"My Personal Ladder" Stats Script
So it appears some people are experiencing quite heavy FPS drops due to the use of this script, this is likely caused by it's size (over 1,000 lines, causing saved.cfg to become bloated and more susceptible to errors; and the fact that it loops a large amount of those lines every millisecond or so to catch some of the stats). Me and V-Man are currently in the process of rewriting/updating it, to be much more efficient (code-wise) because of V-man's latest advancements with tools.cfg - and we're hoping this will not only fix these FPS drops some are experiencing, but also fix the all-time stats deleting/forgetting bug that some experience as well. A recent update we made to it cut out a good 150+ lines. :D This means more room for all the aliases we use in this script to share in saved.cfg -> hopefully less to no errors.

The Italian translation won't need to be redone (or any of the other WIP translations out there) - I'll hand update the code in the translations myself for each of them - after the next release if need be.

Stay tuned! :D

In the meantime, if you're experiencing either of those problems, be sure that you have already followed the "Installation Notes: " section of the README (towards the bottom), before giving up. Following those instructions when installing this and other scripts has solved these problems for many already.
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Messages In This Thread
"My Personal Ladder" Stats Script - by Bukz - 01 Dec 10, 12:46PM
RE: "My Personal Ladder" Stats Script - by Bukz - 17 Dec 10, 09:28PM