08 Aug 10, 07:52AM
Hearty: you're very new to this project - calm down a little ;-) .. there's no localization files other than german ATM - I'll create files for you if you like, you can view the basis in the SVN as AC.pot (latest version)
Monas|SK|: that's what the locale settings are for - I don't know the specifics for spanish, but I'm familiar with Castellan (typo?) and that other variants exist - I can give you an example everybody should appreciate: en_UK, en_US - those are two types of english - they differ e.g. in their spelling of "colo(u)r" or theatre/theater - people are equally biased towards these spelling differences as in other languages - it's human nature!
Monas|SK|: that's what the locale settings are for - I don't know the specifics for spanish, but I'm familiar with Castellan (typo?) and that other variants exist - I can give you an example everybody should appreciate: en_UK, en_US - those are two types of english - they differ e.g. in their spelling of "colo(u)r" or theatre/theater - people are equally biased towards these spelling differences as in other languages - it's human nature!