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AC Blacklist Reports
^ Calm your tits. And spamma, stop being so ignorant.
Moving on to other reports...
Thanks given by:
Name: alecchris02
Date: 2012-06-30
Server: [nc|server 1 - camping allowed]
Reason: Multi hack
Demo: Download
Screenshot: Ip: 173.86.47.x
Thanks given by:
//Name: unarmed
//Ban Reason: speedhack
//Server: blueberry's server
//Proof: //Ban Date: July 2, 2012
//Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qi46dy6h40b350q

Notes on demo: Joins at about 14 mr and begins hacking at about 13 mr.
Thanks given by:
//Name: BERAW, unnamed
//Ban reason: Gibhack, Headshothack
//Server: Synthes AC Server
//Ban date: 05.07.2012 (European Time)
//Demo: Please look down at the end of the post.
//Screenshot: http://www.mediafire.com/i/?s796v0zy1wu1jr6 ; http://www.mediafire.com/i/?9cdbj7ns8p4pri2
IP 189.75.214.x

//Name: Troll_Face
//Ban reason: Speedhack
//Server: Synthes AC Server
//Ban date: 05.07.2012 (European Time)
//Demo: Please look down at the end of the post.
//Screenshot: http://www.mediafire.com/i/?vxa2gl581lhvkmk
IP 201.86.46.x

Here is the demo, this belongs to both:
Thanks given by:
//Name: Ub3R|Jaguar770, Jaguar770
//Ban reason: Impersonating multiple players, harassment
//Server: bluberry's server IP/Port:
//Ban date: July 5, 2012
//Proof: http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/112/scr...5at352.png

Unfortunately, I didn't get his IP while he was in the server so all I have is the server log and the screenshot up above. Here is the serverlog from when he was in my server. I cut out all the other stuff besides his entries. I know I could just make up a server log and type it all, but I didn't do that, so just please trust me that this is really from my logs.
[] client connected
[] Ub3R|Jaguar770 logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
[] Ub3R|Jaguar770 says: 'fuk you noob =MC=Turk<3'
[] Ub3R|Jaguar770 says: 'fuk you noob =MC=Turk<3'
[] Ub3R|Jaguar770 says: 'fuk you noob =MC=Turk<3'
[] Ub3R|Jaguar770 says: 'fuk you'
[] disconnected client Ub3R|Jaguar770 cn 2, 11 seconds played, score saved

[] client connected
[] '=MC=blueberry' matches nickname whitelist: wrong IP, AC: 1104|840
[] disconnecting client =MC=blueberry (inappropriate nickname) cn 1, 0 seconds played

[] client connected
[] =MC=Turk<3 logged in (default), AC: 1104|840, nickname whitelist match

[] client connected
[] 'PR/Wulf' matches nickname blacklist line 1269, AC: 1104|840
[] disconnecting client PR/Wulf (inappropriate nickname) cn 0, 0 seconds played

[] client connected
[] '[SODA]___ME___' matches nickname whitelist: wrong IP, AC: 1104|840
[] disconnecting client [SODA]___ME___ (inappropriate nickname) cn 0, 0 seconds played

[] client connected
[] '[SODA]SantiagoZ' matches nickname whitelist: wrong IP, AC: 1104|840
[] disconnecting client [SODA]SantiagoZ (inappropriate nickname) cn 3, 0 seconds played

[] client connected
[] '=AoW=Jg99' matches nickname whitelist: wrong IP, AC: 1104|840
[] disconnecting client =AoW=Jg99 (inappropriate nickname) cn 0, 0 seconds played
Thanks given by:
//Name: Ub3R|Jaguar770, Jaguar770
//Ban reason: Impersonating multiple players, harassment, admin abuse
//Server: bluberry's server IP/Port:, his server
//Ban date: July 5, 2012
//Proof: http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/112/screenshot20120705at352.png
Note: I am reporting because he admin abused on his server.
Edit: Oh, i already say that blueberry posted. I just wanted to add "Admin abuse" to the post
Thanks given by:
//Name: PriMocT
// Ban reason: Trolling, abusive vote
// Server: {TyD}Private #1
// Ban date: July 6, 2012
// Proof: http://i46.tinypic.com/xfqgbc.jpg
Thanks given by:
Thanks given by:
that wasnt me, quit lying, u got no proof

Also, RealViking also trolled you for trying to impersonate me
edit : i unbanned you. If you pull another prank like that, i will reban.
Thanks given by:
Thanks given by:
its called a prank, cause u pranked me, i pranked u back, just get over it, and i unbanned you
Thanks given by:
OK.. Anyways, Thanks Jg99 for unbanning me. I'm sorry..
I promise I'll never do that again :D
Let's be friends & no enemy.
BTW, I Unbanned you too.

Sincerely, Jaguar770

(07 Jul 12, 06:25PM)Jg99 Wrote: Yes, I Abused your Ub3R| TAG because you impersonated me first.

edit : i unbanned you. If you pull another prank like that, i will reban.
If you Jg99 pull another prank like that again too I will also Re-BAN you too
Thanks given by:
Jaguar, please do not misquote like you just did. Jg never said "that was me". You just edited his quote.
Thanks given by:
Name: DouzeAqueousWer
Date: 2012-07-07
Server: BoB Ladder [USA]
Reason: Aimbot And Speed Hacker
Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?7wrju4zn5wr5jtv
Screenshot: http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/9812/...esert3.jpg
Ip: 187.13.231.x
Thanks given by:
Jaguar770's Blacklist Discussion
Thanks given by:
@Jaguar770, Jg99: Please keep this thread clean, thanks.
(Referring mainly to the useless post I just deleted)
Thanks given by:
Name: =AoW=Jg99 ,Jg99
Date: 7-5-2012
Reason: TAG ABUSE (Abusing Ub3R| TAG)
IP: [] =AoW=Jg99
Additional Details: I was in some server playing a gema map and this AC Player came into the server using the name Ub3R|G4|Y and then immediately changing name to Ub3R|NiggerJew. I knew it was Jg99 by quickly looking up the IP Address of this player by using WHOIS technique and keeping his IP record in my ACPlayers file and looked at both IPs and the resulting identity of this player is Jg99. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a screenshot of this because Jg99 called a vote to ban me with a reason: "niggerjew" from that server after I told him that I know it is him Jg99.

Thanks given by:
//Date 07-08-2012
//Reason: Hitbox hack

Sorry don't have much info, but I got an IP.

I was playing a game (on a SJ* server... i think...i don't know) and DES|Opensource banned him in the game. The dude had an incredible frag total for a ctf game... and Opensource was spectating and banned him. I asked for the IP and Opensource asked if I would post it here also...done.
Thanks given by:
Name: |WoaC|_Derek
Date: 2012-07-12
Server: sCr3W#Clan Match Server
Reason: False Accusation and Vote Abuse
Ip: 201.58.223.x
Screenshot: http://img857.imageshack.us/img857/935/2...ouzect.jpg
Thanks given by:
//Name: LINUX
//Ban Reason: Intentional Team Killer
//Date: July 01 - 2012
//Server:  DES|Godsmack,{TyD}Pennywise,[HTN]Trining & other servers
//Proof:  2 demos – 6 SS - joins at 6 & 7 minutes remaining - link below

Thanks given by:
//Name: loler
//Ban Reason: Jaguar770; Offending random/innocent players
//Server: _\|/_ Legalize It! Server _\|/_
//Proof: http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/3407/20120713053219acafricat.jpg
Thanks given by:
Name: loading...
Date: 2012-07-14
Server: =MyS= CTF www.myys.tk GER.B1
Reason: Excessive team killing
IP: 85.246.172.x
[Image: 20120714171559acdepotct.jpg]

Thanks given by:
//Name: Dakoti
//Ban reason: Vote abuse
//Server: Sj.: Server
//Ban date: 2012-07-15
//Screenshot: http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/5593/...owerct.jpg
IP: 188.176.150.x
Thanks given by:
Nick: Terror
Reason: Speed Hacker
IP: 78.251.58.x
The Criminal Evidence: Demo Download:

Screenshot: [Image: 524227_444595098897247_1862094978_n.jpg]

Please Ban The Hacker Thanksd
Thanks given by:
//Name: Pi_Hawk, Lothar
//Ban reason: Tag abuse, Vote abuse, Team killing
//Server: Conquer World Server [FR]
//Ban date: 16/07/2012
IP: 80.200.193.x
//Screenshots below
Note: Could not get demo, Last time i was kicked i could not find the server he was in.
Thanks given by:
//Name: tes
//Ban Reason: Speedhack
//Date: July 17 - 2012
//Server:  Billy{BoB}
//Proof:  1 demo – 1 SS – the hax is obvious at 13 minutes remaining

Thanks given by:
// Name: anti a.k.a FeeH
// Ban Reason:Wall hack and Impersonator
// Ban Date:2012-07-17
// Server: Los Angeles dyH 5555 And DES|Godsmack BoB Ladder [USA]
//IP: 177.143.96.x
// Screenshot: http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/5393/...hinect.jpg
// proof/demo:http://www.mediafire.com/?meo1xo36fhm0sav
Thanks given by:
Quote://Name: Heinrich
//Ban Reason: Edit mode
//Date: July 18 - 2012
//Server: #13:37 (
//Proof: Demo above (starts cheating at 12 minutes remaining)
Link to demo
Mod edit: previously blacklisted here, by you LySioS. :)
Thanks given by:
// Name: Dark
// Ban date: 2012-07-19
// Ban reason: Wall Hack and triggerbot
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?hwd454cqd2jo523
201.43.42.x - http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/1829/...ngress.jpg
Thanks given by:
// Name: TrOvAo|GL*M|
// Ban date: 2012-07-19
// Ban reason: Vote abuse
// Screenshot: http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/8267/...esert3.jpg
//IP: 2.34.253.x
Thanks given by:
