Poll: do tkers deserve a kick or ban first?
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18 85.71%
3 14.29%
0 0%
Total 21 vote(s) 100%
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guy banned but comes back
Happens to me ALL the time.

You will see a guy with -3 kills and 20 deaths.
/kick CN "team killer - look at score"
Then like 3 people F1 and 1 person F2s. vote failed.
Then people in the game after go "kick XXX, he's TKing people." FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU
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Messages In This Thread
guy banned but comes back - by BlanksNick - 13 Sep 11, 11:06PM
RE: guy banned but comes back - by vonunov - 14 Sep 11, 12:58AM
RE: guy banned but comes back - by MorganKell - 14 Sep 11, 01:10AM
RE: guy banned but comes back - by MykeGregory - 14 Sep 11, 07:03AM
RE: guy banned but comes back - by Bullpup - 16 Sep 11, 07:35PM