Basic rundown is;
You get your mapmodel, you get your skin, you put it in a folder, with a proper configuration file.
You open your maps .cfg file and you insert a line stating where the mapmodel can be found.
You make a map with the mapmodel (/newent mapmodel mapmodel#)
You submit your map online, and make sure people have the mapmodel and texture and config file with them (it doesn't get sent over the server, they have to get it themselfs).
To get more in depth knowledge on how to do this, consult the docs here
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Messages In This Thread
Mapmodels - by Bigs - 09 Aug 10, 06:37AM
RE: Mapmodels - by Ronald_Reagan - 09 Aug 10, 07:32AM
RE: Mapmodels - by V-Man - 09 Aug 10, 03:22PM
RE: Mapmodels - by Ronald_Reagan - 09 Aug 10, 08:02PM
RE: Mapmodels - by V-Man - 10 Aug 10, 07:22AM