*cough* .. tempest has been very helpful & concise in his earlier post .. I haven't read this whole thread, just picked up on it now actually ... sad to see the big divide though.
The cube-engine is built on ENet and eihrul wrote it, using UDP to mimick TCP; the whole game is basically totally built on the knowledge of the un-state-liness of UDP. That's the major cause of the ease with which cheats can be built into the game - cube1 (from which AC was branched off of) assumes that local games are synchronized by a mulitplexing server .. which does nothing else. AC has (more or less) recently moved a lot of the game-logic server-side - which negates the speed-/bandwidth-uninhibitedness (if that's a word) of ENet .. basically, LAG now really is becoming an issue, it wasn't before.
Dropped shots is most probably caused by the AntiCheat-Code; where I've had extensive discussions with Brahma about avoiding false-positives .. but he's been unable to spend time on the project for almost a year now and the latest I heard it's not going to be soon when he will again.
So, to reiterate: On one side there's the inherent local-game VS local-game concept of the core cubeengine - just because you "think" (locally) you hit someone, doesn't mean the network-game will grant you that hit - the remote game will decide that - and on the other side (the AntiCheat side) the server might be dropping your shots even then.
The cube-engine is built on ENet and eihrul wrote it, using UDP to mimick TCP; the whole game is basically totally built on the knowledge of the un-state-liness of UDP. That's the major cause of the ease with which cheats can be built into the game - cube1 (from which AC was branched off of) assumes that local games are synchronized by a mulitplexing server .. which does nothing else. AC has (more or less) recently moved a lot of the game-logic server-side - which negates the speed-/bandwidth-uninhibitedness (if that's a word) of ENet .. basically, LAG now really is becoming an issue, it wasn't before.
Dropped shots is most probably caused by the AntiCheat-Code; where I've had extensive discussions with Brahma about avoiding false-positives .. but he's been unable to spend time on the project for almost a year now and the latest I heard it's not going to be soon when he will again.
So, to reiterate: On one side there's the inherent local-game VS local-game concept of the core cubeengine - just because you "think" (locally) you hit someone, doesn't mean the network-game will grant you that hit - the remote game will decide that - and on the other side (the AntiCheat side) the server might be dropping your shots even then.