AC World Records rules/req? [discuss]
Okay, I'm now into records and such stuff more than ever.
I want to discuss with all of you some points about it, mostly about rules and requirements for each achievements. As some of you know, I'm listing all of them in a website (this) to make it look a bit neater and less messy than before, but this isn't what I was about to talk.

- The first problem has risen when many records were lost, mostly due to hosting fails (Megaupload is one of these) so many records are lost again. Do you agree on this? I'm sorry for those who achieved them, but screenshots/demos are needed to give some proof about.

- These are the current requirements. Do you agree with them, or is there anything that should be fixed/added/removed?

- Any new record to suggest?

- Talking about requirements again, another problem is about ratio: for example, player A reaches a ratio of 5 by doing 5 - 1, while another one reaches 5 as well by doing 50 - 10; only this last one appears to be fair enough. What's about this?

- ^like this above, but the problem is about the remaining time (this is an example)

- The most important: demo AND screenshot required? Because some records (200 kills by Robtics for example) seem to be without a demo; although Robtics is a really trustworthy person, should it be allowed anyway?

Well, this seems enough, sorry for the tl;dr :D
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Messages In This Thread
AC World Records rules/req? [discuss] - by Andrez - 02 Feb 12, 10:16PM