--> -->
AC Blacklist Reports
// Name: =My3=_Ir4k!4N0*
// Ban reason: Clearly trying to impersonate =MyS=
// Ban date: April 3 2011
// Server: DES|Biohazard
// Proof: http://pastebin.com/DjAzvw8f
The proof is output from my server Terminal. If needed logs can be uploaded.
=My3=_Ir4k!4N0* - Pastebin.com
Thanks given by:
// Name: JZ
// Ban reason: Headshot hack.
// Server: Exodus 24h CTF-HTF-KTF
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?mu6gxfnt8kuyhb6

sorry couldn't get his ip
Mod edit: Added IP and cleaned up d/l link.
Thanks given by:
// 2011-04-04T00:54Z
// [ITA] AssaultCube *ITALIA*
// Banana:suckmine
// Reason: Disrespect towards players; calling senseless votes
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?wtd2eep9l7w4q
// Proof: http://pastebin.com/3fETCQTR
Thanks given by:

I didn't see it, Medabots asked me to post this.

// Mod edit: Please ask Medabots provide demo for it. Or at least screenshot. Or some kind of proof.
Thanks given by:
// Name: [#M|A#]BORGAT
// Ban reason: Clan tag abuse, did not remove it when asked to
// Ban date: April 6 2011
// Server: |-sK| TOSOK Server #1
// Proof: Screenshot: http://img859.imageshack.us/f/2011040702...sertt.jpg/
Thanks given by:
// 2011-04-07T02:54:50Z
// Exodus 24h CTF-HTF-KTF
// yomamma
// I don't know the IP
// Reason: Calling a vote to play an unauthorized edited map.
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?f8v97p1lz48hd

The demos listed don't show when it was uploaded or by whom. I'm assuming it was "yomamma" because he's the one that called the vote.

EDIT: ac_garden is ac_desert, the modification is all textures are changed to the same grass texture.
Thanks given by:
// User Name: TBR'sAreWussies (may be using other names also)
// User IP (partial): 72.199.212.x  
// Server Name: Exodus 24h CTF-HTF-KTF
// Server IP:
// Date: 4-6-2011
// Time: approximately between 10:00 and 11:45 Central Time
// Demo: please talk to the server administrator
// Description: http://pastebin.com/WADLpxct
Thanks given by:
//Name: Beast, N3ON, HEYHEYHEY
//Date: 4/6/2011
//Server: Bugboy1028's Custom Server
//Reason: Speedhack; possible edit mode
//Proof: Map: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/0YGV97XF/
//Demo: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/THE7OKCL/

Download the map first, otherwise you won't be able to see anything.

Joins at 6 minutes remaining as HEYHEYHEY, later changes his name back to his original.

Obvious speedhack, edit mode is subjective, my AC was jumping around, and only jumps when I suspect he uses edit. Speedhack is easy and obvious to detect.

Edit: Yes, this is the Neon on these forums.
Thanks given by:
(07 Apr 11, 06:10AM)zapcomputing.ne Wrote: User Name: TBR'sAreWussies (may be using other names also)

Logs of the last two demos on file: One Two
Please get demos in the future: Demos

EDIT: Removed deets; talked to zap ingame.
Thanks given by:
These are two matches I just played with TBR'sAreWussies.

// 2011-04-07T08:04Z
// Exodus 24h CTF-HTF-KTF
// TBR'sAreWussies
// Reason: Disrespect towards players; calling senseless votes
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?3nnvf033f3hsj
// Proof: http://pastebin.com/dcqyfvUT http://pastebin.com/jUGSJi0Z

Log 1 2

EDIT: Forgot the second log.
Thanks given by:
User Name: .:Sj*SynTh3s,.:Sj*CaRioCa
User IP:
Reason:Impersonator,Abuse Administrator
Server Name: www.synthesjiujitsu.com.br
proof:the historical from the server while he was there
Game start: deathmatch on ac_desert, 1 players, 8 minutes, mastermode 0, (map rev 1/12018, official, 'getmap' not prepared)
Demo recording started.
[] disconnecting client .:Sj*SynTh3s (unsuccessful administrator login) cn 0, 15 seconds played, score saved
Demo "04/05/11 17:40:12: deathmatch, ac_desert, 2.36kB, 8 mr" recorded.
[] client connected
[] .:Sj*SynTh3s logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
Map height density information for ac_desert: H = 11.23 V = 266445, A = 23719 and MA = 2005
Game start: last swiss standing on ac_desert, 1 players, 8 minutes, mastermode 0, (map rev 1/12018, official, 'getmap' not prepared)
Demo recording started.
[] disconnecting client .:Sj*SynTh3s (unsuccessful administrator login) cn 0, 9 seconds played, score saved
Demo discarded.
Status at 05-04-2011 17:40:41: 0 remote clients, 0.0 send, 0.2 rec (K/sec); Ping: #4814|201948|9647; CSL: #45|315|130 (bytes)

Game status: team one shot, one kill on ac_douze, 15 minutes remaining, open, 1 clients
cn name             team  score frag death tk ping role    host
0 .:Sj*CaRioCa     CLA       0    0     0  0  122 admin
Team  CLA:  1 players,    0 frags
Team RVSF:  0 players,    0 frags

Status at 05-04-2011 18:09:41: 1 remote clients, 0.1 send, 0.5 rec (K/sec); Ping: #103|5565|278; CSL: #13|132|27 (bytes)
[x.x.x.x] client connected
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h logged in (default), AC: 1104|1424

Game status: team one shot, one kill on ac_douze, 14 minutes remaining, open, 2 clients
cn name             team  score frag death tk ping role    host
0 .:Sj*CaRioCa     CLA       0    0     0  0   99 admin
1 [PSY]k!ll4h      RVSF      0    0     0  0  195 normal  x.x.x.x
Team  CLA:  1 players,    0 frags
Team RVSF:  1 players,    0 frags

Status at 05-04-2011 18:10:41: 2 remote clients, 0.2 send, 0.6 rec (K/sec); Ping: #82|4230|242; CSL: #14|138|29 (bytes)
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h
[] client .:Sj*CaRioCa called a vote: change mastermode to 'private'
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h says: 'XD'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa fragged [PSY]k!ll4h
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'nuss'
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h says: 'camper'
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h fragged .:Sj*CaRioCa
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'vc q e noob demaisd'
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h fragged .:Sj*CaRioCa
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h says: 'english?'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa fragged [PSY]k!ll4h
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'no'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa fragged [PSY]k!ll4h

Game status: team one shot, one kill on ac_douze, 13 minutes remaining, private, 2 clients
cn name             team  score frag death tk ping role    host
0 .:Sj*CaRioCa     CLA      42    5     2  0  114 admin
1 [PSY]k!ll4h      RVSF      4    2     4  0  198 normal  x.x.x.x
Team  CLA:  1 players,    5 frags
Team RVSF:  1 players,    2 frags

Status at 05-04-2011 18:11:41: 2 remote clients, 0.8 send, 0.8 rec (K/sec); Ping: #97|4935|266; CSL: #13|173|27 (bytes)
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa headshot [PSY]k!ll4h
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h says: 'aww :'('
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h fragged .:Sj*CaRioCa
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'knife'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'only'
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h says: 'oooohhhhhh'
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h slashed .:Sj*CaRioCa
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'you ban'
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h says: '?'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h

Game status: team one shot, one kill on ac_douze, 12 minutes remaining, private, 2 clients
cn name             team  score frag death tk ping role    host
0 .:Sj*CaRioCa     CLA      89   11     4  0  103 admin
1 [PSY]k!ll4h      RVSF     22    5     7  0  193 normal  x.x.x.x
Team  CLA:  1 players,   11 frags
Team RVSF:  1 players,    5 frags

Status at 05-04-2011 18:12:41: 2 remote clients, 0.8 send, 0.8 rec (K/sec); Ping: #139|7159|350; CSL: #12|168|25 (bytes)
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h says: 'why?'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'i are you banned'
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h slashed .:Sj*CaRioCa
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h says: 'no'
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h slashed .:Sj*CaRioCa
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'brink'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'ok'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'no ban'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h

Game status: team one shot, one kill on ac_douze, 11 minutes remaining, private, 2 clients
cn name             team  score frag death tk ping role    host
0 .:Sj*CaRioCa     CLA     121   15     6  0  103 admin
1 [PSY]k!ll4h      RVSF     54    9     9  0  208 normal  x.x.x.x
Team  CLA:  1 players,   15 frags
Team RVSF:  1 players,    9 frags

Status at 05-04-2011 18:13:41: 2 remote clients, 0.8 send, 0.8 rec (K/sec); Ping: #122|6355|316; CSL: #13|173|27 (bytes)
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h says: 'slayer said hi'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h slashed .:Sj*CaRioCa
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h slashed .:Sj*CaRioCa
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h says: 'slayer said hi'
[x.x.x.x] client connected
[x.x.x.x] disconnecting client t-bag (servers mastermode is "private" - wait until the servers mastermode is "open") cn 2, 0 seconds played
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h

Game status: team one shot, one kill on ac_douze, 10 minutes remaining, private, 2 clients
cn name             team  score frag death tk ping role    host
0 .:Sj*CaRioCa     CLA     173   21     8  0  102 admin
1 [PSY]k!ll4h      RVSF     82   13    12  0  200 normal  x.x.x.x
Team  CLA:  1 players,   21 frags
Team RVSF:  1 players,   13 frags

Status at 05-04-2011 18:14:41: 2 remote clients, 0.8 send, 0.8 rec (K/sec); Ping: #162|8199|396; CSL: #13|173|27 (bytes)
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h slashed .:Sj*CaRioCa
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h says: 'slayer said hi'
[x.x.x.x] client connected
[x.x.x.x] disconnecting client Lord_Sebas (servers mastermode is "private" - wait until the servers mastermode is "open") cn 2, 0 seconds played
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h

Game status: team one shot, one kill on ac_douze, 9 minutes remaining, private, 2 clients
cn name             team  score frag death tk ping role    host
0 .:Sj*CaRioCa     CLA     209   25     9  0  102 admin
1 [PSY]k!ll4h      RVSF     94   15    14  0  197 normal  x.x.x.x
Team  CLA:  1 players,   25 frags
Team RVSF:  1 players,   15 frags

Status at 05-04-2011 18:15:41: 2 remote clients, 0.9 send, 0.8 rec (K/sec); Ping: #136|6882|350; CSL: #14|180|29 (bytes)
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h slashed .:Sj*CaRioCa
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h says: 'XD'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h says: '? huh'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'you noob'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h slashed .:Sj*CaRioCa
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'you noob'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'you noob'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'you noob'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'you noob'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'you noob'
[x.x.x.x] [PSY]k!ll4h says: 'lol'
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa says: 'kkk'
[x.x.x.x] client connected
[x.x.x.x] disconnecting client p2 (servers mastermode is "private" - wait until the servers mastermode is "open") cn 2, 0 seconds played
[x.x.x.x] client connected
[] .:Sj*CaRioCa slashed [PSY]k!ll4h
[x.x.x.x] disconnecting client Lord_Sebas (servers mastermode is "private" - wait until the servers mastermode is "open") cn 2, 0 seconds played
Ps:sorry about bad english i brazillian and its my first post here

Mod edit: en'code'd and innocent IPs removed
Thanks given by:
//Name: BluePr!nt|BC| ( yes the real one )
//ip : 91.106.22.*
//Discussion : http://beyondcompare.org/index.php?optio...4#msg23214
//Date: 4/8/2011
//Server: {TyD}Fairfax ( i think )
//Reason: Imposter , Insulting
//Proof: Map: [Image: 20110408084451acdepotct.jpg]

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Thanks given by:
//name: |RK|Trippn740
//reason: ridiculously rude, insulting, aggressive, teamkilling
[] |RK|Trippn740 says: 'i'll suck your dick!', Forbidden speech
[] |RK|Trippn740 says: 'shut up bitch i'll cut yer tits off', Forbidden speech
[] client |RK|Trippn740 called a vote: kick player stupid_name, reason: small-penis
[] |RK|Trippn740 says: 'hell no pussy', Forbidden speech
...and on and on.
Thanks given by:
//name: Hitler, Imposter...
//reason: Imposter, trying to ban REAL person, offensive (hitler)?
//proof: http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy259...n_haha.jpg
//extended: he changes his name to hitler after I claim admin, then proceeds to impersonate+try to ban another player
//^Proof makes you laugh too!
Thanks given by:
//Name: Castiel (yes the Castiel)
//Date: 9/4/2011
//Server: lszanto's Backyard Funpark
//Reason: Speedhack; possible edit mode
Mod edit: Ok, very funny.
2nd Mod edit: I think it's an impersonator
Thanks given by:
// Name : stopcheckingme
// Date : 09 / April / 2011
// Reason : Teamkill
// Server : Douze 24/7 Serbia Kraljevo
// Proof : Demo : http://www.mediafire.com/?c28i219cavw5431
// Screen : http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?q...pdhg4kdmg9
// IP. : 70.173.207.x

(Join's the Game at 4 Minutes remaining)
Thanks given by:
//Name: -Kase.O-pr0-
//Date: 10/4/2011
//Server: osok.pwnz.org:2020
//Reason: calling offensive and stupid votes
//Proof:http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/3779/keseoproevidence.png offensive one means (according to Google Translate): b****** co** eats me up and down:
//IP: didn't get it.
//Comments: There were stupid votes to kick me from [BOPE}HOPLITA and another [BOPE] player as well, but I couldn't get any proof from my command prompt after quitting AC. If the server owner could post them here, that would be great.

There were no reason for these votes, btw. I was just trying to play TOSOK and I got random kick and ban votes called against me.
Thanks given by:
(10 Apr 11, 10:28PM)StRaTo Wrote:
//Name: -Kase.O-pr0-
//Date: 10/4/2011
//Server: osok.pwnz.org:2020
//Reason: calling offensive and stupid votes
//Proof:http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/3779/keseoproevidence.png offensive one means (according to Google Translate): b****** co** eats me up and down:
//IP: didn't get it.
//Comments: There were stupid votes to kick me from [BOPE}HOPLITA and another [BOPE] player as well, but I couldn't get any proof from my command prompt after quitting AC. If the server owner could post them here, that would be great.

There were no reason for these votes, btw. I was just trying to play TOSOK and I got random kick and ban votes called against me.

Log: http://osok.pwnz.org/logfiles/kase.txt


Activity: Spamacious and harassing votes, teamslaughter.

As this server keeps the default of five demos in RAM, none are available. Most troublesome activity was seen under the second address; consider whether it was surely the same person.
Thanks given by:
//Name: randombox
//Date: 2011-03-05
//Server: DES|TnT
//Demo: http://tinyurl.com/635363o
//Reason: Speed Hacking, Infinate grenades
Thanks given by:

//Name: inferior
//Date: 2011-04-11
//Server: NZ|Pohu
//Demo: http://demos.kiwi.ac/Pohutukawa-Today/NZ-Pohutukawa-CTF_svn_edifice_rev1_2011.04.11_0840.dmo ;http://demos.kiwi.ac/Pohutukawa-Today/NZ-Pohutukawa-CTF_ac_werk_2011.04.11_0900.dmo
//Reason: Infinate grenades and ammo; Cocky about the fact he was hacking

Thanks given by:
//Name: (ALk)UriRacion$
//Date: 2011-04-11
//Server: 6.~[CeW]Server
//Screenshot: http://img651.imageshack.us/i/20110411203845windowlss.jpg/
//Reason: Speed Hacker
Thanks given by:
Sorry, but a screenshot isn't enough to proove that he is speed hacking. Press f10 in the end of the game to download the demo of it.
Thanks given by:
// Name(s) used: =SA=Mack
// Server it occured on:
// Demos/Screenshots of the offense:[url=http://img816.imageshack.us/img816/8481/20110409221503acdouzect.jpg]Screenshot[/url]
// reason:Impersonation of =SA= clan
Thanks given by:
(11 Apr 11, 09:57PM)MSC|Armed Wrote:
//Name: (ALk)UriRacion$
//Date: 2011-04-11
//Server: 6.~[CeW]Server
//Screenshot: http://img651.imageshack.us/i/20110411203845windowlss.jpg/
//Reason: Speed Hacker

I have a screeny [and demos from my server if needed]
and full ip // (ALk)UryRacion$, speed hack
Thanks given by:
//Name: George-Bush
//Date: 13/4/2011
//Server: RoxServers.com (178.32.42.xxx)
//Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/4jXir.jpg
//Reason: Stupid and offensive vote calling
Thanks given by:
//Name: cant remember, but can be asked.
//Date: 14/4/2011
//Server: {TyD} Fairfax
//Proof: In http://demos.tearyoudown.com/  GMT 17:20 He plays from almost the beginning. i dont understand where to look for it.
//Reason: speed hack that made him advance forward each time he shot the pistol
Thanks given by:
//Name: jdog, tdog
//Date: 20110415
//Server: DES
//Proof: demo -> http://acdes.net/15FTGu
//Reason: Speed hacking, these are two different clients on the same ip. (jdog and tdog)
Thanks given by:
//Name: 88german4ever
//Date: 2011-04-15
//Server: DES|Godsmack
//Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?vf4c1fbn7vb6tnl
//Reason: Speed Hacking.
Thanks given by:
//Name: DES|FLavia
//Date: 4/16/11
//Server: eQ.|Public
//Reason: Tag abuse/impersonation
//Proof: http://img850.imageshack.us/i/sadfa.png/

Tag impersonation of DES. TampaMike and Godsmack were there as well.
The proof is a screenshot of the GUIServer that I was running at the time
Thanks given by:
//Name: Alf-Stewart and Destructive-Chi
//Date: 4/16/11
//server: |FOX| Clan Server 2nd
//Reason: Abusive language/voting
//Proof: -snip-

I will provide server logs if needed. I came in when this player was trolling. He logged as soon as I claimed admin. I did managed to ban a player he was bickering at. I believe that player that was a victim was just mad... no harm done really.
He was extremely rude and obvious trolololing. He even made me realize I need to block some more words :)

User came and apologized. While it's just words now, I feel he's realized his mistake. I have un-backlisted him but will enable it again if I ever see the need.
Thanks given by:
