Assault Office V1 Release! No Hiding Spots or Coloured Lights! Must See!
Assault Office V1 Release!

About: The other day, I posted a guide called, "Tips and Tricks of Assault Office Champ" which can be found HERE. However, Yes, I did receive good feedback on the guide, but I read in the comments that a lot of AssaultCuber's, (including me), don't like the overpowering lights, and the trap doors. So, after posting that, it gave me the idea to release an AssaultOffice without any of that. And I did!

Features of Assault_Office
  • No Colored Lights!
No Colored lights really does give the map a more professional tone to it, and brings out the different textures inside of the map. You will not see any color for each base in the map.
  • Every hiding spot inside of the map, including trap-doors, is removed!
For some, this may be a bummer. But, for a lot of professional's that may enjoy this map, it does bring a total different way of game-play.

Also, every sign of these demolitions have been removed. There is no 100% way you can tell if there was anything done to it, except the fact it is a totally different map!


These pictures were all taken by me, |DEATH|Ryan. They are pretty self-explanitory, so please feel free to look at them to know more about the map.

CLA Base:
[Image: sgu52g.jpg]

RVSF Base:
[Image: 2nvtkl2.jpg]

Every trap-door, hiding spot, and more that has been removed/changed:
[Image: 13zyjbm.jpg]

[Image: iqa7ae.jpg]

[Image: 2wqbeau.jpg]

[Image: 2s0y2hs.jpg]

[Image: ol00hk.jpg]

[Image: 35nc8dy.jpg]

[Image: 35nc8dy.jpg]

[Image: n1ph8p.jpg]

[Image: 14ddnvo.jpg]

[Image: o6fznm.jpg]


Please DO NOT accuse me at all of leaching, or modding this map. I edited the map, yes, but I do still give credit to the creator of the map, and am in no way taking full credit in his/her map. Unfortunately, the creator of this map I do not know, and cannot find.


75%- Map Creator, for the main map
25%- |DEATH|Ryan, for fixing the map and editing the map.


Mediafire- Coming Soon
MegaUpload- Coming Soon

-Thanks and Enjoy!


~Release Date: 1/22/11~

Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
Assault Office V1 Release! No Hiding Spots or Coloured Lights! Must See! - by |DEATH|Ryan - 23 Jan 11, 12:32AM