Presidential Bodyguards (tag is B} )
I am in the process of making the clan, Presidential Bodyguards. The clan tag will be "B}" Standing for bodyguard. Its an extra short tag just to support my name. My name will look like B}Ronald_Reagan.
In our clan (our meaning, Frost, Maniac, and I) we enforce maturity, grammar, being nice, and of course, no hacking. We will also enforce membership in the clans forums (though Maniac is excused, as he has talked to me about it)
The forum is, it is very young, and will undergo many changes to fix it up. We will be accepting applicants right now, the application process will be around the lines of, talking to one of the leaders, getting tested, and then talking to me (I'm da grammar police). I believe we can excuse people if their first language isn't english. If you want to apply, then PM me for now. Later post on the forums.
I am currently looking for leaders (who are willing to assume the responsibilities) and testers. So please contact me if you are interested.
Grammar is needed so you look like an intelligent human being (again, if english is not your first language, don't sweat it)
Again, this clan is in the process of getting made. Talk to me if you are interested.

Also, if you have any ideas, they would be more than welcome.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
Presidential Bodyguards (tag is B} ) - by Ronald_Reagan - 11 Aug 10, 12:34PM