Mouse Binding - Extra buttons
I have a Logitech mouse model doesn't really matter, just that i have a few extra buttons i would like to use.

yes i have read the thread that KN!FE posted but that doesnt really help me much.

i also added the:

// extra mouse button keybinds
keymap -6 MOUSE6
keymap -7 MOUSE7

to the autoexe file but doing that doesnt let me go in AC >setting>inputs> and when i click on lets say the weapon change up/down then press the extra buttons i have on my mouse it doesnt change on the inputs menu.

so how ||step by step|| do i make this work.

ive tried with a few people on trying to get it to work several time sbut just gave up.

for the mouse i use a program came with it, that you can alter and change what each button does, do i need to on the program change it to lets page up and page down. then go weapons change up/down then should it work? ( it didnt for me)

i feel like im close but missing one little thing to make it all work
any help would be great.

||step by step|| very detail instructions please.
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Messages In This Thread
Mouse Binding - Extra buttons - by Joe Smith - 24 Jul 10, 10:23PM
RE: Mouse Binding - Extra buttons - by LeeZH - 25 Jul 10, 04:24PM