Assault Cube mapping contest goes green
Aye, sorry for releasing it and running off. Thanks Gibby, glad all hope wasn't totally lost. Truth be told, I used my webhost to package it so I didn't get the __MACOSX files :P
As I said, I'll be updating it.

More about the map:
This map is meant to be a 1v1 match that can support such modes such as LSS and PF. I didn't add flags, although it may be fun to play a CTF or HTF in there. It is meant to emphasize mobility with the techniques that our lovely Devs gave us, namely crouch jump. You can actually go around the map without touching the floor, and certainly not the water (I seemed to of snarfed some of this ability, it will be fixed soon). I considered the water to be the death of it all, considering the noise it kicks up.

I plan on revamping the lighting, and some of the textures.

Thanks for the lovely comments :)

Oh, and the license was whipped up in a couple minutes, hence its crudeness :P
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Assault Cube mapping contest goes green - by Ronald_Reagan - 26 Mar 11, 04:05AM