Fake clan members that didnt even join/apply/test.
It's a valid question. ATM the functionality is not there, but I'm sure it could be implemented. However, I'm not sure about how far the Dev team wants to go down the censorship route. I feel OK about removing servers when the owner oversteps the line on decency, but automatic censorship across the whole game, to me, seems a little too Big Brother. It's a very fine distinction, I know, but it makes a lot of difference to me.
Quote:...if you take away some of their fun they will probably move on and take their racist views with them...
Or, more likely, they'll change the name slightly, to Th!rd Re!ch or something, to get around the auto-ban. I'll see if I can do better by sending a list of the server names he used to his ISP.
2011-07-29 21:03:07 gameserver added: The_Third_Reich AC1104
2011-07-29 22:36:34 gameserver added: The_Third_Reich AC1104
2011-07-30 00:08:43 gameserver added: peeny_weeny_man AC1104
2011-07-30 00:10:51 gameserver added: Nazi_hangout_club AC1104
2011-07-30 00:15:07 gameserver added: Hitler's_Hangout_Bun AC1104
2011-07-30 00:17:04 gameserver added: Hitler's_Hangout_Bun AC1104
2011-07-30 01:31:19 gameserver added: The_Third_Reich AC1104
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Fake clan members that didnt even join/apply/test. - by jamz - 30 Jul 11, 09:01AM