Socialism is clever system, don't underestimate it. The capitalism works with some parameters and on the other hand socialism with other parameters. Both systems need proper conditions. And mainly can be used in proper areas. It cannot be used everywhere how Europe politics tried it. The systems need also proper stage of economy.

I think socialism have great potential when people will be sub by robots in manufacturing. Today is still cheaper china worker than machine. Production and evolution will be moved to machines. Socialism can care about life standard.
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NOM NOM NOM SOCAILMISM!! - by Lantry - 23 May 11, 03:52AM
RE: NOM NOM NOM SOCAILMISM!! - by Viper - 23 May 11, 04:03AM
RE: NOM NOM NOM SOCAILMISM!! - by tempest - 23 May 11, 12:51PM
RE: NOM NOM NOM SOCAILMISM!! - by V-Man - 23 May 11, 03:40PM
RE: NOM NOM NOM SOCAILMISM!! - by ExodusS - 23 May 11, 05:04PM
RE: NOM NOM NOM SOCAILMISM!! - by MykeGregory - 23 May 11, 05:36PM
RE: NOM NOM NOM SOCAILMISM!! - by Lantry - 23 May 11, 06:52PM
RE: NOM NOM NOM SOCAILMISM!! - by V-Man - 23 May 11, 08:57PM
RE: NOM NOM NOM SOCAILMISM!! - by StRaTo - 23 May 11, 10:50PM
RE: NOM NOM NOM SOCAILMISM!! - by ExodusS - 24 May 11, 03:55PM
RE: NOM NOM NOM SOCAILMISM!! - by Frogulis - 26 May 11, 09:49AM
RE: NOM NOM NOM SOCAILMISM!! - by ExodusS - 26 May 11, 11:39AM
RE: NOM NOM NOM SOCAILMISM!! - by Alien - 26 May 11, 12:05PM