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AC Blacklist Reports
// Name: Chapolin
// Date: 13/September/2011
// Reason: Clan Tag Abuse
// Server V!P3RS*
Thanks given by:
// Name: xX-HaCkEr-Xx
// Date: 14SEP2011
// Reason: Aimbot
// Server: Dedicated Elite Soldiers TOSOK 24/7 []
// Screenshot: https://uloadr.com/u/YFLC.jpg
// Demo: http://uiu.me/njSD.dmo at 3mr

// Mod edit: Added full IP.
Thanks given by:
AC hello friends, yesterday I was on the server of the Vipers, and what happened was that the server was very lagger! We've talked about it, hackers do not use,
Sj if any player is caught using these types of hackrs, are we the first to report on the blacklist of the AC!

No issue matters more! Thank you for your attention!

// Mod edit: Keep this thread to blacklist reports only.
Thanks given by:
Name: Cheetah=MyS=
Date: 15.09.2011
Reason: Clantag-abuse
Server: BoB Marley Ladder server, hosted by perros
Screenshot: http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/8951/...othicc.jpg
Thanks to Perros, who gave me Admin to take full IP.
Thanks given by:
(11 Sep 11, 02:47PM)DES|Cleaner Wrote: Case of DES impersonating, I think this one is already blacklisted.

I warned him 3 times to remove tag or face a ban but got simply ignored.

I also suspect some dodgy scripts.

Partial IP is: 89.170.87.X

[Image: sharktz.jpg]

This guy is reported a lots of times but seems to always slip away.
He is always in this range: - as fare as i know.
I do not know if any other players are in that range but that maybe jamz can help us with.
Anyway, please ban this two IPs for him:
Thanks given by:
(14 Sep 11, 05:34PM)Jack Wrote:
// Name: xX-HaCkEr-Xx
// Date: 14SEP2011
// Reason: Aimbot
// Server: Dedicated Elite Soldiers TOSOK 24/7 []
// Screenshot: https://uloadr.com/u/YFLC.jpg
// Demo: http://uiu.me/njSD.dmo at 3mr

this IP
Thanks given by:
//Name: TNT
//Ban Reason: Speed hack
//Server: e$a - =AoW= clan server
//Proof: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jlinkz/f...o/download
//Ban Date sept 16 2011
[Image: 2web4i1.jpg]
Thanks given by:
//Name: Guitout's
//Ban Reason: Tag abuse
//Ban server: {>ARM<} ARMAGEDDON SOLDIERS - By *|ARG|*
//Ban Date: 17-09-2011
//Proof: http://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/16/87/07/70/screen12.jpg
Thanks given by:
(15 Sep 11, 04:23PM)Benson Wrote: Name: Cheetah=MyS=
Date: 15.09.2011
Reason: Clantag-abuse
Server: BoB Marley Ladder server, hosted by perros
Screenshot: http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/8951/...othicc.jpg
Thanks to Perros, who gave me Admin to take full IP.

don't BL him, he apologized
Thanks given by:
Name: Trolling (he doesn't stick with the same nickname for long)
Date: 18.09.2011
Reason: Arbitrary kick/ban votes on public servers & offensive language
Server: Multiple public servers.
Screenshot: http://imgur.com/PQDzL.jpg
Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?xk26rnl2wgl0cdo
IP: 220.237.109.x

He's been doing this for a while now. What he does is join a server, pick a random player and attempt to kick/ban the player with a crude reason.
Thanks given by:
(18 Sep 11, 05:24AM)Aekom Wrote: Name: Trolling (he doesn't stick with the same nickname for long)
Date: 18.09.2011
Reason: Arbitrary kick/ban votes on public servers & offensive language
Server: Multiple public servers.
Screenshot: http://imgur.com/PQDzL.jpg
Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?xk26rnl2wgl0cdo
IP: 220.237.109.x

He's been doing this for a while now. What he does is join a server, pick a random player and attempt to kick/ban the player with a crude reason.

this player is banned in several servers but still doing the same thing always seems to be an addict to kick of insults

Thanks given by:
Someone attempted to impersonate me and then added his own name to =AoW=.

I didnt see his original name, however he changed his name to "=Aow=boss" because he "felt like it", before changing it to "WoA=D3HT" which is a wrongly spelt backwards version of my username. He then changed it to "AuW=Kurac" (clearly this person must be stupid) and refused to remove the tag until we banned him from the server. I have a screenshot (but don't know how to upload, sorry could someone explain? or I can email upon request), and both =AoW=Cheetah and =AoW=J0kk3 can vouch for this behaviour.
Thanks given by:
We need screenshot/demo and IP to do something about it.
Upload screenshot to a site and post the link here and other stuff here.
Please use the proper form.
Thanks given by:
// Name: hahaha / sniper{Pro}hun
// Ban date: 2011-09-18
// Ban reason: aimbot
// Proof (log text only): http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=ar8wrayW
Link to log.
Unfortunately I was kiboshed by the multiple-Windows-servers-demo-fubar, which has been fixed for the next release. X-Ray_Dog has kindly passed on the server log which shows:
hahaha joins and (also as sniper{Pro}hun) plays at least 4 minutes of DM/fox_runner and nearly 15 minutes of TDM/sniper@camper. In this time he scores 194 frags. These are made up of 99 headshots, 3 gibs (grenade kill) and 7 suicides. I'm well aware that it's possible to camp the enemy base for easy headshots on sniper@camper; I watched him for a minute and his nine HSs in that time were from base to base. He was eventually kick/banned.
Thanks given by:
//Name: capitaocaverna
//Ban Reason: Aimbot
//Server: The Sun by [tBs]10se1ucgo
//Proof: dont have proof but i was playing TOSOK on a map and while spectating i noticed a cross chair on only his sniper rifle
//Ban Date: September 18th, 2011
Thanks given by:
//Name: B.A.Baracus
//Date: 18SEP2011
//Reason: Speedhack
//Server: Exodus 24h T-OSOK
//Demo: https://uloadr.com/u/ttZY.dmo 12mr
//Whois: https://uloadr.com/u/wQIp.jpg
//Full IPs from my servers: https://uloadr.com/u/zyqF.jpg
// https://uloadr.com/u/HkqM.jpg

I pity the fool . . .
Thanks given by:
Another guy to blacklist. This guy goes by MisakA, Misaka-Mikoto and various other similar aliases, he is usually often seen on the Megatowers Rewind map teamkilling people for fun. I have a screenshot (can email upon request) and his IP is 210.139.234.x . I hope something can be done about him, he ruins this map for everyone who plays.

If you cannot see the screenshot, URL is: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/153...tower.jpg/[Image: 20110919152655megatower.jpg]


Thanks given by:
@ =AoW=D3TH
(18 Sep 11, 02:47PM)=AoW=D3TH Wrote: Someone attempted to impersonate me and then added his own name to =AoW=.
I didnt see his original name, however he changed his name to "=Aow=boss" because he "felt like it", before changing it to "WoA=D3HT" which is a wrongly spelt backwards version of my username. He then changed it to "AuW=Kurac" (clearly this person must be stupid) and refused to remove the tag until we banned him from the server. I have a screenshot (but don't know how to upload, sorry could someone explain? or I can email upon request), and both =AoW=Cheetah and =AoW=J0kk3 can vouch for this behaviour.

(18 Sep 11, 04:31PM)DES|OpenSource Wrote: We need screenshot/demo and IP to do something about it.
Upload screenshot to a site and post the link here and other stuff here.
Please use the proper form.

// Name(s) used.
// Date/Time (including timezone).
// Server it occured on (including IP/Port of the server).
// Demos/Screenshots of the offense(s).
// A detailed description of what they did.
IP (or a partial IP).

Thanks given by:
//Name: Mr.Bob
//Ban Reason: Team killing, Vote abuse, Abusive language, Racism toward indians (to a degree), General Dickhead
//Server: Server Finland 1 =MyS= 100Mbit
//Ban Date 19-9-2011 19:50 GMT aprox
//IP 86.57.50.x
//proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?csk69edqw2hbxzi
[Image: 20110919185301acdesert3.jpg]
[Image: 20110919185525acdesert3.jpg]
[Image: 20110919185632acdesert3.jpg]
Thanks given by:
//Name: +4N0NYM0US+
//Ban:Speed Hacker
//Server: Didnt have a name just the ip so..if u need it i'll put it
//IP: 186.221.9.x
//Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?7ph8mc4jrsc3dq5

Mod edit: Wrong demo?
Thanks given by:
//Name: [BoB]andrius
//Date: September 22nd
//Reason: Tag abuse
//Proof: http://i56.tinypic.com/qrah3t.jpg
Thanks given by:
// Name: you
// Ban date: September 20 2011
// Ban reason: Edit mode/walking through walls
// Server: LaddeR @ {BoB}Marley [ESP]
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?nyetdtvcrlztear

// Name: ja
// Ban date: September 25 2011
// Ban reason: Intentional TKer
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?qfm1ml9fzrxn36h
You just need to look at the first minute to see him running after teammates and shooting at them.

// Name: TheCubeCreator
// Ban date: September 25 2011
// Ban reason: Speedhack
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?jvkx01lpvymg2c4
Thanks given by:
//name: Diego
//ban reason: hack (hyper jump)
//server |*ARG*| - Zonda Boludeo
//country: Brazil

[Image: thumb_20110925_21.29.14_ac_BoxHead2_CTF_0.jpg]

demo: http://www.clanargento.com.ar/sites/defa...09_2mr.dmo
map: http://www.clanargento.com.ar/sites/defa...-gema6.rar
Thanks given by:
// Name: Shadow or something like that
// Reason: He was flying all across the map ULTRA_TWINTOWERS
// Proof: I have none but if you play him you will understand
Thanks given by:
(28 Sep 11, 08:20PM)D1551D3N7 Wrote: // Name: Shadow or something like that
// Reason: He was flying all across the map ULTRA_TWINTOWERS
// Proof: I have none but if you play him you will understand

Unfortunately, "Shadow or something like that" is not a valid blacklist entry.
Fortunately, someone already did it right: http://forum.cubers.net/thread-543-post-...l#pid69852
Thanks given by:
There's more than one person with shadow in their name. Maybe he came back? I've seen him after that post.
Ya I didn't give it too much attention at the time and just kicked him (wasn't able to ban)
Thanks given by:
// Name : e$a|!|Co0k!e|L|, MIKEIKJSN
// Date : 2011-09-28
// Reason : Impersonater, tag abuser
// Server : Exodus 24h T-OSOK
// Proof : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/11/...atwin.jpg/
// This dude has been impersonating the real e$a|!|Co0k!e|L| for months and has been acting noobish to make cookie look bad, should obviously be blacklisted
// IP :
Thanks given by:
//Name: Beck#$
//Ban Reason: INSULT
//Server: [HTN] Clan_Server 1 (24/7)
//Ban Date: 29/09/2011

Thanks given by:
// Name: PaPa_LeGu44__S_ , MaCoNhEr0__I__
// Reason: Aimbot, wallhack
// Server: OSOK.pwnz.org
// Date: 01 OCT 2011
// https://uloadr.com/u/0gXQ.dmo
// https://uloadr.com/u/OVVx.txt
Thanks given by:
// Name: {BOB-paprikar, {BoB)Paprikar (fake)
// Ban date: October 2 2011
// Ban reason: Clan tag abuse
// Server: LaddeR @ {BoB}Marley [ESP]
// proof - serverlog: http://acdes.net/10ufI8
Thanks given by:
