chainsaw script
I apologize to all players who downloaded the latest version of this mod.
I've forgot to add a important line to the script.

If you have the "broken version", you can either redownlaod it (its fixed now) or add this to your autoexec.cfg

registersound "weapon/chainsaw.wav" 85
registersound "weapon/chainsaw_start" 86
registersound "weapon/chainsaw_die"87

The harder part will be to get rid of the sounds, when you dont want to play with a chainsaw anymore.
You'll have to delete your whole safed.cfg (then you need to fill your name in again, your binds etc. just like when you first started the game)
Or open the safed.cfg and search for this lines and delete them:

alias KS_SOUND_NUM 85;          //the sound number
alias KS_SOUND_LEN 560.8;        //the sound length (milliseconds)
alias KS_STARTSOUND_NUM 86; //the sound number for the startup sound
alias KS_STARTSOUND_LEN 2545.2; //the length of the startsound (milliseconds)
alias KS_DIESOUND_NUM 87;       //the number of the die sound (length not required)

The rest of the script will be useless and just junk your sfed.cfg, but dont worry, its small, so you wont notice it.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
chainsaw script - by darkdavid - 22 Jul 10, 02:32AM
RE: chainsaw script - by V-Man - 22 Jul 10, 07:18AM
RE: chainsaw script - by a_slow_old_man - 22 Jul 10, 11:33AM
RE: chainsaw script - by Mr.Floppy - 22 Jul 10, 11:44AM
RE: chainsaw script - by a_slow_old_man - 22 Jul 10, 12:01PM
RE: chainsaw script - by darkdavid - 22 Jul 10, 02:52PM