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AC Blacklist Reports
// Name: |YOLO|Darkness
// date: 1-25-13
// Proof: http://i48.tinypic.com/4hje9.jpg
Reason: Flaming, asshole, troll, etc
// IPs:
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(26 Jan 13, 02:06AM)Jg99 Wrote:
This is massive overkill. His ranges are:
The 76.73... and 216.230... IPs are VPN/proxies. I don't even know where you got the others from.
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Thanks jamz. He also decided to impersonate you also
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//Name: Jack
//Reason: Insulting for no reason, Bad Behavior... (Also insulting my parents)
//Date: 02/02/2013
IP (Partial IP... Need jamz help): 79.131.201.x

//Proof Image(some bad words were deleted for avoid problems, also the last image show a bad word)
[Image: proof1e.jpg]

[Image: proof2as.jpg]

[Image: proof3z.jpg]

[Image: proof4w.jpg]

Sorry if the last proof say a bad word, but is the only way for know that he was insulting my mom...
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Well i saw that guy Jack trying to impersonating me and kicking me in whole 3 games, also with another IP for avoid the report, and chaging his name and IP, also im the real, because in that proofs im the #(2) and #(13) if you see that he has the same name of me, the other guys (19,(18) and (1) are fakes.

//Nickname: Jack, doomTOgay, DarKnight|#DRP|, DarKnight|#DrP|(Impersonator)

//IP Partial of the fake people and Jack = doomTOgay
// DarKnight|#DrP| = 81.92.190.x (different IP)
// DarKnight|#DRP| = 94.71.250.x
// doomTOgay = 94.71.250.x

//Reason: Impersonator, Abuse Kick votes with offensive reasons, Abusive Behavior, trolling...
//Date: 03/02/2013
//Server: "Server Finland 4 Custom Maps =MyS= 100Mbit"

//Proof Images:
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add a [spoiler] for screenshots
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//Name: .45|Vulture
//Ban Reason: Aimbot
//Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?vpaeq86j5c3l5s2
//IP: , ,
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23 headshots in a 1v1. Not bad :) nice suicide @1:58 :p I laughed

Well I actually watched the WHOLE demo and it is really painful. If you watch the first five minute you can see Vulture's real skill : he miss almost everything. Maybe he used the wrong hack lol.

Btw spectating him is like spectating two different players : one moving slowly and aiming poorly, one doing only headshot. Some headshot could be explained by lag (maybe) or a good aim (even if douze is not the hardest map to get headshot) but most of them are obvious hack.
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//Name: hacker29 (The name already says it ^^ )
//Ban Reason: Speedhack
//Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?fncn1ic5fx5gq9v
He comes in game when there are about 3:20 remaining
//IP: 95.88.13.x (sorry i don't have the full ip :/ )
//Screenshot of IP : http://www.mediafire.com/view/?uwdyxv3zyehqnid
//Server : [HTN] Clan-Server 1 (24/7)

//Name: SoaB
//Ban Reason: Speedhack
//Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?f1csb7ait3h2t3f
He comes in game when there are about 4:30 remaining
//IP: 217.79.193.x
//Screenshot of IP : http://www.mediafire.com/view/?0s7g97wzv9gc6ci
//Server : w00p| public fraggin'
Thanks given by:
//Name: $N|PER
//Ban Reason: Speedhack
//Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?skp3unfeke799a0
//Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/tX5qP
//IP: 89.160.89.x
//Server : back.to.CCCP...24/7
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I was owning him (i'm MAN) so he decided to hack, it was funny...
//Name: {CmmH}HooD|
//Ban Reason: Kinfe hack
//Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?p666h3b4e4oo65b
//Screenshots: http://i49.tinypic.com/11r5ahs.jpg
//IP: 91.19.28.x
//Server : Exodus www.exoduscommunity.com
Thanks given by:
//Name: Faint.45 ; Faint.44 ; admin ; .45|fags ; .45|fag and some more
//Ban Reason: Impersonating,Intentional Teamkiller,Tagabuser
//IP: 99.111.226.x
//Screenshot of IP + Further Proofs :
//Server : [HTN] Clan-Server 4 (24/7)
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This noob goes around and asks 1vs1 impersonating -KUT-Unharmed.
//Name: -KUT-Unharmed (impersonator)
//Ban Reason: Impersonating,Tagabuser
//Screenshot of IP:
//Server : [HTN] Servers, KUT servers
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server Eva's friends
24 Feb 13, 01:40PM
name Axel
IP 81.244.47.x
screen http://yadi.sk/d/d2zY1uk42qWq4
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can't delete the previous post
maybe need to wait a couple of days with this guy :)
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//Name: B}CharlesManson
//Ban Reason: Tag abuse
//Server: TRON SERVER 7
//Screenshot: http://oi49.tinypic.com/2wlxy7r.jpg
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name Axel
IP 82.242.66.x
i asked him change nick
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[Image: 73kwrdji.gif]
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(26 Feb 13, 07:24PM)kleinkariert Wrote: [Image: 73kwrdji.gif]
What are you trying say Klein?:lol:
If you nauseated,drink water with soda:)
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Unless they were wearing the 40+ tag, you can't accuse them of impersonation.
Axel is a simple noun; you are not the original Axel, nor will you be the last.
Didn't we discuss this before? Déjà vu
Edit: Found it
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(27 Feb 13, 06:43AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: Unless they were wearing the 40+ tag, you can't accuse them of impersonation.
Axel is a simple noun; you are not the original Axel, nor will you be the last.
Didn't we discuss this before? Déjà vu
Edit: Found it
this is the rule of the community,or installed you?
before me there was no man with the name of Axel,at least six months or more I played under other nicknames and not seen such
if it is added to Axel any number or letter with this one could not argue.
I do not think,that if now I begin to use your name, or someone else,someone will like this
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Axel is not the most original name ever. If someone named Nightmare joined a server, would B}Nightmare ban him? Most likely not.
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if Axel can be more, why ban me?
I understand guy who banned me when I come to the server without a tag where was another Axel,can not be on the same server a few guys with the same name, this is normal.but ban me. why?
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(27 Feb 13, 08:42AM)|40+|Axel Wrote: if Axel can be more, why ban me?
I understand guy who banned me when I come to the server without a tag where was another Axel,can not be on the same server a few guys with the same name, this is normal.but ban me. why?
I agree with your argument. This one and the other.
The whole story of a player is in his name. Especially a player of a respected clan. There is no 100% rule for judging whether a name is common or not. This is not the way.
A name is more important than an IP. Understand it definitely. Maybe create a list of names of players known. I would think better of it.
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/Name: several insulting nicknames
//Ban Reason: Clantag abuse / insulting nicknames / vote abuse on several servers
//Proof: http://fd.tc/content/images/20130227_08....er_CTF.jpg
//IP: 98.87.71.x
//Server : switched through several servers
Thanks given by:
//Name: DES|Medusa
//Reason: admin abuse, blacklist without reason, insults, etc
//Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?n3hdmvflg4mh3pj
//IP: x.x.x.x

Mod edit: IP removed because of a lack of evidence backing up the reason.
Sorry, soldado, but there's no abuse of admin, no blacklist that I can see, and blacklisting someone for insulting you is, I'm sure you'd admit, a bit petty, especially since you responded in kind.
On the other hand:
DES|OpenSource: turn that faking script off! its not welcome on my server!
You were warned by the server owner to diasble your script and you chose not to.
Quote:DES|OpenSource: lol, you can do as you please on server, Dani :)
Medusa was then given permission by the server owner to ban you.
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Yes, it's confusing. There seems to be another place for it. Look at the forum. As noted, in addition to warn you that this is not the place, Jamz also gave his opinion. The idea is to discourage you. seemed. Mods must be restrained in giving opinions. But I understand if many players use scripts why you can not? It was the reason? But here is not the place to complain.But...
Yes, if you felt hurt come to the forum and leave your opinion!

Try - Servers - New Thread
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//name |40+|ScarFace
//server ej3416.de
//Info Can't find any admin that running that server?
//reason Impersonating 40+ and will not respond to anything.

//Not the first time this dude wearing 40+ tag

Would be nice if some one could post me a link or e-mail to the server admin of that server ej3416.de :)
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//Ban Reason:speed hack ^^
//Server: {TyD}Fairfax
Screenshots: http://hpics.li/06efc54
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// Name: FD*Impersonator
// Ban date : 2013-03-01
// Ban reason : Impersonator / Tag Abuse
// Proof : http://fd.tc/DOWNLOAD/AC/PROOVE/20130302_14.01.32_ac_avenue1.1_CTF.jpg
// Server : DES|Godsmack
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