|AoX|F0r3v3r ban reason I sem ..help me !
My opinion.
Elivelton - Whenever you make an accusation bring some proof.
That would be informative and relevant to the entire community.
Yes, I believe you have the right to express yourself. Always with education.
You did not explain well about the reason of your ban.

On owners of servers.
I believe a server that uses MasterServer is a community server. This means that the owner of the server is not 100% free to act as he wants.
But clearly. I have no negative reference about f0r3v3r!
The community is full of previous known hack. Ask Jamz, he has a table of MS Excell full of them ;)
We are infested with clan players using alias or fakes names .
What was seen in these "gema" maps... HaxJump?
I believe that the real reason the ban should be shared with the community.
The MasterServer is a community resource. Collective, belongs to the whole AC.
This is my way of thinking. I am not accusing anyone.

Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
RE: |AoX|F0r3v3r ban reason I sem ..help me ! - by Skinny-Dog - 16 Jul 14, 10:57PM
RE: |AoX|F0r3v3r ban reason I sem ..help me ! - by 1Cap - 16 Jul 14, 11:57PM