
[] client HANNABANNA failed to call a vote: load map 'jg99' in mode 'deathmatch' (no permission)
[] J0kk3 says: 'mhm i was getting ma name back to the old'
[] HANNABANNA says: 'owh'
Game status: coopedit on jg999, 10 minutes remaining, match, 5 clients
cn name score frag death ping role host
0 HANNABANNA -4 0 1 183 normal
1 Aaron_Krebs -12 0 3 116 normal
2 ChO 80 8 0 72 normal
3 J0kk3 -4 0 1 170 normal
5 SirVyrewatch 15 2 0 181 normal
Aaron_Krebs 0 0 - disconnected
=SA=ChO 0 0 - disconnected
{CoE}J0kk3 0 0 - disconnected
Status at 13-11-2011 14:53:55: 5 remote clients, 5.7 send, 2.4 rec (K/sec); Ping: #177|9008|354; CSL: #1|161|3 (bytes)
[] HANNABANNA says: 'thats weird'
map "jg99" does not support "ctf": flag bases missing
[] client HANNABANNA failed to call a vote: load map 'jg99' in mode 'ctf' (no permission)
[] J0kk3 says: 'and i disc :/'
[] client HANNABANNA called a vote: load map 'jg99' in mode 'team deathmatch'
[] Aaron_Krebs slashed ChO
loaded map packages/maps/servermaps/incoming/jg99.cgz, 1752 + 0(0) bytes.
Map height density information for jg99: H = 15.57 V = 216196, A = 13882 and MA = 201
Game start: team deathmatch on jg99, 5 players, 15 minutes, mastermode 2, teamsize 0, (map rev 87/1752, temporary, 'getmap' prepared)
Demo recording started.
[] HANNABANNA says: 'thats weird indeed'
[] HANNABANNA says: 'well'
[] ChO slashed HANNABANNA
[] HANNABANNA says: 'lets solve it after'
[] SirVyrewatch fragged Aaron_Krebs
[] HANNABANNA says: 'now we haz to make the vid :D'
[] J0kk3 says: ':)'
[] ChO slashed HANNABANNA
[] ChO slashed SirVyrewatch
[] Aaron_Krebs slashed his teammate ChO
[] HANNABANNA says: 'Who do u want to be?'
[] HANNABANNA says: 'the roles are:'
[] HANNABANNA says: 'Jg99'
[] HANNABANNA says: 'Jg99s Dad'
[] HANNABANNA says: 'Cop'
[] Aaron_Krebs says: 'Jg99's Father, I will be.'
[] HANNABANNA says: 'Pervert'
[] ChO says: 'ME COP'
[] J0kk3 says: 'mhm who is already who?'
Game status: team deathmatch on jg99, 15 minutes remaining, match, 5 clients
cn name team score frag death tk ping role host
0 HANNABANNA RVSF -8 0 2 0 177 normal
1 Aaron_Krebs CLA -24 -1 1 1 116 normal
2 ChO CLA 56 6 1 0 72 normal
3 J0kk3 CLA 0 0 0 0 158 normal
5 SirVyrewatch RVSF 6 1 1 0 184 normal
ChO CLA 0 0 - - disconnected
Aaron_Krebs RVSF 0 0 - - disconnected
J0kk3 CLA 0 0 - - disconnected
SirVyrewatch CLA 0 0 - - disconnected
Team CLA: 6 players, 5 frags
Team RVSF: 3 players, 1 frags
Status at 13-11-2011 14:54:55: 5 remote clients, 6.0 send, 2.4 rec (K/sec); Ping: #143|7358|286; CSL: #1|196|3 (bytes)
[] ChO says: 'I wanna shoot someone'
[] SirVyrewatch slashed J0kk3
[] HANNABANNA says: 'cho cop, aaron jg99s dad'
[] HANNABANNA says: ':D'
[] J0kk3 says: 'mhm i wonna be...'
[] HANNABANNA says: 'u can choose to be jg99 or pervert'
[] J0kk3 says: 'pervert'
[] J0kk3 says: 'mhm'
[] J0kk3 says: 'xD'
[] HANNABANNA says: 'lol kk ill be jg99'
[] SirVyrewatch headshot J0kk3
[] HANNABANNA changed name to Jg99
[] J0kk3 says: 'but i cant stay long'
[] Aaron_Krebs says: 'What about SirVyrewatch?'
[] ChO changed name to Cop
[] SirVyrewatch says: 'nao te entendo'
[] SirVyrewatch headshot Aaron_Krebs
[] Jg99 says: 'no worries :Dt'
[] Jg99 says: ':D*'
[] Cop changed name to OfficerChO
[] J0kk3 changed name to Pervert
[] 'Pervert' matches nickname blacklist line 99
[] disconnecting client Pervert (inappropriate nickname) cn 3, 166 seconds played, score saved
Game status: team deathmatch on jg99, 14 minutes remaining, match, 4 clients
cn name team score frag death tk ping role host
0 Jg99 RVSF -8 0 2 0 176 normal
1 Aaron_Krebs CLA -28 -1 2 1 116 normal
2 OfficerChO CLA 56 6 1 0 77 normal
5 SirVyrewatch RVSF 56 7 1 0 182 normal
ChO CLA 0 0 - - disconnected
Aaron_Krebs RVSF 0 0 - - disconnected
J0kk3 CLA 0 0 - - disconnected
SirVyrewatch CLA 0 0 - - disconnected
Pervert CLA 0 2 - - disconnected
Team CLA: 6 players, 5 frags
Team RVSF: 3 players, 7 frags
Status at 13-11-2011 14:55:55: 4 remote clients, 6.0 send, 2.4 rec (K/sec); Ping: #153|7915|306; CSL: #1|196|3 (bytes)
[] client connected
[] Pervert logged in (reconnect to match), AC: 1104|840
[] OfficerChO says: 'Hey Pervert'
[] Jg99 says: 'lol nice'
[] Pervert says: 'lol soz'
[] SirVyrewatch says: 'worries ?'
[] Pervert says: 'but i cant stay long fred :/'
[] Jg99 says: 'np :D'
[] Jg99 says: 'ok lets shoot the first scene'
[] Pervert says: ':D whos recording?'
[] Jg99 says: 'its about jg99 and the pervert'
[] Jg99 says: 'ill get the demo and record off it'
[] Pervert says: 'ok'
[] Aaron_Krebs changed name to Jg99's_Father
[] Jg99 says: 'the first scene is at the van'
[] client connected
[] disconnecting client tHEkILLER (servers mastermode is "private" - wait until the servers mastermode is "open") cn 4, 0 seconds played
[] Pervert says: 'but i cant type fast'
Game status: team deathmatch on jg99, 13 minutes remaining, match, 5 clients
cn name team score frag death tk ping role host
0 Jg99 RVSF -8 0 2 0 185 normal
1 Jg99's_Father CLA -28 -1 2 1 121 normal
2 OfficerChO CLA 56 6 1 0 73 normal
3 Pervert CLA -8 0 2 0 181 normal
5 SirVyrewatch RVSF 56 7 1 0 184 normal
ChO CLA 0 0 - - disconnected
Aaron_Krebs RVSF 0 0 - - disconnected
J0kk3 CLA 0 0 - - disconnected
SirVyrewatch CLA 0 0 - - disconnected
Team CLA: 6 players, 5 frags
Team RVSF: 3 players, 7 frags
Status at 13-11-2011 14:56:55: 5 remote clients, 6.4 send, 2.5 rec (K/sec); Ping: #165|8867|330; CSL: #1|199|3 (bytes)
[] Jg99 says: 'the pervert says to jg99 to come check out his puppys at the back of the car'
[] Pervert says: 'mhm'
[] Jg99 says: 'ok lets do it like this'
[] Jg99 says: 'stand infront of meh'
[] Pervert says: 'but i cant type fast you know?'
[] Jg99 says: 'no worries'
[] Jg99 says: 'ok'
[] SirVyrewatch slashed his teammate Jg99
[] client connected
[] {TBR}IguanaMoo logged in using the admin password in line 9, AC: 1104|840, nickname whitelist match
[] OfficerChO says: 'Hey {TBR}IguanaMoo'
[] player {TBR}IguanaMoo used admin password in line 9
[] set role of player {TBR}IguanaMoo to admin
Game status: team deathmatch on jg99, 12 minutes remaining, match, 6 clients
cn name team score frag death tk ping role host
0 Jg99 RVSF -12 0 3 0 182 normal
1 Jg99's_Father CLA -28 -1 2 1 118 normal
2 OfficerChO CLA 56 6 1 0 75 normal
3 Pervert CLA -8 0 2 0 168 normal
4 {TBR}IguanaMoo SPEC 0 0 0 0 76 admin
5 SirVyrewatch RVSF 36 6 1 1 185 normal
ChO CLA 0 0 - - disconnected
Aaron_Krebs RVSF 0 0 - - disconnected
J0kk3 CLA 0 0 - - disconnected
SirVyrewatch CLA 0 0 - - disconnected
{TBR}IguanaMoo SPEC 0 0 - - disconnected
Team CLA: 6 players, 5 frags
Team RVSF: 3 players, 6 frags
Status at 13-11-2011 14:57:55: 6 remote clients, 6.8 send, 2.7 rec (K/sec); Ping: #175|8962|350; CSL: #1|201|3 (bytes)
[] client connected
[] |*SC*|Jg99 logged in using the admin password in line 14, AC: 1104|840
[] OfficerChO says: 'Hey |*SC*|Jg99'
[] Jg99 says: 'lol'
[] player |*SC*|Jg99 used admin password in line 14
[] set role of player |*SC*|Jg99 to admin
[] client {TBR}IguanaMoo failed to call a vote: ban player Jg99, reason: leave (server denied your call)
[] set role of player |*SC*|Jg99 to normal player
[] disconnecting client |*SC*|Jg99 (unsuccessful administrator login) cn 6, 9 seconds played, score saved
[] Jg99 changed name to HAI
[] client connected
[] disconnecting client esa|!|Jlinkz|!| (servers mastermode is "private" - wait until the servers mastermode is "open") cn 6, 0 seconds played
[] SirVyrewatch slashed Jg99's_Father
[] Pervert says: 'mhm'
[] client connected
[] |*SC*|Jg99 logged in (reconnect to match), AC: 1104|840
[] OfficerChO says: 'Hey |*SC*|Jg99'
[] player |*SC*|Jg99 used admin password in line 14
[] set role of player |*SC*|Jg99 to admin
[] client |*SC*|Jg99 called a vote: ban player Jg99's_Father, reason: none
[] disconnecting client Jg99's_Father (vote-banned from the server) cn 1, 461 seconds played, score saved
[] Pervert says: 'lol'
[] disconnected client HAI cn 0, 478 seconds played, score saved
[] player {TBR}IguanaMoo used admin password in line 9
[] set role of player {TBR}IguanaMoo to admin
[] client {TBR}IguanaMoo failed to call a vote: (invalid vote)
[] |*SC*|Jg99 says: 'i have amin too'
[] {TBR}IguanaMoo says: 'mmm'
[] player |*SC*|Jg99 used admin password in line 14
[] set role of player |*SC*|Jg99 to admin
[] client |*SC*|Jg99 called a vote: ban player OfficerChO, reason: none
[] disconnecting client OfficerChO (vote-banned from the server) cn 2, 455 seconds played, score saved
[] client |*SC*|Jg99 called a vote: change mastermode to 'open'
Game status: team deathmatch on jg99, 11 minutes remaining, open, 4 clients
cn name team score frag death tk ping role host
3 Pervert CLA -8 0 2 0 172 normal
4 {TBR}IguanaMoo SPEC 0 0 0 0 49 normal
5 SirVyrewatch RVSF 56 8 1 1 180 normal
6 |*SC*|Jg99 SPEC 0 0 0 0 180 admin
Team CLA: 1 players, 0 frags
Team RVSF: 1 players, 8 frags
Status at 13-11-2011 14:58:55: 4 remote clients, 6.4 send, 2.1 rec (K/sec); Ping: #190|10013|380; CSL: #1|248|3 (bytes)
[] client {TBR}IguanaMoo called a vote: load map 'ac_blacklight' in mode 'team one shot, one kill'
[] client connected
[] ramb@@@ logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
[] client connected
[] disconnecting client =SA=ChO (connection refused - you have been banned from this server) cn 1, 0 seconds played
[] disconnected client Pervert cn 3, 186 seconds played, score saved
[] client connected
[] disconnecting client HAI (connection refused - you have been banned from this server) cn 1, 0 seconds played
looking up
master server registration succeeded
[] client connected
[] Anonymous|Bb1st logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
Game status: team deathmatch on jg99, game finished, open, 5 clients
cn name team score frag death tk ping role host
0 ramb@@@ SPEC 0 0 0 0 218 normal
1 Anonymous|Bb1st SPEC 0 0 0 0 105 normal
4 {TBR}IguanaMoo SPEC 0 0 0 0 49 normal
5 SirVyrewatch RVSF 56 8 1 1 180 normal
6 |*SC*|Jg99 SPEC 0 0 0 0 182 admin
Team CLA: 0 players, 0 frags
Team RVSF: 1 players, 8 frags
Demo "Sun Nov 13 14:59:24 2011: team deathmatch, jg99, 168.82kB, 10 mr" recorded.
demo written to file "serverdemo/SODA_TDM_jg99_2011.11.13_1459_10mr.dmo" (172874 bytes)
loaded map packages/maps/servermaps/incoming/ac_blacklight.cgz, 10928 + 31181(6847) bytes.
Map height density information for ac_blacklight: H = 13.12 V = 557289, A = 42481 and MA = 7339
Game start: team one shot, one kill on ac_blacklight, 5 players, 15 minutes, mastermode 0, (map rev 15/10928, temporary, 'getmap' prepared)
Demo recording started.
[] disconnected client {TBR}IguanaMoo cn 4, 104 seconds played, score saved
[] disconnected client |*SC*|Jg99 cn 6, 78 seconds played, score saved
[] Anonymous|Bb1st says: '|*SC*|Jg99 new clan?'
[] SirVyrewatch slashed ramb@@@
[] disconnected client Anonymous|Bb1st cn 1, 30 seconds played, score saved
IP of HannaBanna/FredriK* (i has proof by Log)
Posts: 40
Threads: 8
Joined: Sep 2011
11 Dec 11, 04:55AM
(This post was last modified: 11 Dec 11, 08:49AM by jamz.)
Posts: 718
Threads: 23
Joined: Jun 2010
11 Dec 11, 05:20AM
(This post was last modified: 11 Dec 11, 10:34AM by jamz.)
(11 Dec 11, 12:13AM)Jg99 Wrote: Name: {CoE}fredriK*, unarmed...
I don't see the adittal of cheats or impersonation
Posts: 1
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Joined: Dec 2011
11 Dec 11, 08:41AM
(This post was last modified: 11 Dec 11, 08:51AM by jamz.)
(11 Nov 11, 07:36PM)_Dust_RJ* Wrote: / / Nome: =D$=*Fod's^
Reason / / Ban: aimbot
/ / Prova:
//ip :
![[Image: b4z4g8.jpg]]( mentira do caraiu olha a demo eu nao to usando hack e nunca vou usar . . oia *-*
Lie face looks to the demo I did not hack using and will never use.
look at the demo! ! look at the demo! ! look at the demo! !
jamz edit: I watched the demo at least five times. It's an aimbot and a wallhack. Now, please, stop posting about your innocence.
Posts: 414
Threads: 12
Joined: Feb 2011
11 Dec 11, 09:48AM
(This post was last modified: 11 Dec 11, 10:34AM by jamz.)
(11 Dec 11, 12:13AM)Jg99 Wrote: Name: {CoE}fredriK*, unarmed...
WTF is this Jg99, the only part of you post backed up by your screenshot is possibly the impersonation part. I say possibly because you have neglected to get his IP captured in that Screenie, I can let that go because i am sure if it was not him he would be posting here but really man, why add all that other stuff with no proof?
TBH, every post i see from you makes me even more determined to ignore everything that starts with your name.
Posts: 198
Threads: 9
Joined: Aug 2011
11 Dec 11, 10:23AM
(This post was last modified: 11 Dec 11, 10:34AM by jamz.)
(11 Dec 11, 12:13AM)Jg99 Wrote: Name: {CoE}fredriK*, unarmed...
Admitting to cheats and impersonation: Jokes, Riceboy is my friend.
Admin abuse: Not worse than Jg99's regular admin abuses.
"and much much more": Not really.
Reason he only got 2 screenshots and not a demo: Because he's making up the BL reasons.
My own report:
//Name : Jg99
//Site : This one
//Ban reason : Abusing the Blacklist Reports function, reporting innocent people, making up false reports.
//Proof : Posts #1025 and #975 and #842 are false and made up by Jg99 in this thread. Also, check out his first 20 or so posts on this forum and see how he lies about abusers.
//Suggested action to prevent further abusing : Take away his rights to post in this thread, or ban him off the forums.
Posts: 2,136
Threads: 50
Joined: Jun 2010
Alright people, that's enough.
JG99, make sure your blacklist reports have evidence that matches the reason. Accusing someone of something without providing the slightest piece of evidence to back it up is one of the reasons you attract so much disrespect. If you don't do this in future, I'll simply delete your posts.
RealViking, yes JG99 has made a fool of himself again, but please remember why this thread is here. It's a list of suggestions not actual bans. Server owners are the ones who decide which of these blacklistings to implement. If the evidence doesn't match the accusation, they'll ignore it.
13 Dec 11, 01:58AM
(This post was last modified: 13 Dec 11, 08:56AM by jamz.)
// Name : deathomen9878
// Reason: Headshot hack, gib hack, basically shooting into nothingness and getting headshots/kills/gibs (demo)
// Screenshot:
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14 Dec 11, 04:03AM
(This post was last modified: 14 Dec 11, 06:17PM by hgf-arg.)
//Name: LLAMA/ llama
//Ban Reason: Tag abuse-vote abuse-changing names
//Ban server: [AC Ladder] {TyD}Champagne
//Ban Date: 12-13-2011
//IP: 76.233.172.x
Edit: I need the full IP, so if anyone could post it will be much appreciated
![[Image: 20111213042614acpowerht.jpg]]( ![[Image: 20111213042916acpowerht.jpg]]( ![[Image: 20111213043033acpowerht.jpg]]( ![[Image: 20111213043349acpowerht.jpg]](
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(11 Dec 11, 12:13AM)Jg99 Wrote: Name: {CoE}fredriK*, unarmed
//Server: Gema Central
//Ban Reason: Admiting to cheats, Admin Abuse, impersonation, Trolling, Vote Abuse, and //much Much More!
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So we've got impersonation done, although the cheats, admin abuse, trolling, vote abuse, and "much much more" proofs leave much to be desired.
Not quite sure if this is really BL worthy in the first place, I suppose it's up to the discretion of the others
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// Name: EMM
// Ban date: 2011-12-14
// Ban reason: Impersonator, offensive
// Proof:
// Name: KyC|Jg99
// Ban date: 2011-12-14
// Ban reason: Impersonator, offensive, abuse tag
Notice if they use the name of Jg99, will be banned for life on my servers
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15 Dec 11, 12:40AM
(This post was last modified: 15 Dec 11, 01:07AM by Jg99.)
thanks for that impersonation report!, and add in nick bl: blocki Jg99
accept .kyC"|Jg99
my ip is static u kno
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15 Dec 11, 03:14AM
(This post was last modified: 15 Dec 11, 03:20AM by Link.)
// Name: Mr_President
// Ban date: 12-14-11
// Ban reason: Inappropriate Language, racism
// Server: Q-be r00t's {TBR} & Friends :: (1,200 Maps!)
// Proof demo:
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(14 Dec 11, 10:41PM)PERROS Wrote: // Name: EMM
// Name: KyC|Jg99
Offensive? The chat goes:
1. where is des perros?
2. ok
3. Kick vote: When OpenSource bans, he bans. But now Jg99 is here, and when he kicks, he kicks
4. I wanted to ban him
How is that offensive? I wouldn't expect a DES member to make up false reasons and abuse the Blacklist function (irony? I believe so.)
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15 Dec 11, 12:38PM
(This post was last modified: 15 Dec 11, 04:25PM by OpenSource.)
@ RealViking
This is most likely the same person. is/has been used as a private tunnel.
And the dude was banned for tag abuse/impersonating.
Didnt take long before the other dude connected and started acting up, so this is most likely same person using tunnels to evade bans and behave like a shithead.
All kinda of proxys/tunnels like that will, and is, permanent banned on my server.
Now, lets get back to blacklisting. Any response to this post can be made via PM here or DES forum.
Edit: Dessuten så burde du ikke skrike for høyt.
Vi vet det var deg, og om du holder på slikt lengre vil kontoen din på foumet her bli stengt.
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// Name: F@tHeReE#41
// Ban date: 12-17-11
// Ban reason: Teamkiller
// Server: BCFH- Arena
// Proof demo:
//IP : 75.88.11x
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I hope this is the correct place for this, I'm sorry if its not (note: my ip is in the 98.86.x.x range)
// Name: [SODA]__ME__
// Ban date: 12-16-2011
// Ban reason: impersonating, clan tag abuse
// Server Bundy Server
// Proof demo:
// Proof screenshot:
// IP: 219.88.92.x
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17 Dec 11, 09:13AM
(This post was last modified: 17 Dec 11, 09:42AM by jamz.)
//Name: cooper
//Ban Reason: headshot hack
//Ban Date: 2011-12-17
//Server: MyS Custom
Demo here.
mod edit: added last octet and demo
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17 Dec 11, 10:11AM
(This post was last modified: 17 Dec 11, 08:35PM by GDM.)
* Name(s) used.
-- mklmlmlmldss363
-- mklmlmlmldss
-- hype
* Date/Time (including timezone).
-- Around 3:30 AM EST (GMT-5)
* Server it occured on (including IP/Port of the server).
-- Erm. One of the tyd ladder servers.
* Demos/Screenshots of the offense(s).
-- demo:
-- he joins with around 6 minutes left
* IP (or a partial IP).
-- 99.111.226.x - no screenshot of ip
* A detailed description of what they did.
-- Repeated and intentional flag-tks
-- Logging to avoid ban votes & then coming back to tk again
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// Name: @xF4/.
// Ban date: 2011-12-17
// Ban reason: Impersonation, tag abuse.
// Server: @xF4/. ClaN
// Proof:
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//Name: *[O.B]*SiL3nT|L
//Ban Reason: Impersonation
//Ban Date: 17.12.2011
//Server: Server Finland 2 MyS 100Mbit Ladder
I don't wish to post it in public, but I have a copy of the real SiL3nT's IP. It is different.
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(15 Dec 11, 03:14AM)Link Wrote: // Name: Mr_President
// Ban date: 12-14-11
// Ban reason: Inappropriate Language, racism
// Server: Q-be r00t's {TBR} & Friends :: (1,200 Maps!)
// Proof demo:
// Dec 14 20:21:59 [] Mr_President logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
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// Name: tweekers13
// Ban date: 12-18-11
// Ban reason: Speedhack
// Server: DyH Public Server
// Proof demo:
//IP :
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20 Dec 11, 05:14AM
(This post was last modified: 20 Dec 11, 05:45PM by MasterKaen.)
// Name: (various names, keeps changing to impersonate other players)
// Ban date: 12-19-11
// Ban reason: Aimbot/ESP
// Server: AFH|Socrates
// Proof demo:
IP screenshot
Demo link
Pretty obvious imo. He's client number 0, and he's in the game when it starts (playername Troll=L at the beginning). Very obvious snapping, and he just sits and stares at a wall, accurately predicting which entrance his opponent will emerge from. As I mentioned, he changes his name every so often, he was Matador30 when I took the screenshot (still cn 0). Eventually he even changes his name to Aimbot30 at the end just to be cheeky. I'm sure he's DHCP refreshed by now but hopefully this report helps.
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20 Dec 11, 06:12AM
(This post was last modified: 20 Dec 11, 08:31PM by *Champion.)
Well, well... Sadly, another report.
// Name(s) used: AzuratareGamer and AzureBlade2010
// Date/Time: Around 08:25 PM, UTC -03:00, December 18th, 2011.
// Demo:
// Server: Exodus 24h CTF-HTF-KTF
// Description: "Nuclear Grenade" cheat. The subject throws a single grenade anywhere and gibs almost every opponent on the map, with the obvious exception of the ones who haven't spawned. Subject joins around 12 minutes remaining, starts cheating at around 10:45 remaining. (Sorry for taking so much time to report, I forgot about it yesterday)
// IP (full): Below.
IP address "fixed" by XRD's advice. Grazie once more, my friend.