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AC Blacklist Reports
// Name: argentinos_puto
// Bane Reason: insulting, xenophobia.
// Server: [open|server 3 - caming allowed]
// Proof: http://i.imgur.com/7yf1WSI.jpg

// Name: mpxputo, SPARTAN
// Bane Reason: insulting
// Server: [open|server 3 - caming allowed]
// Proof: http://i.imgur.com/sbCKvld.jpg // http://i.imgur.com/bckaap2.jpg
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i dont know how to report, get ip and so on, but just now there were 4/5 cheaters and clan tag abusers in the server. usually i dont care but i think that they will go on the whole evening disturbing several games. here is the demo.

server is esp france ctf. the game took place at 21.20 gmt +1

here is the demo
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i dont care about tag abuse, it was just to point out they were not woopies.

ok so speedhacking is now allowed. i hope it will not be used massively in tourneys and clan matches
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No, it is not allow
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Just to clarify, YS, 'speedhacking' and abuse of this bug are two different things. The bug allows you to free-spectate whilst still alive. This state allows movement at [insert multiplier here] times normal speed, but also allows free movement through the map, i.e. without gravity. Normal 'speedhacking', i.e. playing as normal but at a higher gamespeed, should still be blacklisted.
(Ab)using the bug in 1.2 at the moment is no different from changing your pickup models, sounds, etc. or 'hax-jump' binding. The game allows it, so it's not cheating, per se.
Thanks given by:
//Name: DES|Pioupiou
//Ban Reason: Usur DES tag and lKa tag and vote ban me from server when he say he's me.
//Server: usb 1.2
//Proof: http://www.hostingpics.net/thumbs/86/24/...rt3CTF.jpg
//Ban Date october 20 2013
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your screenshot is not small enough
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i know but i haven't an other..
You can ask to DES|Anderson he's on the server when this guy make it
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//Name: Fra| aka eXe|Future
//Ban Reason: Using Fra| and many other tag.
//Server: www.sctechusa.com - AvAloN
//Proof: http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id...sertDM.jpg
//Ban Date: 26/10/13
//IP: 85.246.113.X

Not sure If someone care but I still post.
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What's wrong with using your country tag?
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(26 Oct 13, 02:11PM)macm Wrote: What's wrong with using your country tag?

Million is implying that he is impersonating..
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Million, here's the full ip:
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If you read carefully my post you'll see that the ban reason is "Using Fra| and many other tag." I only have a screen with him wearing the Fra| tag. Someone said he used many other tag, even the BoB and oNe tag.

And he is Portuguese so he shouldn't use the french tag AFAIK.
Thanks given by:
//Name: DAFUQ
//Ban Reason: Speedhack
//Ban server: |Ax| Venus
//Ban Date: 02.11.2013

//IP: 82.248.47.x
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(02 Nov 13, 01:49PM)AssaultcubeUser Wrote:
//Name: DAFUQ
//Ban Reason: Speedhack
//Ban server: |Ax| Venus
//Ban Date: 02.11.2013

//IP: 82.248.47.x

Nov 02 15:16:28 [] DAFUQ logged in (default), AC: 1200|c40
Nov 02 15:16:36 [xxx.xx.xx.xx] TheFinnishFlash punctured ucefjozef585
Nov 02 15:16:39 [xxx.xx.xx.xx] TheFinnishFlash punctured bingo
Nov 02 15:16:40 [xxx.xx.xx.xx] ucefjozef585 says: ':/'
Nov 02 15:16:44 [xxx.xx.xx.xx] TheFinnishFlash says: 'yeah'
Nov 02 15:16:50 [] DAFUQ slashed bingo
Nov 02 15:16:50
Nov 02 15:16:50 Game status: team one shot, one kill on ac_desert, 14 minutes remaining, open, 4 clients
Nov 02 15:16:50 cn name             team  score frag death tk ping role    host
Nov 02 15:16:50  0 TheFinnishFlash  CLA      50    5     0  0   59 normal  xxx.xx.xx.xx
Nov 02 15:16:50  1 ucefjozef585     RVSF    -12    0     3  0   67 normal  xxx.xx.xx.xx
Nov 02 15:16:50  2 bingo            RVSF    -12    0     3  0  230 normal  xxx.xx.xx.xx
Nov 02 15:16:50  3 DAFUQ            CLA      20    2     0  0   64 normal
Nov 02 15:16:50 Team  CLA:  2 players,    7 frags
Nov 02 15:16:50 Team RVSF:  2 players,    0 frags
Nov 02 15:16:50
Nov 02 15:16:50 Status at 02-11-2013 15:16:50: 4 remote clients, 2.6 send, 1.4 rec (K/sec); Ping: #73|2940|146; CSL: #0|0|0 (bytes)
Nov 02 15:16:52 [xxx.xx.xx.xx] TheFinnishFlash punctured ucefjozef585
Nov 02 15:16:57 [xxx.xx.xx.xx] TheFinnishFlash says to team CLA: 'We did it!'
Nov 02 15:17:14 [xxx.xx.xx.xx] TheFinnishFlash punctured bingo
Nov 02 15:17:16 [xxx.xx.xx.xx] ucefjozef585 punctured TheFinnishFlash
Nov 02 15:17:16 [xxx.xx.xx.xx] disconnected client bingo cn 2, 87 seconds played, score saved
Nov 02 15:17:20 [xxx.xx.xx.xx] TheFinnishFlash says: 'damn'
Nov 02 15:17:31 [xxx.xx.xx.xx] TheFinnishFlash says: '7-killstreak'
Nov 02 15:17:45 [xxx.xx.xx.xx] client TheFinnishFlash called a vote: kick player DAFUQ, reason: camper
Nov 02 15:17:50
Nov 02 15:17:50 Game status: team one shot, one kill on ac_desert, 13 minutes remaining, open, 3 clients
Nov 02 15:17:50 cn name             team  score frag death tk ping role    host
Nov 02 15:17:50  0 TheFinnishFlash  CLA      66    7     1  0   59 normal  xxx.xx.xx.xx
Nov 02 15:17:50  1 ucefjozef585     RVSF     -6    1     4  0   69 normal  xxx.xx.xx.xx
Nov 02 15:17:50  3 DAFUQ            CLA      20    2     0  0   65 normal
Nov 02 15:17:50 Team  CLA:  2 players,    9 frags
Nov 02 15:17:50 Team RVSF:  1 players,    1 frags
Nov 02 15:17:50
Nov 02 15:17:50 Status at 02-11-2013 15:17:50: 3 remote clients, 2.7 send, 1.4 rec (K/sec); Ping: #48|1884|96; CSL: #0|0|0 (bytes)
Nov 02 15:17:51 [] disconnecting client DAFUQ (vote-kicked from the server) cn 3, 83 seconds played, score saved
Nov 02 15:17:53 [] client connected
Nov 02 15:17:53 [] DAFUQ logged in (default), AC: 1200|c40
Nov 02 15:17:55 [xxx.xx.xx.xx] client TheFinnishFlash failed to call a vote:  (invalid vote)
Nov 02 15:17:59 [xxx.xx.xx.xx] TheFinnishFlash says: 'hes hacker'
It looks to me like he is abusing the bug which will not be named....The way he plays through the early part of the demo I am sure it looks like he was speed-hacking...But you can really see it when he cruises over some of the box arrangements to grab pickups...
Nov 02 15:37:50 Game status: ctf on ac_shine, 1 minutes remaining, open, 8 clients
Nov 02 15:37:50 cn name             team flag  score frag death tk ping role    host
Nov 02 15:37:50  0 _DG_Backtrack    CLA     0     13    1     1  0  217 normal  xx.xx.xx.xx
Nov 02 15:37:50  1 DAFUQ            RVSF   26   1173   11     5  1   65 normal
Nov 02 15:37:50  2 FireWal3         CLA     1     31    1     7  0   95 normal  xx.xx.xx.xx
Nov 02 15:37:50  3 tom97            RVSF    0     97    5     1  0   61 normal xx.xx.xx.xx
Nov 02 15:37:50  4 ECAP             CLA     0     38    1     0  0   94 normal  xx.xx.xx.xx
Nov 02 15:37:50  5 MintyDoesAC      RVSF    0     -4    0     1  0   41 normal  xx.xx.xx.xx
Nov 02 15:37:50  6 EuSouAlenda      CLA     0     -8    0     2  0  266 normal  xx.xx.xx.xx
Nov 02 15:37:50  7 {TGFA}pronrw     RVSF    0     34    1     0  0   37 normal  xx.xx.xx.xx
Nov 02 15:37:50 Team  CLA:  4 players,    3 frags,    1 flags
Nov 02 15:37:50 Team RVSF:  4 players,   17 frags,   26 flags
Thanks given by:
//Name: -xW-#hakou*
//Ban Reason: s xW tag abuse & fake impersonator and spam vote kicking every one better .
//Server: FrT Turbo server
//Proof: http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/763930...rt3CTF.jpg
//Ban Date November 11 2013
Thanks given by:
// Name(s) used: Beer
// Ban Reason: Offensive language and abuse vote
// Date/Time: November 11 2013
// Server: [open server 3 - camping allowed]
// Demos/Screenshots of the offense(s): http://imageshack.us/f/21/6t0m.jpg/
// IP: 86.122.23.x
Thanks given by:
//Name: armed
//Reason: Impersonating DES|Cleaner + Tag abuse
//Date: 11/13/2013
//Server: ESP France #1
//Proof: http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g445/White-Diamond-Wolf/20131113_172131_ac_sunset_CTF_zps29b171b5.png
//IP: 83.253.247.x

[Image: 20131113_172131_ac_sunset_CTF_zps29b171b5.png]
[Image: 20131113_172129_ac_sunset_CTF_zps91669231.png]

Btw, I ran the ip, and it's Swedish... And I have a hunch I know who it is.
Thanks given by:
// Name: 8======D
// Reason: Inappropriate nickname, insults.
// Date: 11/15/2013
// Server: FrT-Turbo-Server-France
// Proof: http://i.imgur.com/eKXgciD.png & http://i.imgur.com/RE25V3F.png
// IP: 128.74.89.x
Thanks given by:
// Name: FrT|No!Br3in
// Reason: Tag Abuse
// Date: 19/11/2013
// Server: [AC Ladder] {TyD}Fairfax
// IP:
//proof: http://hpics.li/a53d915
Thanks given by:
// Name: STK#MyAss
// Reason: Tag abuse/fake
// Date: 24/11/2013
// Proof: http://www7.pic-upload.de/24.11.13/hdpo3axjp469.jpg
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/0999/xy29axw5wabno2xfg.jpg
// IP: 217.162.84.x
Thanks given by:
// Name: unarmed
// Reason: Vote abuse, Racist language, Team killing.
// Date: 13/12/2013 11:20 GMT approx.
// Proof: images
// Server: [ESP] FRANCE CTF #2# 24/7
// IP: 80.132.139.x
Thanks given by:
//Name: DESastro
//Time: 7pm Pacific
//Server: NC Server 1
//Reason: Tag Abuse
//Evidence: jpg
//Additional info: taunting changing name from astro to DESAstro to DESastro
// IP:

[Image: DESastro1.jpg]

[Image: DESastro2.jpg]
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Thats not exactly impersonation, I once used a name called BaFD* and it appeared on the FD* ladder page and I didn't even mean for it to happen. Complete accident and didn't even notice for awhile. This guy does not use the tag but just used those three letters in a row as your clan does. Unjustified in my opinion
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When he joined the game his name was astro. Then he changed it to DESAstro. I protested and another player pointed out that the tag wasn't DES but DESA... I said yea ok... then he changed his name again to DESastro. You wanna tell me it isn't tag abuse go ahead but I know it was and he was intentionally taunting me with it.
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Didn't know the whole story, thanks for clarifying.
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// Name: halloween, holloween
// Reason: Aimbot/autoheadshot
// Server: Leoi de Huanuco www.mafia-asesina.org
// Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/download/vfsh9s8vzddddfm/20131221_0410_38.89.160.62_ac_desert3_15min_CTF.dmo
// Screenshot: http://www.mediafire.com/view/wsr1shad9it8snd/20131221_04.09.32_ac_desert3_CTF.jpg

Demo Screenshot

EDIT 1: This player can change his IP. Just found him in game again with new IP:
176.56.174.x (this is on |Aox| Mars)

EDIT 2: I'm slightly confused, although the first IP (92.44.101.x) is one I know is his. I found another halloween, who changed his name to "nice". I don't think he's the halloween with the aimbot, as he left and the suspected one continued to destroy, yet when i spectate him he seems to have the skills of a child who had never seen a computer before. Anyway, the IP of the other halloween (non-suspicious) is:
but that's not of importance to me. The second demo (with both halloweens) is HERE.
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Nevermind, this is same Halloween indeed.

(13 Oct 13, 12:57PM)jamz Wrote: ^
halloween has been a big problem.
Thanks given by:
// Name: Wikileak, (Admin of [ESP] France CTF #2# 24/7)
// Reason: Admin abuse.
// Date: 24/12/2013
// Proof: demo
// Server: [ESP] FRANCE CTF #2# 24/7
// IP: 77.27.22.x

Twice banned me for NO reason and refused to tell me why..
For those who don't want to download.
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(24 Dec 13, 08:32PM)MykeGregory Wrote: ...

Twice banned me for NO reason and refused to tell me why..

That's PERROS for ya Myke. Just avoid his server (Lol that tbag though. Heads up, he hates tbaggers more than he hates people who hack).
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