AC World Records rules/req? [discuss]
(30 Jan 12, 11:15PM)X-Ray_Dog Wrote: I'm going to go ahead and say your record is fake and gay until you finish the match in full with at least 8 players in the server at start and at end (At everyone)

(17 Feb 12, 12:55AM)X-Ray_Dog Wrote: We need an established player amount to get in to the records. Not 1v1 or 2v2, legit servers with many people. Just my opinion, not hating :P

Reason being is people could be like, "Naw im gonna go be better than CapOne and 1v1 my most noob friend on a map no one likes with an open mastermode." What I am saying is allowing your record opens the door for so many loop holes.

* X-Ray_Dog is attempting fairness rules...

I also suggest your record is null unless you finish a full round as well as meeting these requirements ^^
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Messages In This Thread
RE: AC World Records rules/req? [discuss] - by X-Ray_Dog - 18 Feb 12, 04:19AM