Oh my god you actually have the "useless technical notes".
then Gibstick.cfg
run tools
run Gibstick
execdir config/scripts
exec mods/extrafonts/menu_font.cfg
//Weapon Status Script
alias gun_names "knife pistol carbine shotgun subgun sniper assault combatpistol grenade akimbo"
alias my_gun_state [
concat I need support. I am carrying the (at $gun_names (curweapon)) with (magcontent (curweapon)) rounds loaded of (magreserve (curweapon)) total and I might be low on health.
bind 5 [ say "%" (my_gun_state) ]
//End of Weapon Status Script
//by grenadier
alias gn_console 0
bind "F11" [
if (= $altconsize 0)[
if (= $gn_console 0) [
alias gn_console 2
alias gn_console 0
conskip -1000
if (= $gn_console 0) [
alias gn_console 1
if (= $gn_console 1)[
alias gn_console 2
alias gn_console 0
conskip -1000
bind "MOUSE4" [ if (< $gn_console 2) [universaldelta 1] [conskip 5] ] //conskip 5 and -5 sets how much the console will scroll.
bind "MOUSE5" [ if (< $gn_console 2) [universaldelta -1] [conskip -5] ] //end of console scroller
// Clean screenshot.
// Get current values.
alias get_hud [
alias get_gun $hudgun
alias get_radar $hideradar
alias get_team $hideteam
alias get_vote $hidevote
alias get_equipment $hidehudequipment
alias get_console $hideconsole
alias get_spect $hidespecthud
alias get_msg $hidehudmsgs
alias get_dmgindicator $hidedamageindicator
alias get_dmgscreen $damagescreen)
alias get_teamsign $crosshairteamsign
alias get_flag $hidectfhud
alias get_hair $crosshairsize
alias get_accs $accuracy
alias get_stats $showstats
alias get_clock $clockdisplay
// Disable HUD.
alias clean_hud [
hudgun 0
hideradar 1
hideteam 1
hidevote 2
hidehudequipment 1
hideconsole 1
hidespecthud 1
hidehudmsgs 1
hidedamageindicator 1
damagescreen 1
crosshairteamsign 1
hidectfhud 1
crosshairsize 0
accuracy 0
showstats 0
clockdisplay 0
showscores 0
// Set former values.
alias reload_hud [
hudgun $get_gun
hideradar $get_radar
hideteam $get_team
hidevote $get_vote
hidehudequipment $get_equipment
hideconsole $get_console
hidespecthud $get_spect
hidehudmsgs $get_msg
hidedamageindicator $get_dmgindicator
damagescreen $get_dmgscreen
crosshairteamsign $get_teamsign
hidectfhud $get_flag
crosshairsize $get_hair
accuracy $get_accs
showstats $get_stats
clockdisplay $getclock
alias cleanshot [get_hud; sleep 10 [clean_hud]; sleep 20 [screenshot]; sleep 40 [reload_hud]]
// przewijanie demo
alias "demofastforwardtime" -2
alias "demopause" [
if (!= $demofastforwardtime -2)[
if (= $minutesremaining $demofastforwardtime)[
gamespeed 100
sleep 150 [demofastforwardtime = -2]
sleep 1000 [demopause]
alias "fastforwarddemo" [
if (= (watchingdemo) 1)[
demofastforwardtime = $arg1
if (<= $minutesremaining $arg1)[
demo (_demofile)
alias mapstartonce [if (> $minutesremaining $demofastforwardtime)[ fastforwarddemo $demofastforwardtime ] ]
spectate 5
gamespeed 1000
// dodatki do demo
bind "KP_MINUS" [
if (= $connected 0)[
if (<= $gamespeed 100)[
gamespeed (- $gamespeed 10)
echo gamespeed = $gamespeed
gamespeed (- $gamespeed 100)
echo gamespeed = $gamespeed
conskip 3
bind "KP_PLUS" [
if (= $connected 0)[
if (< $gamespeed 100)[
gamespeed (+ $gamespeed 10)
echo gamespeed = $gamespeed
gamespeed (+ $gamespeed 100)
echo gamespeed = $gamespeed
conskip -1000
bind "KP_MULTIPLY" [if (= $connected 0)[gamespeed 100; echo gamespeed = $gamespeed]]
//Writelog function shorthand alias
alias writelog "serverextension driAn::writelog $arg1"
bind F3 [inputcommand $cmdbuf [ joinservermenu; searchnickname $cmdbuf ] ]
// Client counting ident script by DES|Bukz
alias curplayers [
players = 0
if (= $connected 1) [
loop x 21 [
if (= (at (pstat_score $x) 4) -1) [] [
+= players 1
result $players
] [result -1]
docsection [Server]
docident [curplayers] [Returns the current number of clients on the server.]
docremark [If executed while not connected to a server, it will return -1]
docexample [/echo (curplayers)] [Output: 6]
bind CAPSLOCK [sound 50; onrelease [sound 52]]
// format input number (int/float) to a given precision
// no sanity checks on inputs, caller's responsibility
// note: format_precision -0.1 0 >>> -0
// arg1: number to convert
// arg2: precision (optional, default 0 == integer)
alias format_precision [
if (listlen $arg1) [
// if negative input, flag to prepend sign later if needed
if (<f $arg1 0) [
arg1 = (-f 0 ($arg1)); negative = 1
] [
negative = 0
divisor = 1000000000 // max 32-bit int order of magnitude
magnitude = 9 // 10^9 = divisor
looping = 1
while [ ($looping) ] [
if (div $arg1 $divisor) [
// found first non-zero digit, break out
looping = 0
] [
// next order of magnitude (power of 10)
divisor = (div $divisor 10)
-= magnitude 1
if (< $magnitude 0) [ looping = 0 ]
output = ""
while [ (>= ($magnitude) 0) ] [
digit = (div $arg1 $divisor)
output = (concatword $output $digit)
-=f arg1 (* $digit $divisor)
divisor = (div $divisor 10)
-= magnitude 1
if (strcmp $output "") [ output = "0" ]
if ($negative) [ output = (concatword - $output) ]
decimals = ""
while [ ($arg2) ] [
*=f arg1 10
digit = (div $arg1 1)
decimals = (concatword $decimals $digit)
-=f arg1 $digit
-= arg2 1
if (listlen $decimals) [ decimals = (concatword . $decimals) ]
output = (concatword $output $decimals)
result $output
] [
// no input, doh
result ""
then Gibstick.cfg
//=============================================Gibstick's Personal settings and scripts============================================//
name Gibstick
alias "sens1" [2.519375]
alias "sens2" [1.53125]
// gamma 110
// lighterror 4
// masterupdatefrequency 3600
// scopefov 50
// dynshadowquad 0
// aboveheadiconsize 50
// bulletholettl 5000
// autoscreenshot 1
// showstats 1
// mfilter 0.0
// serversort 0
// damagescreenfade 125
// gibspeed 30
// maxtrail 500
// gibnum 8
// dynshadowdecay 1000
// modeacronyms 1
// swayupspeeddiv 105
// stencilshadow 0
// aboveheadiconfadetime 2000
// clockerror 1000000
// teamdisplaymode 1
// reflectsize 8
// showmapbackdroptransparency 60
// footsteps 0
// damagescreenalpha 45
// radarentsize 15
// scorefont 0
// radarheight 70
// audiodebug 0
// mtwater 1
// texreduce 0
// hideconsole 0
// clockfix 0
// localfootsteps 1
// texturescale 32
// mapsoundrefresh 10
// soundschedpriorityscore 100
// watersubdiv 4
// gibttl 2500
// bulletairsoundrad 15
// saveshadows 1
// shotlinettl 75
// dynshadow 40
// damageindicatorsize 200
// browsefiledesc 1
// mouseaccel 0.0
// crosshairsize 15
// hudextras 2
// hidecustomskins 0
// autogetnewmaprevisions 1
// bulletbouncesoundrad 15
// serversortpreferofficial 1
// confade 20
// bloodttl 10000
// hidefavicons 0
// scorchttl 10000
// hitsound 1
// maxfps 200
// sensitivity 2.519375
// hidedamageindicator 0
// jpegquality 100
// hidecompass 0
// damageindicatoralpha 50
// soundschedreserve 2
// scorch 1
// serversortdir 0
// damageindicatordist 500
// hidehudequipment 0
// fullbrightlevel 176
// bulletairsounddestrad 8
// maxhistory 1000
// hudgun 0
// bullethole 1
// fullconsize 40
// swayupmovediv 200
// smoothmove 75
// maxtexsize 0
// shotline 1
// damagescreenfactor 7
// maploaditemlength 46
// mapstats_hud 0
// waterrefract 0
// animationinterpolationtime 150
// blood 1
// bulletairsoundsourcerad 8
// altconsize 0
// hidectfhud 0
// sensitivityscale 1.0
// quicknade_hold 1
// swayspeeddiv 105
// servpingrate 5000
// invmouse 0
// minimapres 9
// waterreflect 0
// minlod 100
// showminremain 1
// maxsoundsatonce 50
// serverbrowserhideip 0
// nosway 0
// showmapbackdrop 2
// crosshairteamsign 1
// smoothdist 8
// clockdisplay 2
// pngcompress 9
// soundschedoldbonus 100
// autoauth 1
// damagescreen 1
// cncolumncolor 2
// mtexplosion 0
// serverbrowserhidefavtag 1
// screenshottype 1
// applydialog 1
// oldfashionedgunstats 0
// aadynshadow 2
// dynshadowsize 5
// akimboendaction 1
// damageindicatortime 1000
// hideradar 0
// showonlygoodservers 0
// hidevote 0
// maxcon 200
// autoreload 1
// gainscale 90
// scopesensscale 0.5
// spectfov 120
// hidebigmenuimages 0
// soundscheddistancescore 5
// accuracy 1
// maxservpings 10
// showscoresondeath 1
// consize 6
// orderscorecolumns 0
// mdldlist 1
// righthanded 1
// dbgpos 0
// nextprimary 6
// crosshairfx 1
// gib 1
// hidespecthud 0
// trilinear 0
// fov 120.0
// maxrollremote 1
// networkdebug 0
// autoscopesens 0
// bulletbouncesound 1
// autogetmap 1
// maxroll 0
// swaymovediv 200
// bilinear 1
// hidehudmsgs 0
// hideteam 0
// bulletairsound 1
//CTF quick chats
bind UP [say "%Base"]
bind DOWN [say "%Middle"]
bind LEFT [say "%Left"]
bind RIGHT [say "%Right"]
bind backspace [if $editing [delent] [dropflag]]
bind RCTRL [showadminmenu]
bind LCTRL [jump]
bind LSHIFT [crouch]
bind P [if $editing [editheight 2 1] [if $paused [paused 0] [paused 1] ]]
//Combat binds
bind f [ if $editing [solid 1] [quicknadethrow] ]
bind q [ if $editing [ domodifier 1 ] [melee; attack]]
bind MOUSE3 [if $vol_echo [echovolumepercent] [if (= (curweapon) 0) [attack] [secondary; attack]]]
bind MOUSE1 [primary; attack]
bind MOUSE2 [ if $editing [ showmenu editing ] [ altaction ] ]
bind MOUSE6 [ if (= (curweapon) 0) [attack] [primary; attack]]
bind MOUSE7 []
alias "delta_game_0" [if (= $arg1 1) [melee] [secondary]]
alias altaction_0 [ if (> (magcontent 8) 0) [ quicknadethrow ] [ attack ] ] //rmb for knife when no nades are present
bind E [if (|| (= (curmode) 1) (= $editable_ 1)) [edittoggle] [showscores 0; toggleshowmap]]
alias "reconnect" [
if ( = $connected 1 ) [
curserverip = (curserver 1)
curserverport = (curserver 3)
connect $curserverip $curserverport
echo "3You must be connected before you can reconnect!"
//Colour code
alias "CC" []
// Reset the aliases just in case
cancelallvotes = [ votingno = 0; votingyes = 0; votetimestamp = 0]
vote_exec1 = [ vote 1; echo "0You voted yes"; cancelallvotes ]
vote_exec2 = [ vote 2; echo "3You voted no"; cancelallvotes ]
// $arg1 = millis
delayed_vote = [
// only bother if we're actually due
if (= ($votetimestamp) ($arg1) ) [
if (= ($votingyes) 1) [ vote_exec1 ]
if (= ($votingno) 1) [ vote_exec2 ]
] [
echo "All this wait for nothing..."
delayed_vote_start = [ votetimestamp = (millis); sleep 5000 [ delayed_vote votetimestamp ] ]
delayvote1 = [
if (= ($votingyes) 1) [
// voting yes when already have voted yes, do it immediately
] [
if (= ($votingno) 1) [
// changed mind, cancel
echo "6You cancelled your F2"; cancelallvotes
] [
// normal/first vote
echo "Voting YES in five seconds!"; votingyes = 1; delayed_vote_start
delayvote2 = [
if (= ($votingno) 1) [
// voting no when already have voted no, do it immediately
] [
if (= ($votingyes) 1) [
// changed mind, cancel
echo "6You cancelled your F1"; cancelallvotes
] [
// normal/first vote
echo "Voting NO in five seconds!"; votingno = 1; delayed_vote_start
bind "F1" [delayvote1]
bind "F2" [delayvote2]
//Shorthand commands
alias k [setadmin 1 $arg 2; sleep 10; vote 2; kick $arg1; sleep 20; setadmin 0]
alias b [setadmin 1 $arg 2; sleep 10; vote 2; ban $arg1; sleep 20; setadmin 0]
alias sens [sensitivity $arg1]
//Show mapmodel clippings by default
showmodelclipping 1
//Whois all hehehehe
whoisable = 1
bind RALT [if (= $whoisable 0) [whoisable = 1; echo "Whois all loop 0on!"] [whoisable = 0; echo "Whois all loop 3off!"]]
alias whoisall [loop w 21 [whois $w]; if (= $whoisable 1) [waloop] []]
alias waloop [sleep 60000 [whoisall]]
bind "L" [ if $editing [ showmenu Lighting ] [whoisall]]
addcheck_msa [whoisall]
addcheck_si [whoisall]
alias fixgamma [gamma (+ $gamma 1); gamma (- $gamma 1)]
alias editable [editable_ = $arg1]
editable_ = 0
alias random_nick [
name (at $nickname_list (rnd (listlen $nickname_list)))]
nickname_list = "Sprahuah Booner Zkubsed Peltier CBSA"
alias q [quit]
alias nick [name $arg1]
//Cubescript Math
roundf = [
if (>= (+f ($arg1) 0.5) (+ ($arg1) 1.0)) [
(+ ($arg1) 1)] [
(+ ($arg1) 0)]
recip = [
(divf 1 $arg1)
stopsw = 0
stopwatch = [if (= (stopsw) 1) [sw_end = (millis); stopsw = 0; echo "Time elapsed:"(- $sw_end $sw_start)] [sw_start = (millis); stopsw = 1; echo "Stopwatch started"]]
bind K [ if $editing [corner] [ fixgamma ]]
//Quick mute/unmute
oldvol = 128
vol_echo = 0
alias mute [if (= $soundvol 0) [soundvol $oldvol; echo "AssaultCube unmuted"] [oldvol = $soundvol; soundvol 0; echo "AssaultCube muted"]]
bind M [ if $editing [ domodifier 6 ] [mute]]
alias delta_game_20 [ if (= $arg1 1) [ soundvol (+ $soundvol $arg1) ] [ soundvol (+ $soundvol $arg1) ] ]
alias delta_spect_20 [ if (= $arg1 1) [ soundvol (+ $soundvol $arg1) ] [ soundvol (+ $soundvol $arg1) ] ]
vol_echo_toggle = [vol_echo = 1; onrelease [vol_echo = 0]]
bind COMMA [ if $editing [ equalize 0 ] [ domodifier 20; vol_echo_toggle] ]
echovolumepercent = [if $vol_echo [echo "4Volume:" $soundvol]]
bind 2 [ if $editing [ domodifier 7 ] [secondary] ]
sauerzoom = [
getfov = $fov
getsens = $sensitivity
gethudgun = $hudgun
fov 75
hudgun 0
sensitivity (*f $getsens (divf $fov $getfov))
onrelease [
fov $getfov
hudgun $gethudgun
sensitivity $getsens
alias rndwep [rnd 4]
alias chooserndwep [nextprimary (+ $rndwep 2)]
alias crw [chooserndwep]
bind Z [if $editing [domodifier 2] [sauerzoom]]
alias altaction_2 [ sauerzoom ]
alias contog [if (!= $consize 0) [getconsize = $consize; consize 0] [if (> $getconsize 0) [consize $getconsize] [consize 6]]]
togglefog = [ if (= $fog 1024) [ if (&& (checkalias oldfog) (>= $oldfog 64) ) [ fog $oldfog ] [ fog 180 ] ] [ oldfog = $fog; sleep 5 [ fog 1024 ] ] ] ]
asmable = ""
if (checkalias asminterval_) [] [ asminterval_ = 60000 ]
asminterval = [ asminterval_ = $arg1 ]
autosavemap = [ if (= $arg1 1) [ asmable = 1; savemap; sleep $asminterval_ [ if $asmable [ autosavemap ] ] ] [ asmable = 0 ] ]
//Abbreviated mode alias
alias surv [mode 3; map $arg1]
telehahable = 1
telehaha = [telehahable = 1; if (= $arg1 1) [telebot; sleep 1 [if $telehahable [telehaha 1]]] [ telehahable = 0 ]]
docident [telehaha] [Keep a bot in front of you using the telebot command in a recursive alias]
docargument [B] [The telehaha state] [Indicates whether telehaha should be enabled (1) or disabled (0).]
ragequit = [me ragequits; sleep 500 [quit]]