--> -->
AC Blacklist Reports
//Name: Cheat|S.w*, Same|S.w*, Noob|S.w* ....
//Ban Reason: name changing
//Server: |B-G| Best Gibbers Public
//Ban 16/0611

No Screenshot sorry

Thanks given by:
//Name: (he has naming changing script)
//Ban Reason: name changing script,
//Server: |NZ|Kiwi
//Proof: http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/9799/im...ationl.jpg
//Ban Date 17 June 2011
Thanks given by:
// Name: Unarmed
// Ban date: 2011-06-17
// Ban reason: Multi nade (without Damage)
// Server: BCFH-Arena
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?fmdsuf94ysfmdo8
// IP: 46.202.149.X

[Image: capturedecran20110617a1.png]
Thanks given by:
//Name : |BITCH|Lauren!
//Date: 18 / june / 2011
//Reason: speedhack
//Server: Exodus 24h CTF-HTF-KTF
//Demo: http://www.4shared.com/file/UeB-enGh/TKT..._1655.html
//Print: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-gVp9P...e_TKTF.jpg

Mod edit: Previously reported here and here.
Thanks given by:
//Name : FD*Milandrag
//Date: 19.6.2011
//Reason: imposting impersinator
//Server: several, IP retrieved from FD server (ac.fd.tc)
//Print: http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo112...w_OSOK.jpg

yesterday he told me to change my name cuz he didn't like it. he had name anarm1d at the time (no screen or demo) but the IP was same...he also said something like : change it or.... he never said what but my friend him today...
Thanks given by:
/Name : AK74u
//Date: 19 june 2011
//Reason: HeadShot hack--wherever he hits u it's a hs
//Server: |40+|shad-99 Friends clan
//Demo+Screenshot: http://www.mediafire.com/?aefqvkje1ohof

please don't jude from the first 2 mins
Thanks given by:
// Name: LooL
// Ban date: 2011-06-20
// Ban reason: aimbot
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/LooL&Bastar_huhrenso.jpg
This range affects 3-4 other players.
// Name: Bastar_huhrenso
// Ban date: 2011-06-20
// Ban reason: aimbot
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/LooL&Bastar_huhrenso.jpg
These ranges affect 2 other players.

Unfortunately, these two were on one of the CeW servers, which have faulty demo recording, so I had to fire up fraps. I have a lot of video which is very difficult to edit down to something worthwhile, but I'll try to provide something better than just the lousy screenshot, as soon as I can.
Thanks given by:
// Name: PEPSI
// Ban date: 2011-06-21
// Ban reason: aimbot
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/TOSOK_ac_desert_2011.06.21_0637.dmo
Link to demo. This one is not super-obvious, but there are enough snap-shot headshots in there to show it's an occasional aimbot.
Thanks given by:
// Name: Blow
// Ban date: June 21 2011
// Ban reason: Aimbot
// Server: Exodus 24h T-OSOK
// Screenshot: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/215...mapvu.png/

Mod edit: Next time, splatman, F10 when the next map starts will get you the demo, and "/whois 6" (6 is Blow's cn on the scoreboard) would have got you a partial IP address. Thanks for trying :)
Thanks given by:
// Name: F1tch94
// Ban date: June 21 2011
// Ban reason: Aimbot (Headshot)
// Server: =MyS= OSOK (GER)
// Screenshot: http://www.mediafire.com/?qmfsxsmyibc6mo5
// Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?vm637iol39qqnhe

There should be better Demos on =MyS= Finland 2 Server with TOSOK on AC_Desert (Time ~ 23:42 or 11:42 pm)
Thanks given by:
// Name: Marcelisgreat
// Ban date: June 22 2011
// Ban reason: Aimbot
// Server: |BC|Diana UK
// Demo and Screenshot: http://www.mediafire.com/?5ub9esz8bmmxy7h
Thanks given by:
// Name: DES|.:Sh@rK:.
// Ban date: June 24 2011
// Ban reason: Tag abuse
// Server: [970]Krew
// Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/8g8uk.jpg
Thanks given by:
// Name: P0rnRABBIT, BigChrist
// Ban date: 2011-06-24
// Ban reason: Shooting Through Walls , Teamkilling...
// Server: Exodus CTF
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?9bwdwwgxj2utoxt
// IP: 178.0.254.x

Watch him kill "was?" lol
Thanks given by:
(19 Jun 11, 01:45PM)Milandrag Wrote: //Name : FD*Milandrag
//Date: 19.6.2011
//Reason: imposting impersinator
//Server: several, IP retrieved from FD server (ac.fd.tc)
//Print: http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo112...w_OSOK.jpg

yesterday he told me to change my name cuz he didn't like it. he had name anarm1d at the time (no screen or demo) but the IP was same...he also said something like : change it or.... he never said what but my friend him today...

lol its that "neo28" or "drago" guy.
He impersonates everybody.
Its his hobby.
Thanks given by:
(24 Jun 11, 01:40PM)GeneralDisarray Wrote: // Name: DES|.:Sh@rK:.
// Ban date: June 24 2011
// Ban reason: Tag abuse
// Server: [970]Krew
// Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/8g8uk.jpg

Already banned in several servers:)

Thanks given by:
// Name: [B2-K]Ninja
// Ban date: 25/06/2011
// Ban reason: Aimbot (see after 4 min)
// Server: /hlin.woop.us 9999 match
//Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?r9qg6r0or5c3uny
//IP: 114.76.231.x
Thanks given by:
//Name: unarmed
//Ban Reason: team killing/team damage
//Server: Exodus 24h CTF-HTF-KTF
//Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?rrd1pqj3r9fjapr
//Date: 25th of June, 2011. ~9.30pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

He is there at the start, and rejoins a couple of times (after being kicked and auto-kicked) using the same name. BTW, at the start he is unarmed(3), then he is unarmed(6), and somewhere along the line he is known as unarmed(4).
Thanks given by:
(25 Jun 11, 08:52AM)cOGhost Wrote: // Name: [B2-K]Ninja
// Ban date: 25/06/2011
// Ban reason: Aimbot (see after 4 min)
// Server: /hlin.woop.us 9999 match
//Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?r9qg6r0or5c3uny
//IP: 114.76.231.x
Ok he abused on hlin with his mate JFK.
Ninja full IP :
Jun 24 13:51:42 [] ^JFK=[B2-K] says: 'like this'
Jun 24 13:51:46 [] ^JFK=[B2-K] says: 'try not to use this'
Jun 24 13:51:53 [] ^JFK=[B2-K] says: 'even to say nice shot and stuff'
I suggest to blacklist both of them.
Thanks given by:
// Name: {MRNS}-Rifleman
// Ban date: 2011.06.23
// Ban reason: Speed Hack (at about 3 mins remaining)
// Server: ?
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?jwyv5wnksy58n50
// IPs:

These are the ones I have.
I dont understand the range thing that much.

He is better known for stealing, noobing up other peoples maps and claiming them as his own.
Thanks given by:
// Name: {MRNS}-Lucas
// Ban Date: 25/06/11
// Ban Reason: Speedhack
// Server: aVitoX>TOSOK+OSOK Server
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?xj4kxu52iu31un1
// IP:
[Image: 20110625190828acdouzeos.jpg]

Joins 7 mins remaining. Ironic alias was ironic. [Image: 20110625190835acdouzeos.jpg]
Thanks given by:
// Name: Psychokind
// Ban date: 6/25/2011
// Ban reason: headshots Aimbot
// Server: Q-be r00t's {TBR} & Friends :: (950+ Maps)
// Proof: logs
// IPs:

Jun 25 22:07:27 [] Psychokind logged in (default), AC: 1103|848
Jun 25 22:07:28 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] baxucaW fragged TeTrix
Jun 25 22:07:28 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] TeTrix fragged baxucaW
Jun 25 22:07:36 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] baxucaW fragged joy
Jun 25 22:07:37 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] Jesus fragged baxucaW
Jun 25 22:07:39 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] TeTrix fragged Jesus
Jun 25 22:07:47 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] Jesus fragged joy
Jun 25 22:07:49 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] baxucaW fragged Psychokind
Jun 25 22:07:50 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] TeTrix fragged baxucaW
Jun 25 22:07:52 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] TeTrix fragged Jesus
Jun 25 22:07:59 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] TeTrix fragged Psychokind
Jun 25 22:08:00 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] TeTrix slashed joy
Jun 25 22:08:01 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] TeTrix fragged Jesus
Jun 25 22:08:04 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] TeTrix fragged baxucaW
Jun 25 22:08:10 [] Psychokind headshot TeTrix
Jun 25 22:08:12 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] baxucaW fragged Jesus
Jun 25 22:08:14 [] Psychokind headshot baxucaW
Jun 25 22:08:17 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] client connected
Jun 25 22:08:18 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] CaptainMorgan logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
Jun 25 22:08:22 [] Psychokind headshot joy
Jun 25 22:08:24
Jun 25 22:08:24 Game status: one shot, one kill on ac_douze, 1 minutes remaining, open, 7 clients
Jun 25 22:08:24 cn name              score frag death ping role    host
Jun 25 22:08:24  0 TeTrix              364   40     9   75 normal  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Jun 25 22:08:24  1 {TBR}IguanaMoo      -12    2     8    5 normal  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Jun 25 22:08:24  2 baxucaW             280   39    25  326 normal  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Jun 25 22:08:24  3 joy                 -32    0     8  129 normal  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Jun 25 22:08:24  4 Jesus                -9   14    36  267 normal  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Jun 25 22:08:24  5 Psychokind           37    6     2  166 normal
Jun 25 22:08:24  6 CaptainMorgan         0    0     0  270 normal  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Jun 25 22:08:24
Jun 25 22:08:24 Status at 25-06-2011 22:08:24: 7 remote clients, 5.7 send, 1.9 rec (K/sec); Ping: #129|11265|258; CSL: #1|237|3 (bytes)
Jun 25 22:08:24 Uplink quality [ D5 76 86 80 86 80 70 76 67 56 50 50 50 40 30 20 00 00 ] +0
Jun 25 22:08:26 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] disconnected client CaptainMorgan cn 6, 8 seconds played, score saved
Jun 25 22:08:27 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] TeTrix says: 'HAHA nice HACK!!'
Jun 25 22:08:28 [] Psychokind headshot Jesus
Jun 25 22:08:30 [] Psychokind headshot TeTrix
Jun 25 22:08:31 [] Psychokind headshot baxucaW
Jun 25 22:08:31 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] client connected
Jun 25 22:08:32 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] CaptainMorgan logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
Jun 25 22:08:37 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] disconnected client CaptainMorgan cn 6, 5 seconds played, score saved
Jun 25 22:08:37 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] TeTrix says: 'LOL THIS GUY IS PATHETIC'
Jun 25 22:08:39 [] Psychokind slashed joy
Jun 25 22:08:44 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] player {TBR}IguanaMoo used admin password in line 0
Jun 25 22:08:44 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] set role of player {TBR}IguanaMoo to admin
Jun 25 22:08:45 [] Psychokind headshot TeTrix
Jun 25 22:08:47 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] client TeTrix called a vote: ban player Psychokind, reason: hacker
Jun 25 22:08:47 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] client TeTrix voted yes
Jun 25 22:08:48 [] Psychokind headshot baxucaW
Jun 25 22:08:49 [] disconnected client Psychokind cn 5, 82 seconds played, score saved
Jun 25 22:08:50 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] client {TBR}IguanaMoo voted yes
Jun 25 22:08:58
Jun 25 22:08:58 Game status: one shot, one kill on ac_douze, game finished, open, 5 clients
Jun 25 22:08:58 cn name              score frag death ping role    host
Jun 25 22:08:58  0 TeTrix              356   40    11   75 normal  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Jun 25 22:08:58  1 {TBR}IguanaMoo      -12    2     8    2 admin   xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Jun 25 22:08:58  2 baxucaW             272   39    27  324 normal  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Jun 25 22:08:58  3 joy                 -36    0     9  105 normal  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Jun 25 22:08:58  4 Jesus               -13   14    37  266 normal  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Jun 25 22:08:58
Jun 25 22:08:58 Demo "06/25/11 22:08:58: one shot, one kill, ac_douze, 218.11kB" recorded.
Jun 25 22:08:58 loaded map packages\maps\servermaps\ac_north.cgz, 4957 + 28400(6187) bytes.
Jun 25 22:08:58 Map height density information for ac_north: H = 14.31 V = 165215, A = 11546 and MA = 968
Jun 25 22:08:58
Jun 25 22:08:58 Game start: team deathmatch on ac_north, 5 players, 8 minutes, mastermode 0, (map rev 0/4957, custom, 'getmap' prepared)
Jun 25 22:08:58 Demo recording started.
Jun 25 22:08:59 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] {TBR}IguanaMoo says: 'bl'

Mod Edit: Cleaned innocent IPs.
Thanks given by:
(25 Jun 11, 08:47PM)Mr.OpTic Wrote: // Name: {MRNS}-Lucas
// Ban Date: 25/06/11
// Ban Reason: Speedhack
// Server: aVitoX>TOSOK+OSOK Server
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?xj4kxu52iu31un1
// IP:
[Image: 20110625190828acdouzeos.jpg]

Joins 7 mins remaining. Ironic alias was ironic. [Image: 20110625190835acdouzeos.jpg]

I have a different ip on him with the name {MDA}-Lucas
Thanks given by:
//name: Legacy.Sepehr and Legacys

//reason: No reason to ban, Insulting the clan at all times and accused the clan of cheaters without reason and without evidence, and at the end of the game the team has changed Sepehr to cheat and kill the person who was with the flag!


//map: ac_outpost_CTF

//comment: and most of all he called members of the clan cheater .

//date:26/06/2011 ...

//server: Legacy.terminus or connect legacysrv.tk 9999 match

//Here are some pictures:




Thanks given by:
K EnTy, AC 1.1 _obvious_ cases of cheat!!!
Our server, we can kick/ban who we like,
If anyone cheats in that game it is waag and we have many parts of proof to this.
and at the end of the game the team has changed Sepehr to cheat. - English

Mod edit: Moved the last two posts to this thread, since it's not a cheat; anyone can switch teams to flag-TK if they wish to.
Thanks given by:
Name : [DSotM]~Coma~
IP : 188.123.230.x
Reason : headshot hack
Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?ql0eajbi4xbwtit
Server : *** EUROPEAN FAST SERVER ****

Originally posted on eQ forums by a kZ member, but due to a range ban, he cannot post here.
Name : OmaKacker
IP : 93.197.188.x
Reason : Infinite Grenade Hack
Proof : http://www.mediafire.com/?asb5caspkrql5c5
Server : |.:MARS:.| Capture The Flag Server

Same thing as my last post
Thanks given by:
User: Zentra93
Server: On my server (one of my servers)
IP: I blacklisted a huge range, PM me for IP address range
Reason: Headshot Bot
Date: like a month ago

and he evades bans, and tries to evade blacklist

Mod edit: This was reported by Ronald_Reagan on 2 June, if you want to see proof.
Thanks given by:
// Name: daminikitty{TyD, missbrittany, dam
// Ban reason: Clan tag abuse
// Ban date: July 1 2011
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=2ke96k2hy4qqlzj
Demo can be provided if needed.
Thanks given by:
Xiter Speed NOOB

link demo: http://www.antoniopetroni.com/noob-speed.zip

[Image: noobspeed.jpg]

Thanks given by:
//Name: xpedrox
//Ban Reason: speedhack
//Server: sjsemprejuntos.webs.com
//Ban Date: June 2nd 2011
//Proof: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3FDMEGX6
Thanks given by:
// Name: .:Sj*K!LL3D, aka -1uC4$-, N1K3
// Ban date: 2011-07-03
// Ban reason: wallhack
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/TOSOK_ac_desert_2011.07.03_1517.dmo
Link to demo. I wouldn't normally blacklist for a wallhack, since it's notoriously difficult to prove, but this is the most blatant example I've seen since Velocity. The ranges affect half a dozen other current players, sadly.
Thanks given by:
