The "forgive" vote
@ LameFox, yes it's also available in Urban Terror as Addon, but without the trigger

Without trigger it would lead to the situations which Mike Gregory described

@ tempest, you are right, probably no one would care, so if someone makes 1 TK and really 0 voices would happen (no one would press "forgive"), so the vote would pass basically

based how the trigger is set he would show up as voted :

Info > Warning > Kick > Ban ( for each level set an amount of voices to be saved on server, for several happenings)

the system actually isn't effective, because votes on servers with 20 people, 80 percent of the votes can't pass

thanks for your posts
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Messages In This Thread
The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 11:20AM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by vonunov - 21 Mar 12, 12:19PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 12:39PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by MykeGregory - 21 Mar 12, 12:43PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 12:49PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by vonunov - 21 Mar 12, 01:18PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 01:41PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by GDM - 21 Mar 12, 02:26PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 05:37PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by macm - 21 Mar 12, 06:33PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 07:41PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by LameFox - 21 Mar 12, 09:09PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by tempest - 21 Mar 12, 09:30PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by LameFox - 21 Mar 12, 09:56PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 10:04PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by LameFox - 21 Mar 12, 10:09PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by Vanquish - 21 Mar 12, 10:10PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by LameFox - 21 Mar 12, 10:12PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 10:21PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by Cemer - 23 Mar 12, 04:44AM