Ban Appeal for |FmC|BaSieR/GolfWang
Well, if you are reading this RestEasy, with your conviction skills and how easy you make people trust you (for the trillionth time) you should go for a politician career.
Now you have to tell everybody that hacking is bad and horrible, and so on.
You can learn from these people...
George Rekers
MP Arifinto
Michael Duvall
...or maybe they learnt from you!
@Ike, people can change, people change! But RestEasy... hes not human! XD
Edit: Yay! I think what struck Ike more was the fact that he ALSO lied in his application... XD
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Messages In This Thread
Ban Appeal for |FmC|BaSieR/GolfWang - by Ike - 12 Apr 12, 03:49AM
RE: Ban Appeal for |FmC|BaSieR/GolfWang - by paulmuaddibKA - 12 Apr 12, 01:17PM