Maps You've always wanted to see be made official
[Image: water.jpg]
water affects wqd, probably the finer the quality of it, the more polygons are used to render it
water will be generated in the smallest possible rectangle across the map, so it covers all possible visible water. so if you have 2 cubes one in each corner of the map, showing water, water will be generated across the whole map. if you have, like in the screenshot above, parts that are in the middle of the map, the water will only be generated between them. I'm not sure how this affects the FPS, but it stands to reason that the smaller the water generated, the faster the map can possibly go regarding FPS. I don't know how the engine actualyl works, but the screenshot above leads me to believe this is how it works. I don't know if generated yet not visible water affects fps and to what degree.
As for water control, I asked around for this some time ago, and there are commands that affect the water wave height and some other attributes. I think it would be good if the mappers could have control over this as an optional command in the cfg, so one could in theory make a map with calm or choppy water or whatnot, and yet, if the command is not used the water will use the client settings, thus enabling older maps (which wouldn't have these commands if they are implemented) not to be affected. It would also be nice to have a check-box in the setting menu to forcibly override the map settings for the water and use the clinet settings, if a user wishes so.
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RE: Maps You've always wanted to see be made official - by RKTnoob - 07 May 15, 03:58PM