--> -->
AC Blacklist Reports
// 2010-12-27T07:53-08:58 UTC
// |FOX| Clan Server (NOTE: shut down)
// facebook.com
// Reason: Disrespect towards genders, lifestyles, players, and races; excessive language; calling senseless votes
//       : facebook.com: are you fucking kidding me
//       : facebook.com: MYSPACE FUCK YOU
//       : facebook.com: we can have wiked babies
//       : facebook.com: lesbaisn fucker
//       : facebook.com: fuck yoi
//       : facebook.com: fuck you ass wiping nigger
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player Player_1, reason: whore
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player Player_1, reason: grow-a-pussy
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player Player_1, reason: poked_me_on_facebook=WATS_TO_FUCK_ME...EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player Myspace.com, reason: i-am-better-then-you
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player SWISHFOOT, reason: likes_justin_bieber
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player fk16, reason: fucks_lesbians_sidways_but-never-cums
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player \WuT/What?, reason: you-fucking-suck-you-dick-sucking-vagina
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player Player_1, reason: lesbian-who-is-known-on-youtube-as-FRED...FUCK_FRED
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player \WuT/What?, reason: masturbates
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player superhobo, reason: has-explosive-diariah
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player kanine, reason: interupted_taylor_switf-at_VMAs
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player Player_1, reason: jacks-off-to-justin-bieber
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player SpongeBong, reason: IS-Justin_bieber/Obama/lady-gaga
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player l3ongo, reason: doesnt-have-a-facebook
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player l3ongo, reason: cussing-isnt-nice-mother-fucker
//       : facebook.com called a vote: kick player \WuT/What?, reason: racist-nigger-whore

// 2010-12-27T07:53-08:58 UTC
// |FOX| Clan Server (NOTE: shut down)
// JB|JustinBieber
// Reason: Disrespect towards players, and races; calling senseless votes
//       : JB|JustinBieber: he left her for this game
//       : JB|JustinBieber called a vote: kick player killaguerilla, reason: called_me_a_nigger_whore
//       : JB|JustinBieber called a vote: ban player StopNationalism, reason: STFU_PLEASE_WHITE_ASS_MOTHER_FUCKER
//       : JB|JustinBieber called a vote: ban player StopNationalism, reason: your_name_is_sooo_fucking_gay
//       : JB|JustinBieber called a vote: ban player quikscoop, reason: gang_banger
//       : JB|JustinBieber called a vote: ban player ecnoc, reason: nasty....seriously_stop_sharting
//       : JB|JustinBieber called a vote: kick player |FOX|Yarukinasu, reason: FUCK_FOX
//       : JB|JustinBieber called a vote: kick player unarmed (13), reason: got-a-chick-pregnant-and-left

// 2010-12-27T07:53-08:58 UTC
// |FOX| Clan Server (NOTE: shut down)
// PooPee and Myspace.com
// Reason: Disrespect towards genders, players, and races; excessive language; calling senseless votes
//       : PooPee: was the bitch ugly?
//       : PooPee called a vote: ban player StopNationalism, reason: no-one-likes-you
//       : PooPee called a vote: ban player TOMSON, reason: can-i-have-the-flag-now-plz?
//       : PooPee called a vote: kick player unarmed (13), reason: would-you-like-some-cheese-with-that-cracker?
//       : PooPee called a vote: ban player |FOX|Yarukinasu, reason: low-ping=cheating
//       : PooPee called a vote: ban player Fellps84, reason: called-you-a-mother-fucker
//       : PooPee called a vote: kick player Staniii95, reason: shit-u-lag-and-horrible-score-only-0?
//       : Myspace.com: FACEBOOK FUCK YOU
//       : Myspace.com called a vote: ban player |FOX|Yarukinasu, reason: theres-a-space-in-your-head-and-a-big-one
//       : Myspace.com called a vote: ban player |FOX|Yarukinasu, reason: los-dolores-es-si-emma-picaru-las-pantalones!!!
//       : Myspace.com called a vote: kick player facebook.com, reason: allz-my-niggaz-is-on-me
//       : Myspace.com called a vote: kick player woodeast, reason: tu-ares-se-sui-efa-mi-tu-has-el-mikko-hambres!!!
//       : Myspace.com called a vote: ban player superhobo, reason: STFU-go-lie-in-a-ditch-and-die-like-other-good-hobos
//       : Myspace.com called a vote: kick player C.S., reason: im-not-your-mate-ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
//       : Myspace.com called a vote: kick player fk16, reason: assaulted-me-sexually
//       : Myspace.com called a vote: kick player Ag, reason: threw-a-water-bottle-at-justin-bieber-and-got-arrested-when-u-shoulda-run
//       : Myspace.com called a vote: kick player l3ongo, reason: fuck-facebook-get-on-me........................................
//       : Myspace.com called a vote: kick player superhobo, reason: called-u-a-bastard
//       : Myspace.com called a vote: kick player Player_1, reason: lost-her-dick-to-a-lawnmower
Demo 1 2 3 4 5 6
Thanks given by:
// 2010-12-27T14:58 UTC
//  =SA=Clan Dedicated Server (USA
//  -sCr3W-KiDCuDi
// Reason: Disrespecting other players, calling senseless votes, teamkilling me when I called him out on it
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi called a vote: kick player Near, reason: noob
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: F1 ALL
//       :  unarmed (0) called a vote: kick player -sCr3W-Ki
DCuDi, reason: Lying
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi called a vote: kick player unarmed (0), reason: stfucku
//       : unarmed (0) called a vote: kick player -sCr3W-KiDCuDi, reason: Being rude
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi called a vote: kick player unarmed (0), reason: quit_fuking_votes..NOOB
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: noob
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi called a vote: kick player Near, reason: lagger
//       : NOTE: The above player never lagged
//       : unarmed (0) called a vote: kick player -sCr3W-KiDCuDi, reason: Calling senseless votes, being rude and teamkilling me because I call him out on it
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: shut up nob
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: shut up noob
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: shut up noob
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: shut up noob
//       : NOTE: Yes, three times in series
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: i am our team dammit
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: i am our team dammit
//       : NOTE: Yes, two times in series
//       : NEXT MATCH (I don't have this demo)
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi called a vote: ban player unarmed (0), reason: flamming-faggot
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: F1 ALL
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: F1 ALL
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: F1 ALL
//       : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: F1 ALL
//       : NOTE: Yes, four times in series
//       : NOTE: This vote did pass
Thanks given by:
<Snarky comment removed>
Great job on getting those IPs! :D
Thanks given by:
// 2010-12-27T19:45-20:00
// BCFH-Arena!
// RedsTeamSpy
// Reason: Disrespecting other players, teamkilling (I believe he was trying to help out the team he had switched from)
//       : RedTeamsSpy slashed teammate olov
//       : RedTeamsSpy slashed teammate KentuckyGibbetz
//       : RedTeamsSpy slashed teammate KentuckyGibbetz
//       : RedTeamsSpy slashed teammate =|RM|=FiremanAJ
//       : RedTeamsSpy fragged teammate CharlyMurphie
//       : quinnw (15) called a vote: kick player RedTeamsSpy, reason: teamkiller
//       : RedTeamsSpy slashed teammate olov
//       : RedTeamsSpy: F2 RED TEAM
//       : RedTeamsSpy: F2 RED TEAM
//       : RedTeamsSpy: F2 RED TEAM
//       : NOTE: Yes, three times in series
//       : RedTeamsSpy slashed teammate HinesR2
//       : RedTeamsSpy slashed teammate ScheissBachi
//       : RedTeamsSpy slashed teammate KentuckyGibbetz
//       : RedTeamsSpy fragged teammate ScheissBachi
//       : CharlyMurphie called a vote: kick player RedTeamsSpy, reason: slashing
//       : RedTeamsSpy: F2 RED TEAM
//       : RedTeamsSpy: F2 RED TEAM
//       : RedTeamsSpy: F2 RED TEAM
//       : NOTE: Yes, three times in series
//       : RedTeamsSpy fragged teammate HinesR2
//       : Nanaka fragged teammate RedTeamsSpy
//       : RedTeamsSpy: report it to my cock

// 2010-12-27T19:15-20:00
// BCFH-Arena!
// olov
// Reason: Disrespecting other players, teamkilling, calling senseless votes
//       : olov fragged teammate shrek84
//       : olov fragged teammate LadyGaga
//       : olov fragged teammate =M-F|Cudder
//       : olov fragged teammate shrek84
//       : quinnw (15) called a vote: kick player olov, reason: teamkiller
//       : olov slashed teammate shrek84
//       : olov slashed teammate Snafu
//       : olov fragged teammate MakarskaRiviera
//       : olov fragged teammate shrek84
//       : quinnw (15) called a vote: kick player olov, reason: Teamkiller, -6 frags and -2 flags
//       : olov fragged teammate @pri_paulino
//       : olov called a vote: kick player natbrnkiller, reason: teamkiller
//       : olov: F1 !!!!!!
//       : olov fragged teammate quinnw (15)
//       : quinnw (15): olov last match you had 6 teamkills and no frags, and twice you teamkilled our player with the flag.
//       : olov: I teamkilled you !! you called vote to kick me
//       : olov fragged teammate quinnw (15)
//       : olov called a vote: kick player KentuckyGibbetz, reason: teamkiller
//       : olov called a vote: kick player KentuckyGibbetz, reason: teamkiller
//       : olov slashed teammate Miko
//       : olov fragged teammate Miko
//       : Miko fragged teammate olov
//       : olov called a vote: kick player Miko, reason: team
//       : olov fragged teammate quinnw (15)
//       : olov fragged teammate quinnw (15)
//       : olov fragged teammate quinnw (15)
//       : olov fragged teammate edgr
//       : olov fragged teammate natotuty
//       : olov kicked for excessive friendly fire
//       : player olov disconnected
//       : connected: olov
//       : player olov switched to team RVSF
//       : olov: HEEEELLLLLLOOOOO
//       : olov gibbed teammate Nanaka
//       : olov fragged teammate RedTeamsSpy
//       : olov slashed teammate RedTeamsSpy
//       : olov: look at my score i am not teamkiller!!!!
//       : olov fragged teammate natotuty
Demo 1 2 3

<Reply to V-Man's snarky comment that has been removed removed>
Thanks. :D
Thanks given by:
* Name(s) used. axalot
* Date/Time (including timezone). 11:47 PM Central US
* Server it occured on (including IP/Port of the server). #nM|Coop 28767
* Demos/Screenshots of the offense(s). http://www.mediafire.com/?l6kvze6criw2ege
* IP (or a partial IP). 75.76.196 (partial)
* A detailed description of what they did. asking where to get hacks
Thanks given by:
// 2010-12-29T08:55
// =MyS= CTF www.mysick.tk US.B
// EZheadshot, NEMER, SkuxOne
// Reason: Hitbox hack
//       : SkuxOne: HAXXXXXXXXXXX
//       : Undead|oNe|: skuxone is hacking
//       : Undead|oNe| called a vote: ban player SkuxOne, reason: aimbot
//       : SkuxOne: no its hitbox hack
//       : SkuxOne: not aimbot
//       : SkuxOne: LULZ
//       : SkuxOne: ya i am
//       : SkuxOne: im black listed
Thanks given by:
// EZheadshot, NEMER, SkuxOne

// Full IP to post above.
Thanks given by:
|FOX|Ares (the faker)

IP is

he is the faker i'm having the real Ares post here to prove it
Thanks given by:
//Name: |FOX|AssFuck
//ban date: December 31, 2010
//reason: Abusive clan tag, inappropriate voting, not in clan
//proof: server log
//[] client |FOX|AssFuck called a vote: kick player |FOX|Asswipe, reason: lesbian-with-sk8ter
//[] disconnected client |FOX|AssFuck cn 6, 28 seconds played, score saved
Thanks given by:
// 2011-01-01T10:42-11:31
// =MyS= CTF www.mysick.tk US.B
// SyZZtem][zZZysz
// Reason: Spam
//       : NOTE: While I was on the same server as this player, the time from his first chat to his
//       :     : last was 00:31:30
//       :     : The longest time he went without sending a chat message during that time was 00:01:17
//       :     : During that time he sent 161 messages, or one every twelve and a half seconds. In
//       :     : reality his average was more than three times that.
//       : 10:42:02 SyZZtem][zZZysz: ssussi wat wtf < >D
//       : 10:42:54 SyZZtem][zZZysz: cry lave >D
//       : 10:43:08 SyZZtem][zZZysz: a lave D
//       : 10:43:37 SyZZtem][zZZysz: sussiROGER
//       : 10:43:48 SyZZtem][zZZysz: D
//       : 10:44:06 SyZZtem][zZZysz: was fast turttle daam
//       : 10:44:21 SyZZtem][zZZysz: stuck u > D
//       : 10:44:23 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOOL
//       : 10:44:27 SyZZtem][zZZysz: haahah
//       : 10:44:58 SyZZtem][zZZysz: yo toxic droid boss rulezzz
//       : 10:45:12 SyZZtem][zZZysz: shiit ..D
//       : 10:46:23 SyZZtem][zZZysz: kobe braynt smoking formaldehyd kid on nba kitchin ..
//       : 10:46:31 SyZZtem][zZZysz: O/o
//       : 10:46:34 SyZZtem][zZZysz: hahaha
//       : 10:47:32 SyZZtem][zZZysz: kobe mum kill como worm on wc room
//       : 10:47:37 SyZZtem][zZZysz: with ak 47 ]
//       : 10:47:42 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOOL
//       : 10:48:14 SyZZtem][zZZysz: wild was basket >O/o
//       : 10:49:45 SyZZtem][zZZysz: jeej
//       : 10:50:01 SyZZtem][zZZysz: startish zoo]
//       : 10:50:06 SyZZtem][zZZysz: ]
//       : 10:50:28 SyZZtem][zZZysz: lolky llool D
//       : 10:50:35 SyZZtem][zZZysz: ajde hop hap >D
//       : 10:50:55 SyZZtem][zZZysz: o D
//       : 10:50:59 SyZZtem][zZZysz: roger
//       : 10:51:04 SyZZtem][zZZysz: Cover me!
//       : 10:51:19 SyZZtem][zZZysz: Defend the flag!
//       : 10:51:22 SyZZtem][zZZysz: oD
//       : 10:51:32 SyZZtem][zZZysz: ajdee maja >D
//       : 10:51:36 SyZZtem][zZZysz: hehe
//       : 10:51:41 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOL
//       : 10:51:57 SyZZtem][zZZysz: time on electro D
//       : 10:52:01 SyZZtem][zZZysz: boom
//       : 10:52:04 SyZZtem][zZZysz: OM
//       : 10:52:16 SyZZtem][zZZysz: shoot >D
//       : 10:52:34 SyZZtem][zZZysz: get up ho p boom 2 ball
//       : 10:52:45 SyZZtem][zZZysz: 15 bassl boom get up D
//       : 10:53:00 SyZZtem][zZZysz: baall 18 ball LOL
//       : 10:53:16 SyZZtem][zZZysz: cash it boom get up D
//       : 10:53:24 SyZZtem][zZZysz: runn D
//       : 10:53:57 SyZZtem][zZZysz: here u crayz cla tuttles here >D
//       : 10:54:05 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOL
//       : 10:54:18 SyZZtem][zZZysz: jaaaj D
//       : 10:54:34 SyZZtem][zZZysz: inst fast this turrtle >D
//       : 10:54:40 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOL
//       : 10:55:02 SyZZtem][zZZysz: nice shot ..
//       : 10:55:20 SyZZtem][zZZysz: hop go go ruun team hip hopec boom shots all
//       : 10:55:41 SyZZtem][zZZysz: no sry cry love ]]
//       : 10:56:00 SyZZtem][zZZysz: move qwik fly shoot it >D
//       : 10:56:09 SyZZtem][zZZysz: skodnaa D
//       : 10:56:29 SyZZtem][zZZysz: telegram ..give u ]
//       : 10:56:43 SyZZtem][zZZysz: tic tac ..
//       : 10:56:53 SyZZtem][zZZysz: booom
//       : 10:56:59 SyZZtem][zZZysz: get up ho pipec >D
//       : 10:57:30 SyZZtem][zZZysz: cash mz dragon balls ..
//       : 10:57:34 SyZZtem][zZZysz: my*
//       : 10:57:44 SyZZtem][zZZysz: hop ho p hop bom bom boom D
//       : 10:58:12 SyZZtem][zZZysz: no way here cla elefants .]]
//       : 10:58:41 SyZZtem][zZZysz: no way here cla elefants .]]WOW" gogog
//       : 10:59:11 SyZZtem][zZZysz: rvsf more sweet right side ..."O
//       : 10:59:22 SyZZtem][zZZysz: on palzing ...cla shit ]
//       : 10:59:29 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOL go go "
//       : 10:59:58 SyZZtem][zZZysz: yes flag is redY >DD
//       : 11:00:03 SyZZtem][zZZysz: hahaaha
//       : 11:00:27 SyZZtem][zZZysz: wass saw >OD
//       : 11:00:42 SyZZtem][zZZysz: msk
//       : 11:01:12 SyZZtem][zZZysz: ajde po kids go go go " D
//       : 11:01:23 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOOL
//       : 11:01:41 SyZZtem][zZZysz: ajde ajde boom chash >D
//       : 11:01:49 SyZZtem][zZZysz: get up D
//       : 11:01:53 SyZZtem][zZZysz: lol
//       : 11:02:18 SyZZtem][zZZysz: jam rock look hop boom D
//       : 11:02:28 SyZZtem][zZZysz: dont cry runn]
//       : 11:03:02 SyZZtem][zZZysz: u katolik boss O?o i go for u cla booss katolik WAA "
//       : 11:03:17 SyZZtem][zZZysz: amen >D
//       : 11:03:24 SyZZtem][zZZysz: halejula D
//       : 11:03:45 SyZZtem][zZZysz: finioto D
//       : 11:04:07 SyZZtem][zZZysz: nex will be destinz train..
//       : 11:04:13 SyZZtem][zZZysz: destiny..
//       : 11:04:18 SyZZtem][zZZysz: ]
//       : 11:04:45 SyZZtem][zZZysz: umcararara pif paf
//       : 11:05:14 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOL
//       : 11:05:20 SyZZtem][zZZysz: sms ..
//       : 11:05:25 SyZZtem][zZZysz: zour helmed >D
//       : 11:05:49 SyZZtem][zZZysz: hoop goo team suup kill fast a swweett cla ]
//       : 11:06:01 SyZZtem][zZZysz: ]
//       : 11:06:08 SyZZtem][zZZysz: umcarara BOOM c4
//       : 11:06:13 SyZZtem][zZZysz: for cla >D
//       : 11:06:22 SyZZtem][zZZysz: hahaha
//       : 11:06:34 SyZZtem][zZZysz: bbyuuk D
//       : 11:06:51 SyZZtem][zZZysz: hopec krokec go go rvsf >
//       : 11:07:38 SyZZtem][zZZysz: to good good rvsf nice game a claced turttle taakz but slow ..rvsf bettehr DDD
//       : 11:08:06 SyZZtem][zZZysz: boo m baac D
//       : 11:08:45 SyZZtem][zZZysz: ajde maja ojeje XDD
//       : 11:09:01 SyZZtem][zZZysz: headshot getu p D
//       : 11:09:35 SyZZtem][zZZysz: wat ruun cicade ]
//       : 11:09:48 SyZZtem][zZZysz: run on undeground cube
//       : 11:10:26 SyZZtem][zZZysz: good >D
//       : 11:10:39 SyZZtem][zZZysz: loool dinosauri
//       : 11:10:45 SyZZtem][zZZysz: O/O
//       : 11:10:50 SyZZtem][zZZysz: deep deep space
//       : 11:12:03 SyZZtem][zZZysz: |LOL
//       : 11:12:28 SyZZtem][zZZysz: swatt S4S rullez L4L
//       : 11:12:33 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOL
//       : 11:12:37 SyZZtem][zZZysz: gg
//       : 11:13:29 SyZZtem][zZZysz: lol was crayz saw cla turttle O/o
//       : 11:13:41 SyZZtem][zZZysz: hahaha
//       : 11:13:59 SyZZtem][zZZysz: umcararara time on ak47 //i]
//       : 11:14:16 SyZZtem][zZZysz: cikk
//       : 11:14:41 SyZZtem][zZZysz: seriouslz is my space animal ...
//       : 11:14:48 SyZZtem][zZZysz: aahhh ..
//       : 11:15:01 SyZZtem][zZZysz: i cash it on space train...
//       : 11:15:11 SyZZtem][zZZysz: tomorow ..O/o
//       : 11:15:26 SyZZtem][zZZysz: is sweet chameleon ...D
//       : 11:15:36 SyZZtem][zZZysz: big tank D
//       : 11:15:55 SyZZtem][zZZysz: nooo D butt shit >D
//       : 11:16:01 SyZZtem][zZZysz: kicker D>
//       : 11:16:26 SyZZtem][zZZysz: kick him u bith >D
//       : 11:16:29 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOL
//       : 11:16:45 SyZZtem][zZZysz: thx ]i now psst]
//       : 11:17:15 SyZZtem][zZZysz: mz facebook/ Lukas Flekr
//       : 11:17:19 SyZZtem][zZZysz: ]
//       : 11:17:39 SyZZtem][zZZysz: deep deep space
//       : 11:17:58 SyZZtem][zZZysz: a juke box NmIR fo u wait " O
//       : 11:18:03 SyZZtem][zZZysz: for ]
//       : 11:18:37 SyZZtem][zZZysz: whz kick me < >D
//       : 11:18:47 SyZZtem][zZZysz: kick this turttle bitxh >F
//       : 11:18:50 SyZZtem][zZZysz: lool
//       : 11:19:01 quinnw: You don't want to do that.
//       : 11:19:10 SyZZtem][zZZysz: quin dont crz ]
//       : 11:19:13 SyZZtem][zZZysz: cry]
//       : 11:19:21 SyZZtem][zZZysz: hahha
//       : 11:20:04 SyZZtem][zZZysz: but shiit diablo boss no tk
//       : 11:20:21 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOL
//       : 11:20:45 SyZZtem][zZZysz: D cry more neon digital mums on space kitchin ..
//       : 11:21:33 SyZZtem][zZZysz: nex will be destiny train..
//       : 11:21:36 SyZZtem][zZZysz: D
//       : 11:22:15 SyZZtem][zZZysz: ihihhihi o D
//       : 11:23:00 SyZZtem][zZZysz: ajde KLIKES pico quinnw " |>?:::"'O.oD
//       : 11:23:16 quinnw: SyZZtem][zZZysz you're going to seriously want to stop.
//       : 11:23:24 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOL owned this bad worm >D
//       : 11:23:50 SyZZtem][zZZysz: cry qw  tetris on mz window D
//       : 11:23:57 SyZZtem][zZZysz: D
//       : 11:24:04 SyZZtem][zZZysz: jj
//       : 11:24:44 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOOL
//       : 11:25:02 SyZZtem][zZZysz: will be wild basket >D
//       : 11:25:16 SyZZtem][zZZysz: hahaha
//       : 11:25:21 SyZZtem][zZZysz: pif paf
//       : 11:25:54 SyZZtem][zZZysz: coool D
//       : 11:26:24 SyZZtem][zZZysz: hohohohho D
//       : 11:27:06 SyZZtem][zZZysz: saz problem toxic rdois boss he cam from u bad worm ..]
//       : 11:27:11 SyZZtem][zZZysz: droid *]
//       : 11:27:20 SyZZtem][zZZysz: good luck ..D
//       : 11:29:03 SyZZtem][zZZysz: lol his name is fatal combo boy he show u wild dance on cube  qwinnw D
//       : 11:29:13 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOOL
//       : 11:29:51 SyZZtem][zZZysz: good rulezz
//       : 11:30:22 SyZZtem][zZZysz: byuuku >D
//       : 11:30:32 SyZZtem][zZZysz: bzuuku >D
//       : 11:31:14 SyZZtem][zZZysz: LOL
//       : 11:31:18 SyZZtem][zZZysz: D
//       : 11:31:28 SyZZtem][zZZysz: fast a sweet >D
Demo 1 2 3 4 5
Thanks given by:
// 2011-01-01T22:57-23:48
// =MyS= CTF www.mysick.tk US.C
// Oliv'
// Reason: Disrespecting other players
//       : quinnw: Oliv' the first time you teamkill, you're out.
//       : NOTE: Referring to a teamkilling streak a few weeks ago. (Haven't played with this
//       : player between that match and now. I don't know if it continued to be an issue.)
//       : Oliv': whats wrong with you? im not a tk...
//       : quinnw: You have been in the past.
//       : Oliv': idiot
//       : Oliv': blind shot me/.... team killing??
//       : Oliv': quin idiot
//       : Oliv': quin is an ass
//       : quinnw called a vote: kick player Oliv', reason: Being rude
//       : Oliv': quin idiot...
//       : Oliv': quin noob
//       : Oliv': quin idiot
//       : Oliv': quin is an ass
//       : quinnw: Oliv' stop.
//       : Oliv': qiun is an idiot
//       : Oliv': lol quin noob!
//       : Oliv': quin idiot
//       : Oliv': quin noobish player ever!
//       : Oliv': QUIN IS AN ASS
//       : Oliv': quin idiot
//       : Oliv': quin is so noobish!!
//       : Oliv': quin is an ass
//       : Oliv': quin dick head
//       : Oliv': quin small dick
//       : Oliv': quin is an old woman also
//       : Oliv': quin ass
//       : quinnw: Oliv' if you keep it up I'm just going to report you again.
//       : Oliv': quin report whoever you wish...
//       : Oliv': you are a noob kicker...
//       : Oliv': and an ass,,,
//       : Oliv': tks mastir... quin is just an idiot
//       : Oliv': quin is just noob player...
//       : Oliv': get upset when get killed...
//       : Oliv': lol... so noobish
//       : Oliv': pompey... quin is an ass... careful
//       : quinnw: Meh
//       : quinnw: I've been polite
//       : Oliv': quin you have been an ass... not polite
//       : quinnw: Kik
//       : Oliv': lol quin... idiot
//       : Oliv': lol quin is an ass
//       : quinnw: So are we done now Oliv'?
//       : Oliv': QUIN YOU ARE AN ASS... SORRY TO SAY...
//       : quinnw: I don't think you're sorry at all.
//       : Oliv': lol you are right you idiot!
//       : quinnw: Mk
//       : Oliv': QUIN YOU ARE A NOOB!
//       : MastirBlastirKA called a vote: kick player quinnw, reason: team killer
//       : quinnw: Sorry MastirBlastirKA
//       : quinnw: Meh
//       : quinnw: Whatever floats your boat
//       : Oliv': kick the idiot guys
//       : Oliv': kick the idiot guys
//       : quinnw: On accident.
//       : Oliv': he is a tk..kick him guys
//       : Oliv': lol
Demo 1 2 3 4 5

EDIT: Woops forgot the actual reason. Added full IP.
Thanks given by:
// IP to reported post above: Oliv'
Thanks given by:
//Name: |FOX|Big-L, |FOX|LEADER
//Date: 1/2/2011
//Server: Ninja'Style :: TDM #2
//Ban Reason: Clan impersonation, Wouldn't respond in chat
//Proof: http://tinypic.com/r/n5h4co/7
Thanks given by:
// full IP to post above; |FOX|Big-L, |FOX|LEADER, |FOX|X-ray.DOG, and other names;
// joined into my server and got the IP...
// another place where I spotted...
// server: Oh Drasp! A GEMA Server!!!
// http://ompldr.org/vNnRsbQ/20110102_21.22.25_BlackOps_Gema_CTF.jpg
// http://ompldr.org/vNnRsbg/20110102_21.22.33_BlackOps_Gema_CTF.jpg
// also, I forgot where this occurred, but tried to kick me with a false reason...
// http://ompldr.org/vNnRuZg/20110102_02.47.25_ac_outpost_CTF.jpg
// name: Karen, |FOX|Karen, |FOX|Karen|V|
// reason: tag abuse
// server: |FOX|Yarukinasu sucks
// http://ompldr.org/vNnRwbA/20110103_02.48.19_ac_elevation_TKTF.jpg
Thanks given by:
// 2010-12-27T13:28-13:42 UTC
// www.ac-news.tk server
// -[FOX]-dog,
// Reason: Clan tag abuse, disrespecting other players, teamkilling, calling senseless votes
//       : NOTE: I don't know if it's been made official whether or not using this tag is considered
//       :     : abuse. I included tag abuse as one of the reasons for completeness
//       : connected: -[FOX]-dogrape
//       : quinnw called a vote: kick player -[FOX]-dog, reason: Clan tag abuse
//       : -[FOX]-dog: abusing a tag, righttt
//       : -[FOX]-dog is now known as -[FOX]-dogrape
//       : quinnw: You aren't in FOX
//       : player -[FOX]-dogrape disconnected
//       : vote failed
//       : connected: -[FOX]-dogrape
//       : quinnw: So you're abusing their clan.
//       : -[FOX]-dogrape called a vote: kick player quinnw, reason: dick
//       : quinnw: You lose
//       : -[FOX]-dogrape: yes im abusing their clan, with my dick
//       : server network error, disconnecting (vote-kicked from the server) ...
//       : quinnw: Dude..
//       : -[FOX]-dogrape called a vote: kick player quinnw, reason: dick
//       : quinnw: You really want to stop that.
//       : -[FOX]-dogrape: freak
//       : -[FOX]-dogrape is now known as -[FOX]-doglove
//       : vote failed
//       : you were fragged by teammate -[FOX]-doglove
//       : you were fragged by teammate -[FOX]-doglove
//       : quinnw called a vote: kick player -[FOX]-doglove, reason: Clan tag abuse and teamkilling
//       : you were fragged by teammate -[FOX]-doglove
//       : the server reset the flag
//       : quinnw: ...
//       : -[FOX]-doglove: stupid
//       : you were fragged by teammate -[FOX]-doglove
//       : vote failed
//       : quinnw: Meh
//       : -[FOX]-doglove called a vote: kick player quinnw, reason: freakalicious
//       : quinnw: Don't matter to me man, you'll be the only one hurt by this in the end
//       : -[FOX]-doglove: yes i will be hurt a lot
//       : server network error, disconnecting (vote-kicked from the server) ...
//       : quinnw: Dude
//       : -[FOX]-doglove called a vote: kick player quinnw, reason: wants_to_hurt_me_emotionally
//       : you were fragged by teammate -[FOX]-doglove
//       : -[FOX]-doglove is now known as -[FOX]-quinnw
//       : vote failed
//       : you were fragged by teammate -[FOX]-quinnw
//       : quinnw: Nice
Thanks given by:
(28 Dec 10, 07:23AM)Elven Wrote: * Name(s) used. axalot
* Date/Time (including timezone). 11:47 PM Central US
* Server it occured on (including IP/Port of the server). #nM|Coop 28767
* Demos/Screenshots of the offense(s). http://www.mediafire.com/?l6kvze6criw2ege
* IP (or a partial IP). 75.76.196 (partial)
* A detailed description of what they did. asking where to get hacks

The demo linked to there isn't the correct one. Can you (or an admin of the server) fix it if you (or they) still have the demo that was referenced?
Thanks given by:
//Name: |FOX|DickButt, |FOX|DickAnal, |FOX|PenisAnal (He changed his name multiple times)
//Date: 1/5/2011
//Server: T-Bagging Server:
//Reason: Clan impersonation
//Proof: http://i55.tinypic.com/1zf37ns.jpg http://i52.tinypic.com/2me4aqg.jpg http://i54.tinypic.com/2q3rk2g.jpg
Thanks given by:
//Name: |V|Wild-Side
//Date: 1/9/2011
//Server: |VenoM| Clan Server
//Reason: Shotgun Hack
//Proof: http://uploading.com/files/17cf41am/TDM_...3_9mr.dmo/

Mod edit: IP removed. This is caused by lag, not cheating. See this thread.
Thanks given by:
//Name: |FOX|Quen0fKnife
NOTE: (Not sure if thats a zero or capital O in the name)
//Date: 1/9/2011
//Server: |FOX|Clan Server:
//Reason: Clan impersonation
//Proof: http://ompldr.org/vNng1NA
Thanks given by:
//Name: {aCKa}Shadow aka. ShadowX
//Ban Reason: obvious fake; impersonating; kicking without reason
//Server: |FOX| Clan Server
//Proof : http://i52.tinypic.com/291zzu9.jpg
//Ban Date Jan 15, 2011
Thanks given by:
//name: Red_LabeL
//reason: Evading a ban
//server: |BC|Pluto US
//date: January 15, 2011
Screen of sentence
Screen of IP

//comments: He kept saying the same Portuguese sentence with caps over and over so he was firstly kicked for unnecessary spamming. He then came back and did the same so we had no choice than to ban him. Later on, we noticed he had come back and is currently still being banned by |BC|sebacious until he gets bored.
Thanks given by:
// Name: |Des|OpenSource
// Reason: Impersonating/tag abuse
// Server: {TyD}Champagne
// Date: 16.01.2011
// Proof screenshot: http://www.mediafire.com/i/?u0q1xa7u0rr4d2f
Thanks given by:
//Name: =MyS=Gangster
//Ban Reason: Tag abuse
//Ban Date January 15, 2011
//Server: Dunno anymore ;/
//Proof: http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/218/201...lecamp.jpg
//IP: 41.140.156.x
Thanks given by:
// Name: {TyD}DawgDancin, w00p|headshot
// Reason: Tag abuse
// Server: BCFH-Urbaz!, {TyD}Hazelwood
// Date: 16.01.2011
// Proof screenshot: http://www.mediafire.com/i/?9heg1gkgyjabd9a
Thanks given by: //headshot, headshotted, noscopeHEADSHOT, GoldSniper, h4x0r, ', makkE (fake) - headshot cheat http://stashbox.org/1055920/DM_ac_douze_2011.01.18_1340.dmo

Here are all the Mac logins from the /16 subnet, so a /20 rangeban is probably effective.
Thanks given by:
(16 Jan 11, 02:49PM)M__Stayla Wrote: //Name: =MyS=Gangster
//Ban Reason: Tag abuse
//Ban Date January 15, 2011
//Server: Dunno anymore ;/
//Proof: http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/218/201...lecamp.jpg
//IP: 41.140.156.x
Maybe a range ban is needed. IP Address WHOIS | DomainTools.com
Thanks given by:
// 2011-01-19T13:28 UTC
// {TyD}Pennywise
// Oliv'
// Reason: Disrespecting other players
//       : NOTE: This player has been reported before, see
//       : NOTE: http://forum.cubers.net/thread-1-post-30509.html#pid30509
//       : NOTE: This partial matches the the full IP OpenSource produced for the previous report, see
//       : NOTE: http://forum.cubers.net/thread-1-post-30573.html#pid30573
//       : quinnw: Please kick him/her now.
//       : qunnw: Oliv' is a constant problem :(
//       : Oliv': QUINW STOP COMPLAINING...
//       : quinnw: See
//       : Oliv': BABY*
//       : quinnw called a vote: kick player Oliv', reason: Has a history of being disrespectful, teamkilling, and not actually playing
//       : Oliv': idiot... noobish reason ever
//       : Oliv': everything wrong
//       : quinnw: Mhm
//       : NOTE: This vote did pass
//       : Oliv' disconnected
//       : connected: Oliv'
//       : Oliv': quinw check your score...
//       : Oliv': you play bad
//       : Oliv': more deaths than frag
//       : quinnw: Mhm
//       : quinnw called a vote: kick player Oliv', reason: Has a history of being disrespectful, teamkilling, and not actually playing
//       : Oliv': noob quinw bad player
//       : Oliv': check his score
//       : quinnw: He's been reported for obvious reasons.
//       : Oliv': quinw you just suck...
//       : Oliv': you are a bad player, not my fault
//       : Oliv': i never team kill unless my team mate kill me on purpose
//       : quinnw: My skill as a player is irrelevant in a conversation about your attitude Oliv'
//       : Oliv': godfather dont shoot me again you idiot
//       : Oliv': your skill suck quinw
//       : Oliv': thats all, your score shows it
//       : Oliv' fragged teammate GodFather
//       : quinnw called a vote: kick player Oliv', reason: Has a history of being disrespectful, teamkilling, and not actually playing
//       : Oliv': noobish reason

EDIT: It's 2011 now. Sheesh, Quinn.
Thanks given by:
// Name: +sCr3w+Ares
// Reason: Changenick-script spam
// Server: =MyS=Train, [aCKa]Raimbow,Rage GODSPEED
// Date: 19.01.2011
// Proof demo and screenshot: http://www.4shared.com/file/VThBh33Q/screw-ares.html

He was doing it last days, but today he was connected with 3 clients spaming at the same time.

Plz put him on central BL.
Thanks given by:
(19 Jan 11, 08:53PM)PERROS Wrote: // Name: +sCr3w+Ares
// Reason: Changenick-script spam
// Server: =MyS=Train, [aCKa]Raimbow,Rage GODSPEED
// Date: 19.01.2011
// Proof demo and screenshot: http://www.4shared.com/file/VThBh33Q/screw-ares.html

He was doing it last days, but today he was connected with 3 clients spaming at the same time.

Plz put him on central BL.

I'm wondering if this is the same person...

// name: AresIsStupid, Scr3wAres
// server: |FOX|Yarukinasu sucks
// reason: name-changing script/spamming
// http://ompldr.org/vNzJiNg/20110117_21.52.42_ac_rattrap_TDM.jpg
Thanks given by:
(19 Jan 11, 10:23PM)Yarukinasu Wrote: ***snipped***

EDIT: Yarukinasu let me know via a PM that according to and, both addresses are from Reno, Nevada.

Nice work!
Thanks given by:
