(19 Jun 11, 06:38AM)|LULZ|UmadBRO? Wrote: Those map restrictions were put in place AGES ago. The devs are not going to remove map restrictions just so a few good maps can be replayed, because there were also really crap maps that took advantage of uber high ceilings and massive areas. Allowing headshot city would also allow maps such as OMGNOOBZOR ROOM to return as well. I liked the original headshotcity, but is isn't coming back. It will be missed :'(
And also, map restrictions are becoming more strict, so it is an impossibility to play those maps again. Unless you give the devs lots and lots of money :)
EDIT: Inb4 lock :)
How were those maps "crap maps"?? Exactly what constituents a map to be a "crap map" based on the different objectives that every map is supposed to meet and fulfill; taking into account the drawbacks that perhaps every map is capable of, as well as what the specific difficult challenges were that those high ceiling & massive area maps consisted of! Not to mention the bare minimum necessary restrictions that, perhaps, everyone or virtually everyone would agree that there should be for every map?!
Those map restrictions, regardless of when they were put in place, should be removed, or at the very least resituated so that they make sense and aren't restrictive of the fun game playing that AC is supposed to have & at this point has decreasing amounts of bc of, at least if what you say is true, that map restrictions are becoming more strict.
Better to remove them sooner than later!
So, where the developers are concerned, pay them, spank them & take away their toys, etc., whatever it takes!
(20 Jun 11, 06:24AM)Bukz Wrote: o hay guiez, a dead horse
lets beat it
Or... we could just beat you! That sounds more productive and, quite frankly, a lot more fun!!
(19 Jun 11, 06:35AM)Lantry Wrote: Sorry, we already beat all of our horses to a pulp. Consequently, nobody will be able to post anything constructive in this thread anyway.
inb4 lock
EDIT: seeing as the poll is the only part of this thread I have actually read, I would like to say, "biased much?" Thank you, that is all.
Well, since many of the ppl on these forums obviously didn't post & contribute anything, constructive enough at least, then perhaps it is time for a rehash! At the very least in regards to Headshotcity, which is my favorite map, they still haven't brought it back and that would be a bare minimum step in the right direction.
And seeing as how I am so rude to have assumed that YOU would have something greater than the attention of a goldfish, I will go out on a limb and assume further that you are a sheep. Awvw, ...aren't you just the cutest thing?!!