Is there any way to override the map restrictions?
I'm currently running a LAN server at school. No ports are forwarded, and I'm surprised it runs as well as it does. I'm trying to add new maps to the server to keep things interesting, but I don't want any more generic maps that will be ignored because of all of the other generic maps my large(ish) group of friends know and trust a good time with. Trust me, non-stop voting for douze with a handful of other maps along the way gets really boring really quick.

I want to add some more interesting maps, like ac_moon, and even some more realistic, generic ones like ac_metro but I almost always get something along the line of "does not meet quality reqs" . Moon does have a high ceiling with a large open space, but I'm pretty sure that the computers we're playing on won't give us any problems. I'm not sure what's even wrong with Metro. Everything looks and plays fine, no matter what the map restrictions try to tell me. Bad maps will die out as I'm the only admin and never use my power to force maps upon my group. The maps will not be in the maprot, they will have to be selected by players.

Since this server isn't public and you won't even be able to access it to complain about crappy maps, would anybody mind privately telling me a way to circumvent the restrictions? Part of the reason I barely ever play Counter-Strike any more is because most servers are stuck in the whole "office and dust+dust_2 are the best maps. All custom ones are awful." and AssaultCube is very quickly becoming the same thing for me, along with my friends that play it. If there's no way it can be done we'll have to downgrade all the copies in the lab, which will take a good bit of time. The carbine will be missed greatly.

So, any solutions?
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Messages In This Thread
Is there any way to override the map restrictions? - by TheBeeJesus - 16 Dec 11, 01:19AM