AssaultCube 1.3 Lockdown-Edition
Does anyone know what servervita is meant to achieve?

Also why was the compilation changed so drastically. To compile with Redhat, now requires MinGW. A package no longer supported by Epel-release due to security issues. So does anyone know why servervita exists and why the windows header is now an issue with Redhat Compiling. EG windows.h error file missing.

A small bug, not a major issue. During the login process , a new AC session is started, resulting in two sessions of AC simultaneously. Not one to worry about. But it does show this version has created some issues.

If I am honest I am not so sure the new version has actually advanced the quality of AC at all. Albeit I think the gamma fix is great. But that's about it really.
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Messages In This Thread
AssaultCube 1.3 Lockdown-Edition - by driAn - 04 Dec 21, 10:17PM
RE: AssaultCube 1.3 Lockdown-Edition - by mini - 04 Dec 21, 10:48PM
RE: AssaultCube 1.3 Lockdown-Edition - by 1Cap - 22 Dec 21, 11:37PM
RE: AssaultCube 1.3 Lockdown-Edition - by 1Cap - 11 Jan 22, 07:41PM
RE: AssaultCube 1.3 Lockdown-Edition - by Cogu - 26 Dec 21, 01:40PM
RE: AssaultCube 1.3 Lockdown-Edition - by 1Cap - 16 Jan 22, 04:20AM
RE: AssaultCube 1.3 Lockdown-Edition - by vector - 09 Feb 22, 08:24PM